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Absolutely Everything At All
"The internet is silly. And I am a part of it. Hello again."
[txtwall]Pendant que je fouillais...
j'ai pu trouver des choses assez surprenants. Geez, don'tcha hate it when thoughts 'roll off the tongue' easier in one language, but you absolutely fail at writing in it? B'yeah, I was basically rummaging around some old files, digitally dusting or cleaning house, as it were, and I found some pretty neat things. One of which being the fact that for all my years on the internet, I really have done a fair amount of writing. Too bad none of the characters I made never lasted all that long, some of them are pretty neat, conceptually. At least, I like to think that they're a little more creative than the standard fare. In any case, consolidating all the random profiles I had the forethought to save -completed or otherwise- somewhere sounded like a good idea, so here goes.
The Orphaned Demon Behind the Counter
Name: Kalsipher Rene'ged [post-bite]
Nickname: Kellen, René
Reason behind it: With a physical change in identity comes the shedding of the old, one skin being the human name once born. The body shuts down and becomes a ghostly marble carving of what it once was in life, a unchanging, calcified version of the living, breathing, bleeding self. There is no turning back once the bloody red carpet has been laid out , and peace, heaven, redemption, is denied the typical undead. The light has reneged its claim on the soul, leaving it to fend for itself against and within the darkness.
Clear-cut: Renamed herself something angsty after being turned.
Orientation: "Sex? Please, the last person who got intimate with me ripped a piece of my neck out..."
Age: [subject to scrutiny] 26, changed at 24
Gender: Water-bearer, but the undead can’t have babies, right? Guess it depends what flavor of supernatural you are.
Occupation: Cashier at a CD store
Race: Bumbling vampire
A special breed indeed, one curious about one's...culture but thrust into it without much cushioning. If you only got media and stereotypes to base one's behavior off of, mingling with 'grown-up' vampires is going to be a wee tough on the duff.
Appearance: Kal is pretty dang proud about her hair, that little mess of soft fluff. It’s too thick to keep track of long, so she has it cut as short as possible without attracting the attention of certain eccentric women. Its current color is a light green, feeble compared to the darker hue of her eyes. They’re often aglow with some kind of slow light, accompanied with a relaxed smirk or grin, as if she were in on some joke no one else knew, or a lovely tune that fell on deaf ears everywhere else.
There is something a little childish in her small frame, inspiring the desire to protect more than to woo. Her features could be described as dainty, as if painted on her face with delicate precision. She isn’t pallid enough to look like a washed-out photograph, but has gotten paler over time, except for very certain nights when she seems to be full of color and energy.
Distinguishing Marks: Ever since that night, Kalsipher has never been able to stand the feeling of warmth on her neck. She often wears a wide metal choker, like a neck-bangle, or a long chain wrapped around it. The pressure doesn’t bother her at all, so long as the skin always feels cold underneath the jewelry. If any skin happens to peek through, there’s a look of something off about it, as if there was a burn being covered up, or a weird tan or tattoo.
History: Nobody grows up dreaming of becoming a cashier, or shelf-stacker. "Alita" wanted to be a surgeon, something about coupling the soaking of thrill of blood on the hands, and the joy of life restored. An altruistic power trip, you know? Medical school certainly didn't pay for itself, and the family unit, scattered and shattered as it was, certainly wasn't going to be able to scrape itself together to sponsor a kid through the program, no matter how good of investment it was. So she gritted her teeth and got herself a menial job, better suited for a high schooler with too much time on his hands. Being surrounded by colorful album covers, medleys of genres floating through the air - music and people both - ended up being a more acceptable situation that she would have thought.
Deathday was November 5, a day indeed to remember. Saturday not-quite-morning, taking a breather from the steamy stink of some club, when some drunkard came ambled dangerously close. Guns or knives were no use when a body stronger than its thin frame should possibly allow had itself pressed against one's own, a scream when one's voice finds itself tumbling out with the rest of one’s throat. As it turned out, even vampires are susceptible to alcohol and the release of inhibitions it brings.
Suburban emo kids
Touchy people
Country music *seethes…*
Claustrophobic situations
Sudden surprises, like bangs and pops
Happy silences
Tea and soup
Most forms of dance
Drinking with a straw
Making bubbles
From a site called Endless Delirium (pro'ly dead). It consisted mostly of emo boylove rps, but hey, I was at a point in my life where I was impressed by tldr-long posts and witty quips instead of "Characteristic:" when people made profiles. Probably inspired from this, though that one's obviously a nymph. Char's human name was never really decided, thus the quotations, and the complex with the neck might've needed some tweaking. If I remember right, she wouldn't feed until she snapped, at which point she'd go and eat/shred some dregs of society. And would probably trip on the bloodlust and/or whatever drugs where flowing through the victim's system.
The Phantom is There, Inside Your Mind
Name: Death in all its translations and guises, goes by the title or Sharon as a female, Morty when a male.
Age: A little younger than time, older than most gods
Appearance: As an iconic symbol in every culture, it helps to be transient. It is only because the force of nature happens to be worshiped that it has a sentience at all. It cannot be found at rest, being as it chooses to be tangible as it pleases, and is nothing more than the thoughts haunting the living until then.
When it is time to appear before a soul on the verge or past the threshold of the mortal coil, Death appears in a manner acceptable and expected from the person’s consciousness. This could be the well-known cloaked skeleton, complete with a gigantic scythe, or some sort of demonic or angelic apparition. The form of an important figure in the soul in question’s life may also be taken, such as a dead relative or lover.
History (optional)
Side/rank (good or evil, etc)
This must've been for a typical angel vs. demons rp. Obviously never went through with it, but the character concept tickles me. Maybe I just liked the thought of a third party, some kind of removed consciousness amongst all the politicking of the more traditional archetypes. Note to self: read Sandman.
The Ensnared
Name: Ma-tan A-go, goes by Mat
Mode of Combat: desperation Freestyle
Height: ~170 cm
Weight: ~60 kg
Measurements: A kick to yo' spleen
Birthplace: Grew up in Barton suburbia
Hobbies: Dozing, reading, petting cute things that won't bite one's face off, collecting goofy doo-dads.
Personal Treasure: A plush Kiki
Favorite Food: Curry, the spicier the better
Dislikes: Anything aquatic or marine (food), cold (been getting used to it), inferiority complexes, superiority complexes
Forte in Sports: Swimming, most track events
Other things worth mentioning: Essentially blind, though other senses compensate. Still, no color perception and isn’t affected by explodey light attacks. Can't throw or shoot something to save her life (not related to sight).
Demonic Guitar: Mostly used as a club. Even if the strings are not strummed, they’ll vibrate on impact enough to do a small shockwave strong enough to jar an unprotected person, though not heard. One chord has been figured out/unlocked, which makes an explosion of sound concentrated especially in ~1.5 meter radius around her.
Demon Bow: Could be used as a real bow with some energy, but because of the weakness stated above, it’s used more as a two-bladed dagger. No particular darkness or poison effects, just serrated.
Sun Staff: Usually in dormant mode, looking like a typical metal staff. Can activate and “bloom” for a distracting flash. The change would shift the weight down to one end, make some kind of awkward bat or mace.
Wears clothes as well.
Abilities: Mat can always sense vibrations and movement immediately around her better than most, or at least compared to before. After a certain amount of time in an area or room, she gets something of a map, or web, laid out, and can pick up subtle movements and sounds in the air, like a shift in posture or a drastic change of pulse. Basically lets her ‘see’ and a little bit more, minus color.

zomg, where's this from... HoH 2006? Couldn't be '07. If I remember right, it was with Team Avalon, one that never got off the ground due to paperwork issues and deadlines. One could say it was all for the best, I guess. Pretty sure I was busy much of that winter anyway, and would have absolutely shriveled up as a writer in face of all of the different power/established character levels and drama that ensued from the clashes. At least, that's what I tell myself to help me sleep at night...m'ouias.
S'cool, though. I would've thought seeing this would have caused me to wince, but spider!Mat has me almost nostalgic. Like seeing an old photo of a relative you never really knew.


Moving on.
Reflected, Refracted
Name: Axella "Xell" (pronounced "Shell" wink Rondo
Codename: Resonance
Academy X Student Team: New Mutants
Age: 16
Birthday: June 12
Hair: Black, shock blue at tips (dyed). Layered, with the longest strands being about shoulder-length.
Eyes: brown
Skin Tone: tanned
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 125
Build: petite
Race/Nationality: American – Mediterranean (Southwestern Europe) descent
Noteable Characteristics: Hair color. Is usually seen with a pair of either dj-style or bud-sized headphones covering at least one of her ears, either playing music or just muffling the world.
Uniform: Dark blue suit with gloves, belt, and boots at stop mid-calf of a tarnished gold as well as accents –almost pads – of a similar color on her knees and elbows. While the gel in those areas offer some cushioning in case of a fall, their main use is as a medium more effective than air to carry sound, meant to strengthen a hand-to-hand attack with a small blast of sound. The golden headband that keeps her hair back also helps her to hear frequencies not even she normally picks up.
Standard Dress: Relaxed. Either jeans or cargo pants, with some kind of graphic on the t-shirt or baby tee shirt she’s wearing. Sometimes a light hoodie or zip-up jacket.
Place of Birth: California
Mother: Vivi(an) Rondo - musician
Father: Chester Rondo - physicist
Dog (female shepherd mix): Lulu
Superhuman Ability: Heightened hearing and sound manipulation, including pitch and volume. Concentrated energy can be released in a sonic boom.
Abilities (not gained from mutation): Was on the track team before attending the Academy, so is a decent sprinter and jumper. Can play the piano fairly well, and is picking up the guitar.
Power Levels:
Physical Strength (1-10): 3
Power Mastery (1-10): 5
Speed (1-10): 6
Durability (1-10): 4
Intelligence (1-10): 5
Energy (1-10): 5
Agility (1-10): 4
Total: 32/45
Personal Strengths: Quick learner, doesn’t stay – or at least appear to – down for long
Personal Weaknesses: Might lose track of time, long-term goals, and common courtesy when completely focused on a task. Doesn't have much life experience because of her relatively sheltered life, so may have trouble empathizing with the suffering of others.
Personality: Indeed a scientist’s daughter, Xell is powered by a great curiosity in the world, especially its hows and whys. Socially, she comes off as something of a well-meaning goof, and is usually the first to extend a hand, though will remember it if that hand is slapped away. The resulting way she treats those who offend her will not be outright aggressive, but certainly a lot more chilly and formal.
Hobbies: Music, reading, video games, movies, trying out foreign cuisine
Mutant/Human Relations View: The tensions between mutants and those without powers doesn’t really surprise her, as a look at history would show that humans are remarkably talented at finding and fighting over the most minute of differences. While she wants to believe some kind of understanding can be reached, she remains wary of any promises on either side of peace.
History: -in progress-
Picture: :3 ?
Easily the closest thing to a long-term character I ever had. Played her during Academy X's first run, then when it came back. I totally meant to write out her backstory...really. There were some differences, though I never found the first gen profile. Xell-1's powers unlocked explosively in the middle of a concert (some shenanigans involving the speakers) whereas Xell-2's surfaced much more subtly, just wonking the sound around the house to the point when they stopped and realized that, wait a minute, something's going on here. Dropped out of the rp for the same reasons both times, I think: juggling too many things and getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of people there. Definitely a massive campaign, and with my only occasionally posting in the first place -take a long time to read, process, think up, and write- it was easy to feel like I was getting glossed over. A textbook case of the bawwws, if I am not mistaken.
Yeah, 'Baggage'
Name: Catharsis Nao [Goes by Cath, or sometimes even Cathy, oddly enough]
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Race: Part angel, mostly human [supposedly]
Appearance: [Disclaimer: He's not this angsty. Pic is reference only and for purposes of this record, needs not be seen. Don't want to burn anyone's eyes.] Cath has wispy, black hair that falls mostly around his shoulders, but the messy mop ends at varying lengths, and they fall almost invariably in his face, hiding his pale gold eyes. When he feels strong enough to face the world without his barrier of hair, he wears sweatbands or pulls his hair back in a half-ponytail, a style that makes him seem even more girlish. He has a pale, almost fragile look to him, but can pack quite a punch with enough momentum and aim. He's a fan of cool colors, and wears mostly greys and blues. He wears anything from dress shirts to tanks, slacks to ripped jeans, depending on his mood and occasion.
History: Catharsis has in no sense had a perfect life, but such is the case for everyone. Raised by caring, but not very loving, foster parents. Instead of seeking attention, Cath became a bit of a recluse, hiding in his room and in music. It is not as if he had bad relationship with his family. In fact, he keeps in touch with his foster brother. His powers manifested one day in the shower [while not thinking any dirty thoughts], and three pairs of black wings sprouted out of his back, breaking some of the bathroom masonry.
Confused and nervous for both his and the family's safety, they worked to find a place that was both a safe and educational environment. So obviously, Cath got shipped off to the best one around, the AMGB.
Dorm: No preference
Classes you take: Now improved and spiffied up!: World Civ, Physics, Calculus, English, Orchestra, Wind Magic, Japanese, Black Magic

IC bits:Embroidered on the black hoodie were 6 greyish wings, which seemed to move and flutter with each step. It wasn't as relaxing - or standoffish, for that matter - as completely exposing them, but it did take a bit of the strain off of having to conceal them.
Broken ceramics and brick, his brother Samuel unlocking the door to find half a wall missing and Cath strangely clothed in bloodied black feathers.

All right. First of all, AMGB stood for Academy of Magic for Gifted Boys, and if that sounds suspect, that's because it totally is. Even with all the stereotypes and clichés and general awkward involved with the genre, I still like the inter-dimensional wings shtick, could certainly have developed some interesting things to go along with it. Yeah, I know astral-types seem to invariably be twats, but I wouldn't have been obnoxious about it!

The Shepherd
Name: Gale
Age: A couple years old at time of death.
Status: Reaper, and "recycler:" destroys souls that have gone too far and corrupted into demons or monsters
Bio: Born into the life of a protector, Gale was a typical herding dog and family friend. His best friend, man, ended up being his downfall. Strength and teeth are no match from human technology. His life was a price he willingly paid to protect his family, however. He never knew if the waylaid killer ever got justice, but Gale now helps other innocents on their way to the afterlife, no matter how darkened their souls have become.
Appearance: A rather big dog, with the looks of a wolf. He has dark grey fur, with seemingly random stripes of dark brown, almost red - scars from his previous life, or more specifically, death. He wears a loose chain collar from which a chime dangles.
IC "...steaming a dark mist. It was his "body"'s way of getting rid of the evil he ingested and destroyed..."
If I remember right, this was from some kind of shinigami/ghost rp. He was a cool dood dowg; maybe it was because it was closer to the ground that he didn't lose his head even when all the emo kids were going nuts. Kind of had that stability of the watchdog Tock. I wish I remembered what I was trying to say by a chime collar. A single dangling metal bar that sounded on command? Certainly not a typical bell, that's downright catlike.

The Wayward
Character Name: Calcifer Regent
Age: 18
Hometown: Sandtrap Village
Trainer Status: Trainer
Position: for the moment, trainer
Personality: Having grown up in a desert, Calcifer learned that nature was something to be feared as well as loved, so treats the natural world with great respect. Pokemon are partners and friends, even superiors in some cases, not pets or slaves. Other humans she meets are viewed with detachment, at times even distant contempt. It's not the she's unable to trust or befriend, but until she's close to someone, they will be treated cooly, conducted like business.
Appearance:User Image
Fairly tall for a girl, she stands at nearly six foot, and has a slightly gaunt, rather boyish figure. Her skin is tanned from a life in the sun, and hair is a pale, sandy (hurrhurr) blonde, choppy and short to keep out of the way. Her clothing is often of earthy colors, and worn loose or light, though she will be more quick to bundle up than some because of her instinct to shy away from the cold.
---Sighting: 45
---Catching: 58
---Battling: 57
Wealth: 2100
Items: 12
Pokemon Carried: Zubat (docile) Numel(naive) Hariyama (docile) Sandslash (impish) Cacnea (brave) Hippopotas (sassy)
Pokemon in PC: Slugma(lonely) Aron(quirky)
Don't think I ever used this one, or if the campaign even took off. The amount of detail and stats was intriguing, but I think it ended up being too much for even I, who am always bemoaning online roleplay's lack of substance. Maybe as a tabletop, it could've worked, but alas.
Yes, that avatar is a guy; too bad, it was awesome. And yes, her name is totally the same as the first char's. For whatever reason, I absolutely love the names Calcifer and Caliginous, and tend to spam them when I can't think of anything for a name. Maybe I just like the fact that they sound pretty and are both words that are generally unknown ('cept for the first, what with Howl's Moving Castle.)
I wish I could remember what her goal was - all characters had one, be it gym leader, breeder, gottacatch'emall, super villain, ect. Might've been either of the first two.
That was pretty fun. I'll have to go through the old, old, computer one day (once I figure out how to hook it back up), because I know for a fact there are others in some stray word document somewhere. Massive future/eventual edit-get.

No, I don't care about how pretentious I sound with the titles given.

Edit: 9/14/08
Yeeeeah, totally got ahold of those older files. I didn't figure out how to plug the monitor it, but remembered that the network was still intact, so all one needed to do was boot up the machine and access the files through another comp. hxc, yo. If only I'd put the dates with them, for a sense of scale context, to see how much/whether I'd grown or changed much since then. 'Course, if wishes were fishes, I'd have a aquarium full to burst.

The Guardian
Name: Madrid
Age: 10 winters
Desc: Madrid is the color of the forest, though perhaps up-side down. From her paws up, her green fur fades darker till it turns olive and brown on her back, and with eyes of sea foam. She is much more compact than the typical wolf, with a physique much more solid as opposed to sleek. She has what seems to be scars running down her face, but these are just markings, though she does have a couple of the real thing.
She doesn’t transform into a human unless absolutely necessary, as in her life being forfeit otherwise. When she is in it, however, she keeps her almost stocky body, about average height for a woman but without the softness of those living the easy life, instead etched with well-defined muscle drawn tight over her frame, ready to bolt or snap. Her hair is a mess of browns and greens, as if she’d rolled in the mud, and just long enough to not stand on end as fluff. Had her eyes been the typical golden of wolves, it would be the most telling feature of her lycanthropy, but they are also a pale blue-green.
Pers: Having lived at most on the fringes of human society most of her life, Madrid is reserved around anything she deems to be civilization. Despite her discomfort, there is a distant fascination in her for humans and their claustrophobic, destructive, selfish, beautiful ways. On some level, she is proud to be an outsider to this system, but on the other hand, she can't help but wonder if the sense of longing will be filled by leaving the forest.
As a survivor, she makes use of her cunning as much as her claws, and has a cold, almost ruthless way of approaching things. She is not without sense, and will not kill without reason, but compassion and generosity are concepts somewhat alien to her.
Weapon: Along with biting and clawing, which she is skilled enough at in human form as well as when a beast, Madrid is skilled in brawling, though she hardly ever uses fists, preferring to scratch and twist flesh.
Past: Madrid’s earliest memories have been of the forest. There was always a feeling of alienation within her, and she found out what it was exactly when she started noticing all the other predators around her growing, birthing, and dieing around her as she ticked along her much slower life cycle. Choosing to live more in the center of the forest, she’s hardly known to the villagers save a few tales of drunkards bleating of a spirit chasing them away after a late-night romp. For now, she is content with the position she had taken as some sort of guardian, but there is something hollow in her post, some desire for the truth of her self.
Intro: It wasn't so much that the forest awakened. Such a thing couldn't really happen, as it never fell into slumber; parts of it were always on guard, against outsiders, against itself. The forest as a whole lived more in different stages of alertness, filled with a predatory kind of patience as it waited for a chance to snap up a fool, animal or man.
Those who made their lives here either did so as paranoid victims, snatching up all they can while stealing glances over their shoulder, always feeling the predator's breath on their backs. For this second class, it was a matter of catching enough skittering prey to fill one's belly, possibly along with a couple other little ones. If all went well.
“Others.” With this thought, a huddle of green rustled in the crook of a half-rotten tree trunk, opening its eyes with a concentrated glare. The wolf did not take kindly to being woken up, and some event had barraged her senses with the … presences of many new … beings. There was that silkiness on the edges of the forest – Madrid could recognize that as the Visitor’s. There had been something strange about the herbivore from the start, something that dulled all feeling of hunger in the wolf, so she had given it ample space.
But now the scents of raging men and something else – like balls of dust and ash – were here as well. With swift and low bounds, a shadow of the forest ran without a body, disturbing nary a leaf or slumbering beast as it made its way to the scene of the commotion. “Surely men are happy taking as they are from this place, there’s no need for an invasion,” Madrid pondered with a growl, trying desperately to understand what was going on to her home.
Urp, another quadruped. To be fair, this was from a forum of a site called Wajas, which was centered around breeding and raising these fantastical wolf things, and this was done using one of mine as a base. The rp was a more standard fantasy, with the 'Visitor' that was mention being someone's unicorn char, and the other was a demon and his familiar, I think.
Full name: Seldom Shizuka
Physical description: Seldom has short, choppy hair that falls around her chin in the front, shortening to chin-length at the back of her head. It's black for the most part, but has electric blue tips about a centimeter long in the front, ending where the hair is cut shorter (it basically makes a triangle of blue). Her eyes are almost as dark as her (natural) hair, a very deep brown. Framing them are a pair of glasses, which she considers as an accessory just as much as a source of sight. She is of average height, and slightly on the thin side. Her style can be described as preppy, bohemian, punk, or a combination of all, depending on her mood, but she almost always wears shades of gray and blue. She has pierced ears, but only wears earrings on special events when being fancy and/or feminine is expected. Both her genes and hours in the sun attribute to her fairly tanned skin.
Blood line Mixed
Personality: As her last name suggests (it means 'calm'), Seldom is a very centered person, and almost never gets angry. She can get riled up about things she's really excited about or when with close friends, though, but she tends to maintain an image of still body of water: deep and untouched. A supportive kind of person, she would much rather be behind the scenes than in the spotlight. She's not exactly shy, but prefers not to have all eyes glued on her. Although she's not really impulsive, she sometimes gets an idea in her mind and feels a need to go through with, and this can be confusing for the people around her, since she doesn't usually tell them what she's thinking.
Good at: Classes/things that use logic, music
Bad at: Most sports, dancing in front of others (she can go crazy behind closed doors)
Likes: Peace and quiet, a cool bed on warm nights and vice versa, graceful fighting styles and weapons, spiders and snakes, romping and exploring
Dislikes: People who think they're all that and can't back it up, having a situation completely out of her hands, being confined and restrained (even if it's for her own good), people that can't keep up with her mentally
Favorites: Tea, anything spicy, relaxing smells, like peach and vanilla; all shades of blue, classical music and techno, dragons and sea creatures
Least favorites: Uber-caffinated sodas, any kind of seafood, neon, clashing colors, Rap and country music, slimy critters (though not octopi)
Trunk: Other than the standard clothing, school supplies and bathroom utensils, Seldom has a collapsible cage for Yoru as well as litter and food for him. Her wand is a strange, old heirloom, more of a twisted, gnarly branch than a wand. It is shaped almost like a hand, with a smooth, flat part that rest on the back of her hand and five short extensions that hook around her bases of her fingers. The one around the middle finger snakes up it and extends out for about a foot in front of her finger, still in its corkscrew shape but very sturdy and flexible. On the flat part of the wood, the kanji 'chikara,' or 'power,' is engraved.
History: Although not everyone in her family can use magic, because so much of the extended family can, it's impossible to hide the secret of magic's existence from the rest. Her life growing up was much like that of a pureblood, with just about everyone in the household able to use at least a little bit of magic. However, since she lived in the American Muggle suburbs all her life, she is a bit weak on European magical lingo.
From a Harry Potter spin/rip-off called...Cerridwen, though with perhaps more y's thrown into to look extra spiffy. Think it had four houses and everything. Died about a week or two into the campaign. Yoru was the name of her black Flemish giant lop, which is another way of saying HUEG BOONYA.
On second glance, I do not approve of the wand bsns. Too weeaboo and presumptuous.

Chilled of Heart
Name: Corrine
Title: Curry
Reason behind title: It’s a quick way of saying her name. Also, she loves spicy things.
Personality: Rather taciturn unless to report a person’s condition, many don’t notice her somewhat morbid sense of humor. She rarely smiles, but is said to freeze water when she does, the event is so strange and haunting. When she is ‘doctoring’ either comrades or enemies, she is all business, and lets others do the interrogation, if that’s what to be done.
Weapon(s): She wears a long, beautiful necklace made of a long chain of crystals. It wraps around her neck several times, and the loops grow until the last ring brushes against her navel. This is in fact a long whip chain, one she wears in disguise in case she gets attacked during an invasion. She also carries scalpels and other surgical equipment that she can use in melee battle.
Other: People don’t seem to trust her strong enough in battle, so she tends to get left behind. In HQ, however, she does a great job as medic…and torturer.
Appearance: Shock white hair, dark blue eyes,
History: Having lost her parents at a very young age when they turned on each other and killed each other, Corrine has gotten used to the war even if she doesn’t understand it; she’s had to, to remain sane. Fascinated with blood and bodies, she set to learn about how life and death works, learning medicine at an astonishing rate.
From a 'girls vs. boys' kind of threads, were there was some kind of gender war going on. Either I wasn't bothered by the cliché, or this was a notable exception in terms of quality, because I don't remember being too frustrated with the players. Don't know if I ever made clear how old she was, but definitely not the standard late, even mid-teens to early twenties. Chops up and eats ***** for breakfast, or something. Definitely a Presea-type vibe going there (Tales of Symphonia).
The Exiled
Name: Charlotte, but goes by Charley or Carl
Heart: (artistic license, woot. Hope it's alright) Starlight: cold and distant at first glance, but is fueled by a life and dreams just like anyone else...*sudden realization* Is that just night?
Side: Good, but only because she's enemies with Heartless.
Appearance: Typically garbed in dark clothing to blend in with her surroundings (she lives in Halloween Town, can I do that?), Carl has short, choppy, blonde hair and light freckles all over her somewhat pale skin (the freckles, not hair). Since it kinda stands out against the darkness, she usually has the hood of her black hoodie up to cover her hair. In silver embroidery, an angel and dragon's wing are stitched on the shoulder area of the jacket. She sports black cargo pants with her pockets loaded with (un)expected items, such as potions and a plush bunny. Due to a scar obtain in one of her first fights in Castle Oblivion, she wraps her back in bandages, thus flattening her chest. Because of this, her cold attitude, and androgynous-looking face, people she meets invariably thinks of her as a guy until she proves them otherwise by some rare feminine behavior.
Weapon: Carl's weapon starts off as a scythe. It has a 6-foot black bar with silver swirling down its length in perty colors, and swirls of different metals can also be seen on the blade itself.
http://pa.mediaminer.org/26/174026.jpg<-- Waaah, broken link T___T Totally don't remember what it was supposed to look like, either
Personality: Having lived alone for so long with contact from humans, Carl has almost become one of the Heartless herself, not doing much else than destroying them to survive. As a result, she's a bit callous and apathetic, and doesn't have much mercy, or patience, for the weak. She does, however, still have a bit of a quirky sense of humor, smiling occasionally at a clever wordplay. Being confused as a male doesn't give her any problems, in fact, she feels people treat her better when they think so.
Bio: Like most of the people in the Castle, Carl doesn't know much about her past. She even made up her own name, choosing something officially feminine but easily changed into a more boyish handle. She had trouble getting by at first, but soon found relative peace and quiet in Halloween Town. There she lives chopping Heartless up and selling them in Town for basic needs. She also makes various art/weapons/toys from leftover remains (craft skillz! : B). She lives in something of a Heartless graveyard in a hut surrounded by candles which are never extinguished.
Eeeeh, Kingdom Hearts! ^__^ Thinking back to how long ago this must have been - if only by my surprise upon finding it and remembering bits and pieces - I'm pretty much positive that this was before the second one came out. Otherwise, there'd be absolutely nothing special about someone dressed up in a black hoodie and I would therefor have no particular inclination to go down that route. Can't remember what "Heart" was supposed to mean, but I could only guess the other choices were night and day, perhaps referring to corruptibility as opposed to good/evil, if only because it's not the same as "Side." Don't know where normal starting point was, probably Traverse Town, or if people tended to use Keyblades as their weapon, but I'm pretty damn sure no one else had a scythe >D

The Wyld-Touched
Name- Yachi Suono
Race- Werewolf
Personality- A centered and relaxed soul, Yachi is hardly one to get unnerved, and tends to be the last one to lose her head during a stressful situation. She is pensive, though not afraid to speak her mind. She does have what she likes to consider a witty sense of humor, sometimes smiling at jokes she finds in other people’s ways whether they mean to be funny or not. Her calm cheer changes to a cold, focused rage when she fights the Heartless, however, becoming a primal, efficient fighter.
Powers/Abilities- Enhanced hearing and smell. Her claws and fangs are able to damage Heartless, and she is able to ingest their remains. During the full moon, she turns into a full quadruped wolf [black fur, brown ears and feet, blue eyes] but stays sentient. [She’s stuck in this form when in Halloween Town, because of the constant full moon]. She is also able to cast low-level Ice and Cure spells.
Weapon(s) - At first glance, her hands may look like a human’s, but a closer look reveals her nails to be much harder and sharper than normal, as well as retractable.
Brief History: Growing up in Deep Jungle, Yachi never knew her parents, and she has come to wonder whether or not she was not born out of the world itself. She’s fought against various Heartless throughout her life, and considers them her enemy and prey.
Questions or snickers on the title are to be directed toward the rpg Exalted for details and answers. Anyway, yey for another KH char~ Not yey for the weeaboo of her name and pic. Don't know how canine claws are supposed to be retractable, either.

It's somewhat bizarre, though. I remember the feeling of complete wonder and utter epic that washed over me when I first saw the first trailers for KH, with the haunting opening song and the wtfhowdoesthisworkomgthisissoawesome combination of Final Fantasy and Disney characters. I did finish the first one -really should consider getting a copy for myself and replaying it- but haven't gone through the second, considering even starting over because I don't really remember what's going on. However, the love bubbles and shinies I had first experienced so long ago have since faded away, but I think the fanbase might have done something about that(see: narutard); though, either I was lucky or still oblivious, because it obviously didn't stop me from joining in on some of the spin-offs.

Edit: 2/1/2009
Found some more going back through my posts

Can't Be the Only One Lucid Dreaming
(My name is): Ashling, call me Ash[Name]
(I am 18 years old)
(When I last checked, I was): a guy
(What am I? Well, I am a): just some bloke (human)
(Who do I like? Well, I am): non-discriminatory
(My God/Goddess Father/Mother is): Morpheus - god of dreams
(My life is pretty much): that of a hippy, if a little cleaner. Mother was one of those deep thinkers, spending most of her life in school before deciding her dream job was teaching life lessons to her son. Summer camp was brought up when I wouldn't stop bringing up the dead guy I saw and talked to in the kitchen, then showed my mom by having him pick up some dishes and toss 'em around. Admittedly, not the best way to get her to believe me, but I've been going here a couple years now.
(My special abilities are): Premonition, sight beyond sight (can see through illusions and glamours), a good rapport with ghosts and spirits
(People say I am): Way too mellowed out for my own good; try to get me riled up about something, just try. 'Course, there's nothing like having a good time, a good laugh. Is it weird that I see that there's more to smile at in the world than others?
(What I look like in the mirror): Zonked.
(Other junk I wanna add):I actually don't do drugs, just happen to be perpetually acting like it.
(The person in my head is called): Matanago
From here. I never watched or read Death Note, but I believe that picture is a fanart of Matt from there. I think I snagged it off of 4chan. Game and people were pretty eh, could've certainly been worse. Nothing spectacular, though, I don't know how much longer I would've stuck around if it hadn't died. Wonder if anyone else would've picked someone other than the big...8? as their ancestor. Big pantheon is big, after all.

User name: Matanago
Character name: Sable
Hair: Color, Length: Pale, fluffy blond, not quite long enough to do more than curl out once (short)
skin tone: Light tan
Eye color: Brown
General height: Tall, almost 6'
-Doduo - Checkers
-Numel - Dune
-Hariyama - Choppa
From here. It didn't last long, but I hearted this rp so hardcore. Just goes to show: awesome writing begets awesome writing.

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