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Epilogue to the Underground Umbrella Mission

Capcom Owns the right to Resident Evil and its Characters
Resident Evil Fan Fiction
By: Charles Tyler Smithwick

Dorian’s log…Part 1
“This is chopper Delta, preparing to drop off at area E950704!” The city of Raccoon was far worse than anticipated. Buildings were burning, cars were plowing into each other, and the flash of firearms littered the busy streets like dancing fireflies. My name is Dorian Valentine; I’m a former member of the Umbrella Special Forces Unit (U.S.F.U.) team ALPHA. However not too long ago, my team was almost completely wiped out when we were sent in to infiltrate an underground Umbrella Research Facility to obtain a special B.O.W. known as the G-Virus. The mission was a success due to the abilities of my former commanding officer, HUNK and myself but at a terrible cost. Everyone except for the two of us was killed that night by an unstoppable creature mutated by the very virus we were sent in to extract. It was a tragic day that will long haunt me for years to come. When the team was brutally wiped out HUNK and I fled the scene heading towards extraction, but we were separated along the way. I don’t remember what happened exactly I just remember turning a corner and everything going black. When I awoke I was floating among the muck on the outskirts of the city, a large drainage pipe behind me. So I came to the conclusion that when I turned that corner down in the sewers that night I hit my head and blacked out and I must’ve fell down into that drainage pipe and got carried all the way out of the city. HUNK however, miraculously made it to extraction on time and I unfortunately had to find another way back to headquarters. I was cold, wet, and I reeked of Raccoon’s filth. I stripped down to nothing but my pants and boots and thumbed for a ride. A man was generous enough to give my nasty self a ride over to Raven City when from there a hailed a cab to the Umbrella HQ within the heart of town. I was immediately taken to intensive care and treated of my wounds. Though I found it unnecessary I went along with it anyway. I was debriefed of our last mission and, when I could finally get a word out, I asked where HUNK was. I feared the worst but was informed that he had successfully completed the mission and made it back alive. I was relived and asked of his whereabouts but I regretfully informed that he had resigned shortly after his arrival back to HQ. He had believed us all to be dead, and that was a pain he had dealt with far too many times before so he officially retired. I was planning on resigning myself, giant monsters roaming the sewers wasn’t exactly in the job description. My request was regrettably denied and I was transferred to the Umbrella Security Service (U.S.S.) where I was promoted to sergeant and placed under the command of Lieutenant Luke Johnson of team DELTA. I was informed that if after my newest mission was successfully completed that I could then fill out my resignation and ultimately put an end to this nightmare. I had no choice in the matter and had to unwillingly participate and accept Umbrella’s demands. I asked the board of directors where I could find HUNK and they reluctantly gave me his address. They told me that they were offering to pay him an exuberant amount of money for him to stay on the team but he wholeheartedly refused. “Wicked waste…” they told me. I immediately went to see him and was actually excited and overjoyed to do so. When I arrived I caught him as he was on his way out…

Mr. Death…Part 1

HUNK: -HUNK turns a look of complete shock and surprise strewn across his aged face- D-Dorian? How?
DMV: Yes sir it’s me, and it’s complicated…but I’m truly relieved to see you alive sir!
HUNK: The death cannot die…-he smiled- and I’m no longer your commanding officer Dorian, there is no need to address me as “sir” any longer…just call me *******.
DMV: Doesn’t suit you I’ll just call you HUNK if that’s alright?
HUNK: That’s fine…-HUNK smiled as he embraced the young man- I’m happy to see you alive as well Dorian. I was afraid that…you too were…-he trailed off-
DMV: Lets not talk about it…but still…I wish that there was something more we could’ve done…
HUNK: I know Dorian…me too…
DMV: Anyway…I heard you resigned?
HUNK: You heard right…if you’re smart you’ll do the same.
DMV: I tried but my request was denied until one final mission is complete.
HUNK: And that mission would be?
DMV: We’re, that is my team and I…as well as the U.B.C.S., are to be sent back in to Raccoon. Apparently something has leaked from the very lab you and I infiltrated a few days ago. I wasn’t given all of the details, but the risk factor for this mission is extremely high. Our mission is to rescue as many of the remaining civilians as we can and get out ASAP.
HUNK: There's something that you should know Dorian. As you know that lab we infiltrated was devoted entirely to the Umbrella Bio-weapons division. Do you know where that monster that nearly wiped us all out even came from that night?
DMV: Um…no…
HUNK: Figures…it’s not something Umbrella would want you to know. Well that monster was no monster. It was a product of what the G-Virus can do when directly induced into the body of a living human. Could you not tell by the things tattered clothes? That was no monster Dorian it was in fact the good doctor, Dr. William Birkin.
DMV: -A look of utter horror spreads across Dorian’s young features- The G-Virus d-did that t-to Dr. B-Birkin?
HUNK: Yes…he must’ve had a vile of the stuff on him somewhere. And if what Umbrella has told you is correct, that something has indeed leaked from the B.O.W. department and is now contaminating the good people of Raccoon City…put two and two together Dorian!
DMV: Then t-there could be t-t-thousands of those things walking around by now. –The terror on his face continued to grow with every passing moment-
HUNK: I don’t know that for certain, but why else would this mission’s level of difficulty be set so high? I pray that I’m wrong, but Dorian do yourself a favor and leave…tonight. Screw Umbrella and get out while you still can!
DMV: -There was silence for a moment before Dorian replied- No…I can’t. I admit I’m afraid but…if there are any civilians left alive then…then I can’t just leave them there to die! I gotta help them! Its…It’s my duty!
HUNK: -Again there was nothing but silence between them for a brief moment before HUNK gave the slightest of smiles- You’re a braver man than I Dorian and I commend you for that. If that is your choice then so be it…may God be with you my friend. For if I’m right…your in for one wild night.
DMV: Thank you…and I hope your wrong sir…I really do.
HUNK: As do I…take care my friend for I must be going…I have other business that keeps me. –HUNK shakes Dorian’s hand and turns to head down the street, flipping his bag over his shoulder-
DMV: HUNK? Where will you go? Will I ever see you again?
HUNK: Does it matter…? And you may yet Mr. Valentine…you may. –He walks at a steady pace down the sidewalk throwing back a final wave of goodbye-
DMV: Goodbye…HUNK. –Dorian places his left arm straight at his side and throws up his right in a salute, giving his final farewell to the bravest man he ever knew, his dear and truest friend…HUNK-


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