I didn't end up going to hydro today as my ride home is in the hospital with her daughter. confused
I thought i should do some gardening for exercise instead... I think I've over done it.
solid back ache and my hands are a bit raw. It would help if I had the right equipment and that's no joke.
I need a digging shovel and we only got a big spade for shifting stuff around. Still, I did pretty good. I re potted an aloe vera plant to a bigger pot. Then did the same for 3 roses that were sharing a pot... or rather busting through their pot. I hope they survive. One of thems mum's fave red rose. it's pretty old and has the most glorious smell. She'd be cut if anything happened to it.
I also planted a poor, dying lavinder plant that I've been meaning to do something with since the start of summer. poor thing's been making do with only the dirt it came with and since it was tough enough to survive that I thought it deserved a chance in the ground. Here's hoping it survives. I also shoved in a bunch of lily bulbs dad ripped out of his garden and planted my poor, ailing jacaranda tree. it's probably to late for the Jacaranda but I figure it's worth a shot. I got it for my b day but wasn't able to get it planted before the summer heat kicked in. ah well.
I also trimmed... or rather, ripped, most of the roses for winter... we SOOOOOOO need a proper gardening saw. I mangled the poor things. Next time I get a bit of energy up I'll tackle the back roses.
Still, I think I did pretty good. damn I'm tired.
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The Sanna Continuation...
Since my original Sannachie got hacked i'm not really inclined to want to go back there. so I'm going to transfer what I've got left to here and continue on. fresh start and blah blah.
dramallama GAIA'S TOP FREE STUFF THREAD. dramallama
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