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Outbreak Part 2
Dorian’s Log…Part 2
“All units proceed to Richmond and Victoria!” informed the helicopter pilot as Dorian and the others slid down their cable lines to the rooftop below. “All right form up!” shouted Sgt. Patterson. “Let’s do it!” shouted Cpl. Oliveira. “Lets move go, go, go, go!” commanded Lieutenant Robinson and the U.B.C.S. members were on their way. “Valentine, form up!” shouted Lieutenant Luke Johnson. Dorian sighed as he noticed the others already getting into formation. “This way men follow me!” ordered Johnson and after a few moments the Umbrella Security Service, team DELTA, was on their way as well. The choppers had turned and were now making their way back to HQ in an instant they were both gone and we weren’t scheduled to rendezvous with them again until 0800 hours the morning of October 2nd. “Down the fire escape quickly!” barked Lt. Johnson, abruptly breaking Dorian’s thoughts. The men jogged single file over to the emergency fire escape the Lt. proudly leading the way. In Sergeant Dorian’s mind, Lieutenant Luke Johnson was no were near as effective a leader as his former commanding officer Lt Col. HUNK was. He didn’t give orders, he barked them at you like a dog, he treated most of his men he worked with like crap and if his command was challenged, even a little, he would shout and curse in your face. So needless to say the team was rather on edge and quiet most of the time, taking almost any order without question. They didn’t have the brotherly like relationship Dorian had had with his former team. In fact, Dorian didn’t even know half of his new teammate’s names. Dorian never was too good at remembering names and neither was his former commander, so back when he was with the U.S.F.U. using special codenames was customary. But Lt. Johnson was a “by the books” type of guy and nicknames weren’t aloud, so instead of Dorian going by his trademark alias “DMV” he was addressed as Sgt. Valentine or simply Valentine. No jokes were made between comrades and to be honest, even though Dorian was in the heat of battle, he was bored. “Keep up Sgt.!” scolded “LJ”, as Dorian privately called him. Dorian shook his head trying to remove the nostalgic memories of his former team from his mind, as he rushed to catch up with the others. Again he was falling behind, “Get a grip D!” he thought as they piled down the fire escape. When they reached the bottom a rough estimate suggested that they were on around the third floor. “Search this complex quickly pile in people!” LJ shouted as he took the butt of his M16 and smashed it into the apartment window closest to him. Dorian was in back the line ahead of him quickly disappearing into the darkness of the hotel window. Once Dorian was through LJ followed swiftly behind him, “Spread out! Night vision now people!” he shouted signaling his troops off in all directions. Dorian flipped on his night vision as he quickly took in the surrounding environment. “Valentine…go with Mathews and search the hallway, and check the stairs!” he instructed. Dorian nodded mumbling a “Yes sir” under his breath as both Pvt. Mathews and Dorian stepped out into the hallway. It was no darker than the previous room but it was strangely at lot creepier. “The back up generators down…there’s no emergency lights. Stay frosty Pvt.…” Dorian said as he and Pvt. Mathews cautiously made their way down the hallway. “Roger.” Mathews informed him sounding incredibly firm, obviously trying his best to hide his nervousness. “Easy Pvt., it’s quite alright to be a little nervous.” Dorian calmly reassured him. “D-don’t know what you mean sir…” the Pvt. replied deepening his voice a little, again trying to hide his insecurity. Dorian could only smile and laugh to himself quietly. “He reminds me of myself at a young age…” Dorian thought as he turned to investigate the stairs. A few minutes passed and it was eerily and ominously quiet, “Nothing…not a god damn thing…how…strange. It’s so quiet…” Dorian whispered. The area seemed clear so Dorian instructed Mathews to head back down the hall to report back to LJ. They both stopped in the doorway of room 302 where LJ and three others were still conducting a thorough search of the room, LJ having already sent the rest of the men off to search the other rooms. “Anything?” LJ asked an aggravated tone in his voice. “No sir, the hallway and stairwell for this floor are secured.” Dorian replied, trying very hard to ignore the lieutenant’s attitude. “Alright then let us…” LJ began but was sharply cut off as an ear shattering scream followed by that of gunfire rang down the hallway pouring into the room. “Next door, move!” shouted the lieutenant as he, Dorian, and the others all bolted out the door in a flash. Just as they all reached the emptiness of the hallway Pvt. Fredric’s and Cpl. Rodriguez came barreling out of the room ahead of them. “What happened?” LJ demanded pushing past Dorian and Mathews, as the others came running up to see what the commotion was all about. Rodriguez started to fill them all in on the situation, “We found a civilian or so we thought, when we approached him he looked all…mangled and deformed. Then out of nowhere he lunges out and attacks Fredric’s here! I had no choice but to neutralize him!” “He took a bite outta my neck man!” Pvt. Fredric’s interrupted his voice hoarse. “Aw geez, Medic!” called LJ shouting over the sound of Fredric’s loud cursing. “********, ********, ******** mother ******** man! Ow god! He took a chunk right outta’ me man!” Fredric’s shouted sharply his voice ringing loudly in Dorian’s ears. Pvt. Parker, the field medic, came rushing up to Fredric’s pushing away his blood soaked hand and placing some fresh gauze onto the wound. “Ow! Easy you lil’ p***k!” Fredric’s yelled punching Pvt. Parker in the shoulder. “Alright, you three continue your search of room 303, you three take 304, and Mathews you stay with Parker and Fredric’s. Valentine, you and Rodriguez come with me…lets take a look at our would-be attacker.” LJ instructed, followed by a loud “Yes sir!” from the others. All accept Fredric’s who was still cursing loudly and taking out his frustration on Mathews and Parker. As everyone headed to their separate destinations Dorian, LJ, and Rodriguez went inside room 301 to examine Pvt. Fredric’s mysterious attacker. As Rodriguez had described he indeed looked rather messed up. His skin was a pale green color and was flaking off in several places. His eyes were glazed over, his hair a stringy greasy mess. His clothes were tattered and his left arm looked as if it was dislocated. “Apparently he’s been here awhile…there’s flies buzzing all over him.” said LJ, fingering one of the bullet wounds with his index finger. “He’s definitely dead…I made sure of that!” Rodriguez said, as Dorian observed the bullet wounds located around the neck, forehead, and chest area of the fallen attacker. Dorian bent down to examine a splatter of blood next to the body, something about it just didn’t seem right. It took Dorian a few moments but he soon realized what the problem was, “Not he…It…this thing isn’t human. This blood here, see? It’s coagulated…that’s not possible.” Dorian said, rubbing the blood between his thumb and index finger. “Why not?” LJ questioned, sounding rather irritated and confused. “Because blood doesn’t do that until after your dead…whatever leaked from the lab not only kills the person it infects but it also brings them back to life as well. Not as a person…but a monster. For lack of a better word…it turns people into zombies. The living dead…” Dorian said turning back to LJ awaiting his response. “God damn…what was Umbrella thinking?” LJ said, reaching for his radio. “This is DELTA team, this is DELTA team, calling for Lieutenant Smith…over. Repeat this is Lieutenant Johnson of DELTA team calling Arnold over.” LJ said, a deep sounding voice quickly replying. “This is Lieutenant Smith…Luke? What’s up pal? Over.” answered the Lt. Dorian had met him before, a giant of a man easily around 6’5” and he was rather husky. Dorian remembered his named because he always found it odd that an overweight man was working for an agency the required physical fitness. “Perhaps it’s more muscle than flub…” he thought as he was brought back to reality by the sound of the Lieutenants scruffy voice. “Well we’ve encountered one of the infected…be advised targets are hostile, repeat the targets are hostile! Over!” LJ stated, bending down next to Dorian to inspect the body further. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, I thought whatever leaked was fatal! Details over!” Smith responded, his voice sounding frantic. “Well we’re pretty sure it was one of the infected, the son of a b***h looks like a damn corpse! But one of my men was attacked by tha’ thing! Sgt. Valentine believes that whatever leaked from the lab does indeed kill you, but the trouble is…you don’t stay dead. Over…” LJ said, standing up and kicking the body cursing under his breath. Whatever he was thinking about was definitely worrying him. “God…damn…acknowledged…so they’re like zombies or something right? The living dead…like in those B-rated movies on the TV? s**t I knew Umbrella was experimenting with viral weaponry, but turning the living into zombies what tha’ ******** man?!” a bewildered Lt. Smith tensely replied. “No further details…proceed with caution. Be advised…the infected from afar and in dim enough light look and appear to be human! Inform me if you encounter any and we’ll keep you posted as well…this is Lt. Johnson over and out!” LJ said, clipping the radio back onto his belt. “10-4…” Smith replied. There was a long pause before LJ clapped his hands together and looked over to Dorian and Rodriguez. “Alright there are 6 floors to this place; I want each floor searched by twos. Search every room quickly but thoroughly leave no room unchecked; if you run into any civi’s take them with you…as for hostiles…take out every one of those bastards that you find! But be cautious…don’t nail a civi by mistake! Valentine you and Mathews take the 4th floor, go…now!” he ordered. Dorian nodded and made his way out the door of 301 to confront Mathews. “C’mon Pvt. your with me. Let’s go!” he said, making his way down the hallway past Parker and Fredric’s. Fredric’s by the way still sounding rather pissed off, “At least I’ll be able to get away from his racket…” he mumbled. Pvt. Mathews nervously trailed after Dorian down the hallway and up the stairs to the 4th floor. They charged forward unaware of what dangers might await them within the darkness. Around every corner, behind every door, deep in every shadow, terror could be lurking.

The tale of Kevin and Cindy…Part 2
Kevin and Cindy were exhausted, having run all the way from the old subway station to a nearby hotel. “Damn I’m outta ammo…sorry Cindy looks like the subway was a bad choice on my part.” Kevin said, trying to make something sound funny out of something that clearly wasn’t. Cindy didn’t mind that he made a mistake; everyone did every once in awhile especially her. “Oh it’s alright at least we’re both safe! I hope that guy who helped us out it ok…” she said, a hint of sadness in her voice. Kevin could tell that she was concerned for his well being, and did his best to comfort her. “Hey I’m sure he’s fine…he works there! He prolly knows how to get the subway cars runnin’ again, I’m sure he knows what he’s doing!” he said with a grin. Cindy couldn’t help but smile back at him; he really was quite charming and handsome too. She had known Kevin for quite awhile now, he would often come to Jack’s Bar just to see her. As sweet as his frequent visits were he would constantly flirt with her and she used to find it rather annoying. However, since the outbreak began they’ve been together the entire time and their relationship did nothing but grow as time went on. “Ok look its safe here…why don’t you stay here why I venture out for…” before Kevin could finish Cindy angrily interrupted. “No, I’m coming with you!” she shouted, her sour expression looking up at him. He had never heard Cindy shout like that before it was very different from her usual bright and optimistic attitude. “But Cindy I…” again she interrupted. “No, no “buts” I’m coming with you and that’s that! You could get hurt or something and I won’t let what happened to Will happen to you!” she shouted again clenching tightly to his arm. Kevin saw a determined look in her eyes and knew right away that there was nothing he could say to change her mind. He sighed, “Alright you can come…but stay close to me alright.” He smiled her once sour expression turning to joy and she actually hoped in place and clapped her hands like a school girl. Kevin couldn’t help but laugh at her cuteness; she really was one of the cheeriest girl’s he’d ever met. “Ok now that that’s outta my system we can go. I know where a Kendo Gun Shop is located; it’s about three blocks west of here. Think you can keep up?” he smiled, giving her a thumbs-up. She smiled cheerfully back at him and took his hand in hers. “Yup!” she winked. Kevin felt himself go red in the face as he laughed nervously, “Alright then let’s go!” he shouted. He quickly pushed the door open and began to dash through the zombie infested streets holding Cindy’s hand tightly in his. Cindy was hot on his heels as they ventured forward into the unknown Cindy quietly asking God to grant them safe passage on their journey.


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