Well well well...what have we here? No one is interested in my little journal...or at least they are very quiet about it. None the less I will continue my ego bashings and my moral slander. One might wonder, "Evman! Where Have you been?! We missed you so! How could you leave us for so long without writting?" and I would say, "Easy my orphan pawn! I left you to go have fun else where on the weekend!" You see on the weekends I rarely get on the computer to do my journals because I'm usually haveing too much fun eating candy bars in front of Loss Weight Stores or plotting the demise of the mail man. I won't go into too much detail but overall I had a good time. I finally got my new computer. Lots of goody goodies on it too. I've been spending alot of time just playing games on it killing...maiming...destroying peace abolishing justice...you know the drill.

In other news, I got some pictures of my minions...I mean friends and I a couple days ago. They are great. I'll have fun manipulating them...and then I'll send all you heartless fans the links so that you can laugh at their silly faces...and I can laugh too HAHAHA...oh that's me in that picture...hmmm

Anyhoo I'll be going now. Sorry for the delay and all, but you should come to depend on me neglecting you all (not to sound rude or anything I just hate you) Haha I'm kidding of course.

Did I mention I'm feeling rather evil today? Maybe I should of...

With Loving Domination,