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Shadow Journal of Secrets
Just random stuff I put in here, just for the hell of it. Nothing too important.
Acolyte/Priest Guide
First off, please feel free to add your own tips to this too, as I might not cover everything, thanks.

1)Do not wait until the very last second to heal, try and heal before the person gets to 50%.
2)When buffing, buff yourself first, so you can keep track of when to rebuff.
3)In higher lvl parties, always bring 100+ mp pots.
4)Try and keep the party in a group, its easier to heal when they are not spread out.
5)Do not attempt to heal somebody in your party who is fleeing, this will lead you away from the party and make everybody else sitting ducks.
6)Put the majority of your stats into int, and some into wis and that extra into pow for new weapons, men isn't as useful for acos because heals can't critical.
7)Never take point, we can't take many hits, as we have low def and hp.
cool If your under attack by one agro, don't run away, just wait for the party to pull it off of you, you can heal yourself, your safe as long as you can handle the damage output.
9)If the party won't aid you(ex: they won't pull agro from you even though its the only threat), leave that party, you will probably end up getting killed.
10)Keep an eye everybody using the party list, since you can tell when they need healing, and its easier to heal by clicking their names on it instead of trying to click them.
11)Don't panic, everything starts to get worse if you do.
12)Keep your skill bar comfortable and have pots and heals close together for button mashing in case of mass agro.
13)When partying with another aco, either split the work, or have you or them go on offense.
14)Learn how to use your stun(s) to full effect, they are lifesavers and take off a lot of pressure in difficult maps.

1)Use the highest lvl buffs you have available.
2)Don't be afraid if you get an agro on you, either Spirit it, or the tank should take care of it for you.
3)Use a lower lvl minor heal(I prefer lvl2), your tank should take 3 damage per mob maximum, any higher and its too dangerous.
4)Use Spirit on undesirable mobs and run past them.
5)Take some white eggs to shout when you start killing the mobs off(especially in Edine).
6)Try not to stay in a high-risk AoE party(i.e. they have a history of getting disconnected while killing, or just plain being reckless)
7)Follow the tank at a distance, just in case some of the mobs decide to go at you instead.

~how to find a party~
The easiest way to do this is either track in a highly used safe zone, or know a lot of active people that party together. Yellow eggs can be useful, but in my experience with them, you get a lot more useless whispers back than ones you can really take.

~Where to level~
I need help here, as i have leveled up with people 15+ levels higher than me the majority of my time playing.

1-16: Soloing is best here, free milks make leveling up way easy.
16-21: Duo is easiest here, you should be in Death Valley and its equivalent or a map or two higher.
21-26: Again, duoing is best, but I recommend Router Valley or higher.
26-31: Whew, Fist Up and Bless, finally, both buffs. They make a world of difference, now you should be able to go to Mystra Hill easy, 2-4 party members for efficient killing
31-36: Mystra Basin with 2-4 members, Cyoren with more.
36-41: Your choice of Cyoren or Candy Vault maps here, 4-8 members for both recomended, duo if you're confident or they are high level.
41-46: Candy Vault should be your main town now, go west with 2-4 members, east with 4+ members, you may try to duo again, with a higher level(they should be 54+ if going east)
46-51: Eir as a main town now, you should be able to gauge your own healing ability here, use your own judgment for what maps and and amount of members you will go with. You may try the ice maps at your own risk.
51-56: Icemaps, they give great experience, 4-8 members for best effect. You can also try AoEing with higher levels in Rudwork. You can try Edine, but its a difficult map, especially if you hit a large aggro mob.
56-66+: Edine, other maps start to give seemingly no exp compared to it. You may also try the new maps, but I strongly recommend 61+ for them, as you will have lvl3 Bless. Also, try and start doing the hard desert maps.

~healing priority~
People tend to not know the healing priorities, so I guess I will add this really short section.
You>Tanks>Damage dealers>2nd aco

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