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Shadow Journal of Secrets
Just random stuff I put in here, just for the hell of it. Nothing too important.
Neophyte/Rogue Guide

as a neophyte your main stat will be AGI with POW every 10lvls to equip your new shield.

Why AGI with enough POW for shields?

neophytes are of the rogue class and as a result rely on dodge as our defense. since our defense and attack are not as great as squires we need as much AGI as possible to dodge so that we will perform well in the field and in PvP.

AGI gives skill critical, normal critical, lowers attack time (time taken for normal attack strike), and increases dodge as stated earlier.


from level 16 i suggest training at waimea gorge until about level 21 when you get your new skill; blindside.
NB: ENHANCE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND! I advice you always have that buff on as it decreases your attack time by 0.2 seconds and your dodge by 11(?)

Why Should I Train There Instead Of Death Valley?

you should train at waimea gorge because the monsters there do not deal as much damage, the monsters are easier to kill and although you get better experience in death valley, monsters there are harder to kill and you get more experience over time. Example: the time it takes you to kill a monster in death valley is 10seconds. The monsters deal alot of damage to you and as a result you will have a greater chance of death and/or waste more time sitting or use more money on potions. Whereas in waimea gorge you kill the monsters in 3 seconds, you gain about half of the experience you would gain in death valley but because you kill the monsters faster you gain more experience per minute, you will not have to sit/repot as often.

from level 21 to 26 you should train at death valley. At level 22-25 you will get new gears; (22)shoes of acceleration, (23)gloves of acceleration, (24)helmet of acceleration, (24)shield of acceleration and the (24)reed dagger,
(25)armor of acceleration. Also you get another skill; accuracy.

From level 26 to 31 you should train at routeur valley. You get shoes of ray at level 29, gloves of ray at level 29 and the skill; rapid step at level 31.

From level 31 to 36 train at mystra hill. You will get helmet and shield of ray at level 32, armor of ray at level 33 and the skills threaten level 2, enhance level 2 and invisible.
NB: level 2 skills cannot be bought from NPCs! They only drop from monsters and you may buy them from other players.

From level 36 to 40 train at mystra basin. You will get shoes of flash at level 38 and gloves of flash at level 39.

From level 40 to 43 train at luan basin or its equivalent maps. You will get the skill poison blow at level 41.
Also you will get the gears helmet of flash, shield of flash and the rose dagger at level 43.

From level 43 to 46 train at cyoren forest or its equivalent maps. You may skip this map and move to Shaio forest or its equivalent maps but i do not recommend this unless you have good gears (+?/AP2-6). You will get armor of flash at level 44 and blindside level 2 at level 46.

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