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View User's Journal

My Journal
The Original Dorian's Story not my Resident Evil Version
Dorian's story no actual title yet rated 'M' for Mature for sexual activity in future chapters, graphic violence, blood and gore, and strong language

Chapter One
The village was quiet, rain pattered on the shackled rooftops. The street lamps gave of a dim eerie glow in the foggy evening air. A happy couple on a midnight stroll or the occasional street bum looking for a dry spot could be seen on the dark quiet streets, their shadows reflecting on the building walls as they passed by the dim street lamps. Most of the buildings were dark only the occasional night light could be seen shining like little stars in the dark village windows. Only a few businesses and pubs stayed open this late, the bell tower chimed twice, its ring was echoed by the quiet empty streets; 2:00 AM it sang. The rain continued harder and louder than before making the streets even darker it was so heavy. Popular businesses, Inns, and pub windows still remained lit, but one building in particular stood out amongst the rest. “The Rusty Kunai” was what the neon sign said hanging above the door of the four story Inn. The Inn was old but popular for its warm accommodation, great food and customer service. People loved the old Inn from Tim, or Timmy, the nice old Inn manager, to the blinking “R” in the Rusty Kunai sign out front. Most of the windows were lit the rooms were filled with college boys up late partying into the wee hours of the morning or a couple of old men sitting around a table playing a hand of cards. But one room on the top floor the second window over wasn’t lit. The only light even let into the room was the small amount of moonlight peaking through the clouds and shining through the window panes, and the small amount of light creeping out from the crack in the bathroom door. The window pains were foggy; more rather steamed up from the nights previous activities. A woman with long blonde hair laid curled underneath the bed sheets, letting out a soft coo breaking the silence of the dark room. A tall broad shouldered man sat at the end of the bed a cigarette hanging limply from his thin lips. The light from the bathroom illuminated part of his face revealing a partial 5 o-clock shadow and shining blue eyes. The man looked as though he was half asleep his bare chest and shoulders glistening with sweat from the moonlight. Rough black unbuttoned jeans were all that he had on, his bare feet cool on the hardwood floor of the room. Ash trickled down off his basically finished cigarette down to the floor between his feet. His long black hair was draped across his face shadowing his eyes in darkness. He let out a sigh and rose up from the bed onto numbing legs and walked slowly into the light of the bathroom. He pushed the door open slowly and shuffled across the tiled floor to the old rusted sink. He reached over with a limp hand to turn the cold water on and to no surprise nothing came out as he twisted the broken knob slowly clockwise and counter clockwise. He sighed again and placed both his rough hands on the cold sink and drooped his head limply forward, his black hair making him look like and old mop in the pale light. A grunt and a sniffle before he causally brushed his hair back with his right hand and reached for the pack of cigarettes next to the soap. He pulled one from the box and turned to lean against the sink. He reached into his pants pocket and slowly revealed and old faded Zippo the name Dorian etched in red along the side. The nicotine stick quickly came to a burn and the man inhaled deeply and blew gray twisting smoke out the bathroom and into the slightly lit bedroom. He ‘clinked’ the Zippo shut and holstered it back into his sagging jeans inhaling deeply on the cancerous product. As smoke trailed from the hanging cigarette on his lips the man looked out into the partially lit room at the sleeping figure in the large bed across from him. “Tiffany…” he said quietly to himself “…such a pretty name.” He sighed again and realized he was smoking the cigarettes way too fast as he looked down at the ash pile at his feet. Nothing but a butt remained dangling from his lips as he plucked it from his mouth and tossed it casually into the waste basket next to the toilet. He grabbed the carton and slid them into his back pocket before buttoning his pants and flipping off the light switch heading back into the darkness of the bedroom before him. He reached the bedside table and fumbled in the darkness for his keys. Tiffany, away in dream land let out another coo and muttered the name “Dorian…” softly from her pink lips. She moved slightly turning to face him trying to get comfortable once again in her deep sleep. He looked into her shadowed face and felt the annoyance of guilt sweep over him. “I shouldn’t just leave her...” he thought to himself but, he pushed his conscience aside and grabbed his keys and cell phone from the table walking slowly to the recliner in the sitting area of the small room. He sat down quietly and bent down to pick up his socks. His feet once nice and cool from the smooth hardwood floors had been enveloped in a blanket of warmth from the wool socks. He then proceeded to slipping on his tall boots, again warming his feet from the coolness of the room. His boots now on he realized he’d have to be even quieter with his steps throughout the room “Should’ve put these on last…” he grumbled quietly to himself. However, rather than go through the tedious trouble of unlacing and removing the heavy boots once again, he decided to just walk carefully towards the dining room table. Regardless of his efforts the heavy boots still made a noisy echo throughout the room with every step as he tip-toed inch by inch towards the dining area. He decided that long muted strides would be the best way to reach his target quickly and effectively. Constantly looking over his shoulder then back towards the table he finally reached his shirt and long black overcoat. A smile crept over his face as he slid the tight black t-shirt over his broad chest and slid his arms into the sleeves of the heavy coat. The door only a few feet away his smile grew wider as he attempted to tip-toe towards the door as quickly but quietly as possible. He was successful as he grasped the cool doorknob and looked over his shoulder back to the sleeping Tiffany one last time. As his consciousness tried to take over his thoughts once again he quickly looked away and slowly opened the door blinding light spilling out from the hallway. He opened the door just wide enough for him to slip through not wanting to let any more light to fill the darkness of his room anymore than it had to. He stumbled out into the hall closing the door quietly behind him; he let out a sigh of relief as the turned and continued down the hallway towards the elevator. “43, 42, 41…” he mumbled to himself counting the room numbers as he strode down the bright hallway. At the end of the hall it turned to the left and gave you the option of taking the stairs or the rusted elevator. Dorian being the lazy b*****d that he was strode casually over to the arrow button for the elevator. He pressed the button hard knowing the elevator was ancient and sometimes unresponsive. There was a soft chime in the emptiness of the hall as Dorian reached back into his back pocket for his cigarettes. “I hate waiting...” he grumbled as he pulled out a mashed carton of cigarettes. “Damn…” he cursed under his breath a he tossed the worn box to the floor. “Must’ve been my consciences way of getting back at me…oh well.” he sighed as he hung his head limply downward staring at his boots. “The story of my life…” he sighed again as the bell chimed a forth time and the elevator doors slid shakily open.

Chapter Two
The elevator doors slowly came to a close as Dorian reached into the contents of his pockets and removed his cell phone. The phone was a new Zero model, black with a silver cross embedded into the back. The phone flipped open the once dark screen lighting up displaying a picture of a young women. “2:36AM…” Dorian mumbled under his breath flipping the phone shut once again before sliding it back into his pocket. He reached out pressing the ‘B’ button on the elevators panel, listening to the soft music from the speakers above him. A soft rumble and the downward force of gravity was sweep throughout Dorian’s body, the number three above the door lighting up, and then the number two and so on. A soft thud as Dorian reached the bottom floor and the doors slid calmly open revealing a large old fashioned lobby. To his left was the flight of stairs that led back up, to his right the large open space of the room and the entrance or exit that he sought. He wanted to leave as quickly as possible in case Tiff should happen to stumble out of her deep slumber upstairs. The lobby had high ceilings and, as the same as the rest of the Inn, had smooth hard wood floors and old war rifles and deer mounts spread casually along the walls. A large sitting area to the right of the door a large lit fireplace spewing light into the room. The only other light in the large room came from the front desk, where a short balding man with an old suit and brown loafers propped up on the counter was quietly watching a small television. The named tag had the name ‘Timothy, Inn Manager’ sprawled across its gold platted rectangular frame. Tim’s gaze caught Dorian walking hurriedly towards the door; Tim remembered early that evening Dorian showing up paying for a room on the top floor in full with a blonde lady friend of his. “Hey?” Tim politely called out, Dorian turning sharply as Timmy motioned for him to come over. Dorian mumbled something inaudible to himself as he strode over to the front desk the sounds from the television growing louder with his approach. “Matheson shoots, misses but its rebounded by Patterson-…” the television clicked off as Dorian approached the desk a confused look upon the young features of his face. “Thought you were stayin’ the night?” Tim asked lifting his feet from the counter back to dangling limply from the high stool. “Something came up I have to leave…” Dorian replied a hint of annoyance coming from his voice. “You paid for the whole night D…” Tim said trying to sound as friendly as possible already knowing Dorian was irritated with the conversation. Dorian let out a gentle sigh before replying “Keep the change…” he said with a crooked smile turning to head back towards the door. “You should at least have a drink with me for your kindness, come on D whadaya’ say?” he asked him sincerely, pulling out from underneath the counter a bottle of scotch and two drinking glasses. A smile spread across Dorian’s face as he quickly nodded and turned heading towards the bar to his left bringing over a tall wooden stool. Dorian really hated to stick around, but also hated to ignore his old friends generosity, a man who had help him out on more than one occasion, plus he never turned down free booze. Dorian sat down onto the hard stool with a wince, having accidentally grabbed the only one in the bar without the comfortable supporting cushion. He shot Tim another crooked smile as he watched him bend down to the small refrigerator he had underneath the counter; when Tim had come back into view he held a small tray of ice removing a handful of frozen cubes and dropping them loudly into the glasses. Besides Dorian and Timmy the rest of the lobby, usually bustling with people was nearly empty. There were a couple of old ladies in the sitting area by the fireplace talking softly their dialogue inaudible over the pouring of the scotch and the clinking of the ice, to the muted sounds of the game coming from the bar to his left. In the bar next to him there was an old man with tattered clothing asleep at the bar a bunch of bottles strewn about him one clinched firmly in his dirty hand, as a young waitress probably in here twenties was trying to clean around him. Tim handed Dorian the cool drink as Dorian continued to look around the emptiness of the bar. The only remaining figure he could see was a black man with a smile on his face a ball cap on his head scribbling into a booklet of some kind in one of the booths. “That’s Malcolm…” Tim said bringing the drink to his lips. “Huh?” Dorian asked turning his gaze back to the balding man before him. Tim made a small slurping sound the exhaled before continuing “…the black guy over there…back in twenty eighteen he received a degree in quantum physics from Triton U.” he finished taking another shot from the sweating glass in his hand. “Mother ******** loves crossword puzzles he’s in here every other night with one, only buys one thing: a club soda and that’s it!” he said setting down the empty glass rubbing his bald spot confusingly. “Sounds like and interesting guy…intelligent too.” Dorian said coolly, taking a sip from his prepared drink. “The guy with the tattered cloths is my friend Pauley, never pays for nothin’ I let em’ have free drinks cause I feel sorry for em’ poor b*****d. The man has nothin’ to his name, cept’ the clothes on his back.” Tim said pouring him self another drink. As Dorian finished his already warm scotch he politely asked, “Who’s the waitress?” “That’s my brother’s daughter Kathleen; she’s working here for the summer. Wonderful girl she is.” Tim replied taking a sip from his newly prepared drink. Dorian looked over the young girl taking in her delicate features. She was tall around 5’ 7”, with long brown hair kept up in a pony tail. She wore a white apron with a short sleeved striped shirt, Dorian then noticed cocking his eyebrow that she was rather chesty her breasts were easily around a D cup. She felt his gaze fall upon her and turned sharply looking back at the handsome man sitting with her uncle across from her. She flushed a little and gave him a sweet wave that was returned by a gentle nod from Dorian. Dorian turned from her sight feeling a little embarrassed as he stood up from the hard stool. “Thanks for the drink Tim it is always a pleasure here.” he smiled offering his hand to the man in gratitude. Tim smiled gripping then mans strong hand in his before replying, “If she asks I didn’t see ya’.” he winked releasing from Dorian’s firm grip. Dorian smiled and turned heading towards the door as he called over his shoulder, “Thanks Tim, I owe you one…” “You owe me 12!” Tim shot back laughing loudly waving goodbye to the man. Dorian couldn’t help but smile a little, it wasn’t the first time Tim helped him out in his late night romances with anonymous women. “Be careful kid it’s rainin’ like a b***h out there!” Tim shouted to him his voice echoing in the emptiness of the lobby. “Well!” Dorian heard a woman shout from the sitting area obviously offended by Tim’s rude remark before replying, “How does a b***h rain Tim?” Dorian joked turning to smile at the old man. “Very harshly…” Tim courtly replied a smile creeping across his lips as he started to laugh a little to himself. Dorian smiled wider and gave a short wave goodbye before stepping out into the windy, rainy, cool night air.

Chapter Three
Wind rustled through the tall faceless mans long platinum hair, as he stood upon the high chasm overlooking the dark village below him. The man was thin with long limber limbs, a pale as winter snow, porcelain mask spread upon his face. Dark soulless eyes like that of the black, emptiness, and seemingly endless void of space staring blankly at the small town ahead of him. Sprinkling tears of rain would occasionally drop down from the heavens above; his hair glistening in the moonlight with the fresh dew from the little droplets. As the wind died down his hair, already soaked with the late nights shower before, lay slightly plastered to his face and back. His face once again shrouded in shadow, he turned from the sight and made his way downward towards the dimly lit village, a light blue aura silhouetting his tall frame a pale light deep in the darkness.
The rain had died down to a dull sprinkle as Dorian’s heavy footsteps echoed throughout the empty streets of the village. As he pasted the dim street lights of the sidewalk he caught a glance of what seemed to be a dancing blue flame from the hills lining the outskirts of the village. In an instant the dancing flame was gone and Dorian shook his head wearily, banishing the image from his thoughts. “A mere trick of the light…” he thought shaking the dew from his hair. The shower had almost come to a complete halt as the fog started to thicken around him. He was tired. Dorian hadn’t slept well in nights, having reoccurring thoughts from his past come slipping into his dreams from the back of his mind. Memories Dorian didn’t wish to remember as he shook his head violently, once more pushing them back into the darkness of his subconscious. He snapped a quick glance to the other side of the dark foggy street, a sigh of relieve escaping from his lips as a shambling street bum emerged from the shadows with a gruff cough. He shook his head slowly continuing down the empty sidewalk towards the nearest hotel, a hotel not accommodating a woman he so cunningly seduced earlier that very same evening.
The room was dark. Tiffany blinked her eyes violently trying to adjust to the darkness that surrounded her. She rose up slowly from the damp sheets, searching the room for the man from earlier that night. She sat there for a brief moment listening, figuring the man was in the restroom, her bare back glistening with beads of sweet from the moonlight creeping through the window panes. She held the sheets tightly to her chest blanketing her attractive features from any unseeing eyes, as her gaze caught the crack underneath the restroom door, no light was on. She swung her legs quickly over the side of the bed reaching down to find her t-shirt and panties amongst the darkness of the floor. She fumbled with the dainty underwear around her ankles, trying her best to slide them on her eyes still adjusting. Once her shirt and underwear were snugly secure she quietly tip-toed to the restroom door and pushed the slightly cracked door fully open. She stood confused in the emptiness of the door way for a brief moment before turning and heading into the darkness of the dining area. “Where the hell is he?!” she thought angrily to herself her clinched fist turning a pale white. His coat, boots, and keys were all gone. “He used me! That…that b*****d!” she whispered loudly to herself, rage, embarrassment, and a sense of depression sweeping over her. “And I really liked him too…that…that jerk.” she said feeling herself blush. She almost felt like crying, small tears obliviously forming at the corner of her eyes as she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists even tighter, her nails digging into her palms. Her anger overtook all her emotions in an instant, blocking out the pain from her mind, as she grabbed her waded up pair of jeans and Converse high-tops and headed for the door.
His hair had dried, stiff with a stale smell to it as he continued to make his way towards the village. ‘You are now entering the town of Tritonous PO. 5,672’ is what the faded sign along the side of the road plainly read in large white text. His face was sweaty, the stiff mask and moisture in the air did nothing but add to his discomfort. He looked down to his feet and noticed lights illuminating him in the darkness; the blinding high-beams stretching his shadow far along the road ahead of him. The lights dimmed slightly as the sound of a vehicle could be heard pulling up beside the strange man. “You need a-…” the man’s voice from the truck beside him was cut short, as the silver haired man slowly turned his faceless gaze to meet his. Utter terror filled the drivers mind as he fumbled for words “Um…uh as I was sayin’ uh…you need a lift?” the bearded man hesitantly asked the stranger. The silver haired man shook his head slowly and turned, continuing forward along the dark street towards town. The man in the truck leaned back in the seat and let out a sigh of relief as the silver haired, masked man stepped out of sight deep in the fog. The old truck idled in place, letting out a rattled hum into the silent night. The man adjusted his ball cap and started to rub his eyes feeling his heart slow down to a somewhat normal pace. When his eyes shot back open he saw the blurred form of the stranger standing next to his window once again. “Jesus Chri-!” he yelled grasping his chest searching for air. “You scared the crap outta’ me!” he said with a raspy voice, sweat trickling down the side of his face. He wished now that he never had stopped. His dilated shaking eyes met the black soulless ones of the silver haired stranger beside him. “S-S-So…d-d-did you want that-!” his voice was cut off and muffled by the palm of the stranger’s large hand, snatching at his face gripping it tightly. The attackers strong grip was crushing the drivers skull, the mans rough hands latched to the strangers arm inevitably trying to break the mans firm hold he held on him. Muffled screams could be heard from underneath the masked felon’s powerful grip as he continued to squeeze the truckers face. Blood trickled out from underneath the killers hand as the sound of the trucks engine revved loudly, breaking the silence of the night, drowning out the sound of the mans crackling skull underneath the strange mans powerful grip. The truck was in park there was no hope of escaping. A loud blood curdling snap towered over the sound of the engine slowly dieing down, as the truck drivers hands feel limply from the silver haired mans slender pale arm. The driver’s skull had been completely caved inward his face horribly disfigured. Shards and chunks of skull and hair had been imbedded into the mans grayish, blood covered, pulsing brain. White puss and blood flowed from two gapping holes of mashed skin and muscle where the truckers brown eyes used to sit. The driver had some missing teeth and his bottom jaw had been dislocated his tongue hanging limply out the side of his mouth. His nose was caved inward and shattered as well, as blood ran down his nostrils and over his lifelessly hanging jaw. Blood was seeping out his ears and pouring out the sides of his mouth, trickling down his limp neck staining his flannel shirt with a deep crimson. Blood ran over the sides of his shattered skull and what was left of his distorted face covering him in a horrible foul smelling odor, the aroma filling the vehicle with a nostril burning stench. He reeked and was drenched in his own blood, sitting there safely secure his body limp, nothing more than a lifeless corpse. The truck continued to idle loudly in the night silence; the engine muting the sounds of cicadas singing and the slow echoing footsteps of the silver haired, masked killer making his way slowly into town.

Chapter Four
“Unh…uh…mm!” she held her hands tightly to her mouth trying not to let the soft moans of pleasure escape from her lips. Though try as she might, she couldn’t hold back the gasps of delight as Dorian slowly massaged the warm, wet area below her midriff. She started nibbling on her lower lip as Dorian kissed the hollow of her neck and collar bone, slowly making his way downward towards her perky chest. As Dorian’s lips found and met with her left breast he began sucking, lightly licking her sensitive n****e, her toes curling with pleasure with every stroke. He nibbled it slightly, causing her to wince and gasp with ecstasy, drawing her small breast deeper into his mouth. She was now almost screaming her face a deep crimson, running her left hand through his thick black hair, caressing her right breast in the other. “Dorian I’m…Ah!” her moans and soft screams grew louder as she tightly shut her eyes letting her head plunge backwards, sweat glistening over her half naked body in the moonlight. Dorian released of her petite breast and whispered into her ear, “You’re what…?” Her eyes slowly opened glazed like she was going to cry “Oh…unh Dorian…please…don’t stop…uh ah!” she gasped in between breaths. A small smile crept across Dorian’s face as he moved his fingers faster and harder within her soft cotton panties. Her body was overwhelmed with pleasure, her eyes shooting open with a shock as his hand movements quickened and intensified, fingering and rubbing her more fiercely than before. Her face was a deep red as she gripped his shirt tightly with her left hand and the side of the bed with her other. “Dorian unh…uh…I’m going to…unh…come!” She let out a loud scream lifting her crotch high into the air pushing his fingers deeper inside of her as she entered her first climax. Dorian removed his wet fingers from her trembling body as she lay there, shaking and out of breath her face still flushed a light red. He placed his wet fingers to her lips as she shyly took them into her mouth, soft moans escaping from her as she sucked. He slowly removed his fingers a strand of saliva trailing from her tongue to his fingertips as he bent forward to kiss her. Their lips softly locked their tongues swirling together in a deep passionate kiss as Dorian continued to rub her wet p***y through her soaked panties. “Ow…not so hard please.” she moaned, wincing at the roughness of his fingers, breaking their soft kiss. “Sorry…” Dorian whispered removing his hand, casually pushing away the strands of hair dangling in her lovely young face, before giving her a small crooked smile. She smiled weakly back up at him, a blush still highlighting her cheeks, her legs still trembling as he lay down beside her. He wrapped an arm around her as she nuzzled into his chest releasing a soft coo from her lips, hugging him tightly, holding him firmly in place. He slowly ran his fingers through her short brown hair feeling the dampness of her bare back with his other. She said nothing but merely nuzzled deeper into him, she felt safe with the feel of his strong hands embracing her, her petite frame nearly engulfed by his much larger one. She wrapped a leg over his as her warm wet panties slid along the side of his thigh. She looked so happy only to have met him only a few hours ago, it felt like she was really starting to fall for him. The thought made Dorian twitch, made him nervous “Not again…” he though releasing a soft sigh. Once again feeling her damp back he gave her the gentlest of nudges, whispering softly to her, “You wanna’ have a shower?” he asked sweetly hoping it didn’t come off as rude. She slowly looked up to him nodding weakly, removing herself from their loving embrace, swinging her tiny thin legs over the side of the bed. She was real petite with short slender limbs and a small chest, standing only around 4’11”. She gripped at her arms her bare body trembling in the coolness of the dark room as she skimped quickly into the restroom, giving Dorian an innocent smile as she closed the door behind her. Dorian sat up and lead against the headboard of the large bed flipping on the light switch. Dim light poured from the lamp shade drowning the room in soft light, giving it a cozy feel and look to it, as he sat there running his fingers through his hair. “I need to quit doing this…” he thought pulling out a carton of cigarettes from the bedside table. As he lit one, letting it hang limply from his lips, smoke blowing out from his nostrils his mind started to wander again. “Taking advantage of these women isn’t right, especially Rebecca she was most defiantly a virgin.” he sighed his cheeks turning a light pink. “That’s makes her my fifth one…” he said quietly to himself a smile forming on his face an overwhelming since of accomplishment filling his thoughts. He could hear the water from the shower finally start running, sending a soft echo throughout the room. He damped out his cigarette and grabbed his coat hanging on one of the bed posts, as he shot up from the bed and quietly made his way towards the door. “I may have given her some foreplay, but I can’t bring myself to take her innocence away from her. She deserves to lose it to someone she loves. Not someone like me.” he said quietly under his breath firmly gripping the doorknob, his mind racing with questions. “Should I really leave? Does she love me? Will I break her heart if I go? Should I get in the shower with her? Is what I’m doing right?” Ignoring his previous thoughts he released of the doorknob, tossing his coat on the bed, and slowly making his way towards the restroom. He sickened himself. He slid into the bathroom closing the door quietly behind him. Steam littered the small restroom fogging the medicine cabinet mirror and giving the room a muggy atmosphere. Dorian glanced over to the running shower, barely making out the silhouette of Rebecca’s dainty form from behind the curtains. Dorian quietly unbuckled his jeans and slid off his tight black t-shirt. He then sat down on the toilet seat and began removing his boots, his jeans hanging loosely around his waist. His boots proved to be the most challenging at removing without alerting her to his presence. As he slowly removed the heavy shoes he started to question why he was being so silent to begin with, why hadn’t he just told her he was coming in to join her? He shrugged as he removed them successfully, Rebecca still oblivious to his presence, setting them neatly by the door. He sighed inwardly as he pulled back the curtains and stepped inside, hot water trickling down his body plastering his hair to his head and face. She was still unaware of his presence, her head held back running her fingers through her hair in front of him. He grabbed her by the waist causing her to jump as he slid his manhood in between her thighs. She turned and gasped as he started to slide his c**k back and forth in between her legs rubbing up against her little shaven p***y. She moaned softly her voice muted by the showers running water, as she held onto his hands at her waist gasping with pleasure with every thrust. She moved her hips with his, sliding him faster in between her flexed thighs, squeezing him tightly. He reached up and started to rub her neck with his left hand, before leaning in and whispering into her ear, “Surprise…” She giggled softly “I knew you were up to something.” she smiled as he moved his hand downwards to caress her breast. She moaned loudly at his touch as he squeezed and massaged her left breast in the palm of his strong hand. In between labored breaths she quietly whispered, “Please…ah…Dorian I want it…unh in-inside me…please…uh!” He started to nibble on her neck letting her know he understood, as he turned her slowly to face him before locking his lips with hers in a deep and passionate kiss. He removed his tongue from her mouth, as he pushed her up against the shower wall “Are you sure Becca? If your uncomfortable we can always wait if you want?” he asked a hint of concern in his voice, his blue eyes shimmering in between the loose locks of hair strewn across his face. She smiled gently “I’m sure, I know it’ll hurt at first but I’ll be ok…really…If I didn’t want this I wouldn’t have begged for it.” she giggled leaning forward to kiss him once again. As their tongues swirled and danced together within each others mouths, Dorian couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed. “How can I bring myself to do this? How can I get up and leave after all she and I have shared together?” he though as she slowly pulled away from their kiss and looked deep into his eyes, a since of wanting shining within her sensitive gaze. Again Dorian sickened himself.

Chapter 5
‘Beep, beep, beep!’ the alarm clock rang, shattering the early morning silence with its deafening tone. A young boy lay sprawled underneath the covers of his bed, his head buried under his pillow. The sound of the clocks repeated beeps rang loudly in the boy’s ears causing him to wince with discomfort. A thin arm reached out limply from beneath the covers feeling blindly for the source of the annoying chime. A shining blue eye peeked out from beneath the shadows of the pillow, his hand finally finding the beeping clock. 6:30 AM is what the clock read in large digital red text. The young boy removed the pillow from his ruffled brown hair and flipped off the covers, swinging his legs limply over the bedside. His skin was pale and flawless his hair a spiky tangled mess; locks of hair hanging loosely in his young boyish face. He sat there a moment rubbing his eyes free of the sleepiness that still consumed his subconscious. His body was small and thin though he was rather tall with a long torso, standing at around 6’ foot. The sound of the clocks beeping still lingered and reverberated off the walls inside of his head as he shook his head violently trying to rid himself of the irritating noise. “I really need a new alarm clock…” he sighed rubbing the sides of his arms trying to warm himself. Since he was freezing and wasted enough time as it was he hurriedly got to his feet, ignoring the presence of his ‘morning wood’. He scratched his crotch then the back of his head before lazily making his way towards the shower.
Adrian Valentine sleepily opened her eyes, being drawn out of dreamland from the booming hip-hop music playing from her clock radio, alerting her it was time to get ready. She flipped her long brown hair from her face as she turned off the radio and swung her dainty bare legs over the side of the bed. The early morning was still shrouded in shadow being only 6:00 AM; the bus would arrive at 7:30 and she had to hurry. She wore a long black worn t-shirt coming down to her knees with light pink panties underneath; she yawned as she slid on her house slippers and headed towards the restroom. She flipped on the light switch and looked into the mirror over the sink, letting off a sigh as she realized her hair was a complete mess. She was a young beautiful girl with an athletic looking body, her build was tone and slender. Her stomach was tight, with wide hips, and average sized breasts. She was of average height at around 5’6”, with beautiful shining hazel eyes. She stood looking at herself for a few moments then smiled, realizing her own beauty causing her to let out a small giggle in satisfaction. She slid her panties down to her ankles and stepped out of them tossing them in the dirty clothes hamper, running her morning schedule through her mind as she undressed. She shook her head wildly making her hair look even worse than before, but didn’t care as she was heading for the shower anyway. She stretched scratching the back of her neck before flipping off her bedroom slippers and bending over to the shower knobs sending warm water running into the tub.
Millie stood in front of the stove eggs frying in a pan before her, her mind wandering. “I still can’t stop thinking of him…and of Dorian and Rasler too…I know that they’re gone but I can’t seem to move on. I feel so empty and I know I shouldn’t.” she thought as she obliviously flipped the eggs in the sauce-pan. She couldn’t afford to be thinking of them, she had a loving husband and two wonderful children to take care of. She needed to be strong for their sakes anyway, as she snapped back to reality she gasped removing the pan hurriedly from the stove before she accidentally burnt the children’s breakfast. “Hope they like them well done…” she sighed swirling the eggs around a look of stress upon her face. Millie was short around 5’2” with blue sensitive and loving eyes, the eyes of a mother no doubt, with long blond hair that reached down to her midriff. She was in her mid forties but looked as if she was in her early twenties. She had kept in shape over the years still maintaining a terrific looking body, and after having four children it wasn’t exactly easy either. She had the common appearance of that of a mother and housewife; she was beautiful but still rather plain looking at the same time. Heavy foot steps could be heard clomping down the stairs as she slid some eggs onto three set places at the table, bacon and glasses of orange juice and coffee all ready neatly prepared. “Hi honey.” said a tall broad shouldered man with thick brown hair and a mustache as he came striding into the kitchen. “Hi baby.” She replied as he leaned in to kiss her cheek before taking his place at the table. She smiled warmly at him as he thanked her and gave her a tender smile before taking a sip from his coffee. She turned as she heard another set of footsteps making their way down the stairs. A tall thin boy with long spiky hair came shuffling slowly into the kitchen, wearing baggy jeans, a red t-shirt, and a green denim coat with a white collar. He wore black Nikes and iPod headphones hung from the boys’ ears as he sat down at the table with a ‘thump’ causing the mustached mans coffee to spill upon his tanned slacks. “Damien!” Millie shouted as she pulled the headphones from the teenagers head. “Ow! What?!” he shouted back swiping for the phones. “Sit down in your seat, don’t fall! And no music at the table, now apologize to your father and eat your breakfast.” she scolded pulling the headphones away from his reach, placing them in her apron pocket. “He isn’t my father mom…so why should I apologize?” Damien mumbled under his breath. “I know he isn’t your real father, but real father or not apologize to him! Now!” she shouted her face reddening, as she tried to remove the stain from her husbands lap. “Sorry…Matt…” he grumbled folding his arms and leaning backwards on the legs of the chair. “I’m so sorry Mathew, let me try and get this out.” she apologized, shooting a scornful glance towards her young son, he replied with a simple rolling of his eyes. Mathew sighed “No need they’ll have to be washed…I’ll just go change. No worries.” he smiled as he stood and headed towards the stairwell. Millie crouched down and started to wipe up the coffee which had trickled down to the floor, cursing under her breath. “Damien, god…I know you do not exactly see eye to eye with Mathew, but can you please treat him with more respect? I never ask you to do anything, but keep your room clean and your grades up. Will you do me one last favor and please be nice to your step father?” she pleaded as she stood to face him fumbling with the coffee stained rag in her tiny hands. Sadness littered her features, and it made his heart melt. And Damien, although he hated his step father, gave the slightest of nods having nothing but the utmost respect towards his mother. He was real attached to her and loved her deeply, but their relationship was somewhat shaken as of late, due to the resent loss of his two older brothers. She smiled sweetly little droplets of tears forming at the corner of her eyes, as she strode around the table to kiss and hug him good morning. He smiled as she pecked the side of his cheek and hugged him tightly around his neck whispering, “Thank you sweetie…” into his ear, before handing him back his headphones. Regardless of past events, Damien loved his mother severely and couldn’t bear to see her unhappy. So despite loathing his step father, he tried his best to be on his best behavior. Damien smiled flicking of his iPod and tucking it and the headphones into the confines of his coat pocket, starting on his breakfast. Soft footsteps trotted down the staircase a young girl stepping into view. Her hair was long and light brown and she wore a tight long sleeved pink shirt with brown jeans held up by a large red belt. The word ‘Kitten’ was sprawled across her chest, her brown Converse shoes squeaking with her every step as she went to sit next to her brother at the dining room table. “Good morning honey.” Millie called over her shoulder placing some dishes in the dishwasher. “Morning mom.” she replied, placing a napkin in her lap before picking up her silverware and cutting into her eggs. Damien was woofing down his food and gulping loudly when he drank his juice. She scoffed “God you’re so sloppy…” the young girl muttered, politely placing some food into her mouth. Damien’s gaze shot up from his plate “What was that?” he replied looking sternly into her face, a piece of egg stuck to his cheek. “I said you’re so sloppy when you eat, just look at your face.” she frowned pointing her fork to his cheek. He wiped the side of his face with his arm before replying “Well look at you acting all prim and proper, but dressing up all slutty for the boys at school!” She stood up rattling the table “How dare you, you little insect! This is not slutty and at least I don’t act all big and bad when really you’re just a whiney little punk, who can’t even get a girlfriend!” she snapped back at him tossing her napkin into his face. “Shut up Adrian! I’d rather be a virgin than a girl with more STD’s than the lead singer of Queen!” he retorted standing up from the table as well, causing a glass of juice to topple over onto the floor with a ‘shatter’. “Adrian! Damien! Sit down and be quiet NOW!” Millie ordered letting out a disgruntled groan, as she bent down to clean up the broken glass. Upstairs Mathew was sighing, hearing the booming arguments from downstairs come reverberating up the stairwell and down the hallway to the master bedroom. “Another day of my life begins, like always with an argument…” he sighed picking out some clean trousers from the dresser drawers. “How I wish Dorian was still alive, at least he could keep them in line.” he mumbled to himself buttoning up his fresh trousers before heading back downstairs. It was going to be a long day.

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