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My Journal
Part 1 Lab Mission
PART 1 please read and comment!

Dr. William Birkin joined the Umbrella Corporation in 1977 at the young age of 15. He was placed at the Umbrella Management Training Facility under Dr. James Marcus. There, he became a close acquaintance and rival of fellow researcher Albert Wesker, as they were both considered to be Marcus' top apprentices. They were involved in the development of the T-Virus project, until the facility was closed down in 1978.
Afterwards, he and Wesker were transferred to the Arklay Research Facility on July 31 1978, where they continued their T-Virus research and were made chief researchers of the facility. Birkin was proud of being the youngest researcher ever to work for Umbrella, until the arrival of Alexia Ashford, who was assigned to be chief researcher of Umbrella's Antarctic facility at the age of 10 in 1981. Although she worked in a different facility, Birkin became jealous of her, especially due to all the praise she was receiving from his co-workers. He became completely focused on his work and research, until the announcement of Alexia's death in 1983. Despite his rivalry with Alexia, his research yielded no results until he created the Hunter Bio-Organic Weapon (B.O.W.) around the mid-1990's. He was "promoted" in 1988 to lead the T-Virus project (and completed the development of the Tyrant) By this time, Birkin was already married to his assistant, Annette and the marriage had already produced a daughter named Sherry (born in 1986). When he and Wesker were conducting an experiment with the NE-Alpha parasite (the prototype of the Nemesis project), they used a female specimen (Lisa Trevor) as a guinea pig. Lisa was the only test subject to fully accept the parasite. Noticing her strange survival rate, Birkin examined her body structure and discovered that the variation of the Progenitor Virus that was injected into her in 1967 had absorbed all the mutagenic organisms that she had been implanted with since then and mutated into a new virus, which Birkin named the G-Virus. He received approval from Umbrella's president, Ozwell E. Spencer, to initiate the G-Virus Project. In 1991, Birkin and his wife were transferred to an Underground Research Facility established specifically for the project. Birkin also bribed the chief of the Raccoon Police Department, Brian Irons, to cover up the project, using his wife as the "middle man". He completed his development of the G-Virus in September of 1998 and planned on using his final research in order to be promoted into Umbrella's executive board. However, he began to disagree with his superiors and planned on keeping his research to himself and sell it to the U.S. Government. That’s where I come in. My name is Dorian Mathew Valentine, DMV for short, I am member of the Umbrella Corperations Special Forces Unit Team ALPHA. Teams ALPHA, DELTA, BETA, OMEGA, and CHARLIE all consist of 7 to 10 members each. Team ALPHA only consists of 8 members including myself lead by Lieutenant Colonel HUNK aka “Mr. Death”. His second in comand is Captain Brian O’Donnell, aka “School boy”, but only HUNK addresses him as such seeing as how he’s our commanding officer. What we all call him isn’t exactly as pleasant as “School boy”. He’s pretty much the teams perfectionist performing every operation exactly by the book. It can be quite annoying and he can’t stand when someone makes a mistake and tends to be pretty harsh and bossy and often oversteps his boundaries, which doesn’t tend to sit to well with HUNK. Unlike O’Donnell HUNK treats us all with respect and ensures us that if we simply follow his command without question then we’ll all go home alive. He's truly a remarkable leader and I have nothing but the utmost respect for him. Next in the ranks would have to be HUNK’s 1st Lieutenant Nickolas Clark a former marine. Like HUNK he’s a bit on the quite side a real enigma, but he’s always quick to provide assistance and has no trouble following orders no matter how ridiculous or life threatening they may be. HUNK’s 2nd Lieutenant Dwayne Hicks is my close and personal friend who always has my back in any situation, along with Kyle he’s the teams comic relief he’s a real giant of a man standing at a towering 6’5”. As I said before Sergeant Kyle Matheson aka “Mad Dogg” is the teams foul-mouthed, trash talking, sociopath, funny man. This guys motto is “Kill first ask questions later!” or “Lets just kill em’ all now and let god sort em’ out!” He’s a bit on the wild side hailing from New Orleans Louisiana the home of Matigrah. Next theres me Coporal “DMV” funny huh... Followed by private James Frost and private Julio Lopez. They’re both new so I don’t know too much about them and I hate talking about myself so I’ll just get on with it. The date is September 18th 1998, we’ve just received orders from HQ that a top Umbrella virologist by the name of William Birkin in the underground research facility beneath Raccoon City, is refusing to relinquish a new type of virus to Umbrella, it’s a powerful, mutagenic bio-weapon known as the G-Virus. He had been working on this research for sometime but upon its completion Birkin severed all ties with Umbrella and ultimately betrayed them and is now planning on selling it and the previously developed T-Virus to the U.S. government. Umbrella simply won’t stand for this insolence so our team has been selected to be sent in to extract the sample and the good doctor if possible. This is a one team Black Ops operation so we will have no backup and we cannot be seen. If discovered our orders are to neutralize any that we come in contact with and continue with the mission. (**Under No Circumstances are there to be ANY Civilian Casualties!**)We’ll be flown in by helicopter at 0300 hours eastern time September 22nd. We’re to be extracted at 0730 hours the same night giving us 4 hours and 30 minutes to get in and get out undetected. If Dr. Birkin fails to cooperate our orders are to terminate him immediately. We’ve been equiped with standard operations equipment as follows: Night and Thermal vision goggles, Gas mask **In case of CONTAMINATION leaks within the facility**, MP5 sub-machine gun (*Equiped with Lazer Sighting and Muzzle Flash Silencer attachment*) (7 Magizines), Colt .45 Handgun Pistol (3 Mags.), two “Pineapples” (*Hand Grenades*), and two Flash Bang Grenades. This mission should be quick and painless and if our luck holds we’ll be back in no time.

DMV: Geez how far out are we going?!
HUNK: To the outskirts of the city…there’s a prepared clearing within the trees of the Arklay Mountains.
DMV: Yea, but why so far out?
Mad Dogg: We don’t wanna attract any attention you idiot!
DMV: What’d you say?!
School Boy: Enough! Settle down or I’ll toss you both outta this thing!
School Boy: Sorry sir…
HUNK: Everyone huddle up…Frost if you please.
-Frost connects his laptop to the flat screen aboard the chopper. After some rummaging around on his hard drive he pulls up a map of the city-
HUNK: The secret entrance to the underground research facility is here. Where we’ll be landing is this circle here.
Hicks: You’ve gotta be kidding…that’s at least a 20 mile hike!
HUNK: Around 35 actually…
Lopez: 35 miles ese?! You crazy man! Todos sus locos ¿Qué estoy haciendo aquí? (Your all crazy what am I doing here?)
DMV: Su trabajo y el Inglés, por favor! (Your job and English please!)
HUNK: Enough…be lucky we’re as close as we are. Now shut up and pay attention…
-HUNK goes on to explain the plan to infiltrate the underground Umbrella facility-
HUNK: And that’s all there is to it…
Hicks: “And that’s all there is to it…” sounds like a pain in the a** to me…this is such a drag…
School Boy: Can it Hicks we’re here! Somebody wake up Nick!
-Nick slept through the entire ride-
DMV: Nicky yoo-hoo Nick wake up! –DMV smacks the side of Nick’s helmet. Nick awakes with a shock grabbing DMV by the arm and placing the barrel of his MP5 to his throat-
DMV: Easy man it’s me! It’s D!
Nick: Are you trying to get yourself killed…?
DMV: Sorry man! Heh heh…
-Nick releases of DMV’s arm and proceeds to the slide lock door-
DMV: -sighs- Jesus…
HUNK: Attach your cables…-HUNK slides the helicopter door open-
-Everyone securely attaches their cables as they prepare for their decent-
Frost: Why can’t we just land!?
HUNK: Though it’s a cleared spot we’re still too close to the highway! We’d attract too much attention by landing! We cleared this area so we’d have a clear spot for our decent by chopper!
Mad Dogg: What’s a matter rookie afraid of heights!?
Frost: No just jumping from them!
HUNK: Lets move! –HUNK slides down first followed by School Boy, Nick, DMV, Hicks, Mad Dogg, Lopez, and finally, after many complaints from his comrades down below for the delay, Frost-
Mad Dogg: Jesus rookie! –Mad Dogg kicks Frost right in the a** as he fumbles to detach his cable line-
HUNK: Knock it off Matheson!
Hicks: -Elbows DMV- Your ready for this pal? –Though his gas mask was on you could tell he was excited undoubtedly having a big grin on his face-
DMV: Yea man I’m all set!
HUNK: Talk to me frost…
Frost: GPS navigation system is online. Trackers are online. Video feed…online we’re transmitting directly to HQ!
HUNK: Excellent…-HUNK gives a thumbs-up to the pilot and within seconds the helicopter is gone and out of sight-
HUNK: Huddle up…alright it’s the real deal now…I’ll take point. I wants pairs of two following in behind me. Mad Dogg you cover our backs the rest of you eyes –HUNK signals to the left and the right- got it? Ears open, and safety’s off. Go to night vision people look sharp. Ready…form up and move out.
-They all set out HUNK leading the way, School Boy and Nick following up behind him. DMV and Hicks behind them followed by Frost and Lopez, Mad Dogg taking up the rear-
Mad Dogg: Man I hate being at the rear…
Hicks: Man your sister’s the exact opposite she loved it in the rear!
-All but School boy, Mad Dogg, and HUNK snicker-
Mad Dogg: You sonofa-
School Boy: n** it in the bud Dogg!
Hicks: -Whispering to DMV- n** it in his sister butt…
School Boy: Hicks don’t make me come back there!
Hicks: I came back there if you get my drift! –Everyone starts to snicker again-
HUNK: Silence until we reach checkpoint one you bunch of retards! This isn’t a field exercise!
All: Yessir…
HUNK: Talk to me Frost…
-Frost flips open his miniature laptop located on his left wrist-
Frost: 75 meters and closing…we should see it!
-They continued rushing through the trees of the Arklay Mountain forest until HUNK threw up his fist signaling them to halt-
HUNK and Frost: We’re here…


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