I feel all jaded and miserable and bored and unhappy. I know it's just the effects of pms but I HATE feeling this way.
this is one side effect i can really live without.
on the upside i watched 3 really great anime that I really must learn the name of... (they're all written in japanese)
I needed to calm down from wrestling with Yahoo... which I'm sure exists for the express purpose of making me nuts.
I tried to make a new account so I could create Koechie... I'm not sure that's such a wonderful idea tho... guys don't have the range of eyes that girls do, so I wouldn't be able to use my fave eyes... wish I'd given Sannakoe red eyes... they look awesome with this eye type.
It woulda been cool to see the Gaian guys take on things but oh, well, i don't think that'll happen now.
the anime cheered me up but i got nothing done. razz
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The Sanna Continuation...
Since my original Sannachie got hacked i'm not really inclined to want to go back there. so I'm going to transfer what I've got left to here and continue on. fresh start and blah blah.
dramallama GAIA'S TOP FREE STUFF THREAD. dramallama
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