I am so sick of school and work right now. I just want them to be over. I hate having to get up and go to
school then have to go to work after it. BAH!! If I could win the ******** Lottery I would be better off. I
would love that. Having enough money that I would not have to go to Wendy's and Slave all ******** night
and day shift on the weekends. Life would be Sweet. I could play Video games and play all day. I could
actually have a life, outside of the work place. I never get to hang with my friends. I am always at work,
but if I am not there I am at home sleeping because I am so tired from work and school everyday of the
week. I miss you all so much it isn't even funny. I havn't even got to enjoy my B-Day Presents. I wanna
watch my AEON FLUX and MONTY PYTHON. Who am I kidding I just want to be able to rest for once. When I have
a ******** day off from work and school I am always given a list at home to do some kind of work. JESSICA
MICHELLE DOBSON NEVER GETS ONE!!!!!!!!!! I mean they always do that to me. If I want to go somewhere with
my friends....which is ******** rare, I have to clean the whole ******** house and everything.
BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! MAKE IT STOP. Oh and on top of that I keep getting sick, my body will not let me get
well at all. I try to eat right and get better, no no not gonna happen. I keep coughing up my Lungs. I
Anyways; I like rant on that sometimes.
I watched the Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 trailer last night and then I had to go and watch the first one.
JOHNNY DEPP GOODNESS *drool with many happy thoughts*
I want my KINGDOM HEARTS II Right NOW!! Johnny Depp in that too. I just wanna play with Jack Skeleington
and Jack Sparrow *giggles like a ero genin* KA KA KA KA KA KA KA KA KA *wiggles fingers and blushes*
Made Haku-kun a girl. GIRLY GIRL VOICE! I know that they original voice actor in the Japanese (true
version) is a girl, but they wanted it to be innocent and sweet. it can be a female or a YOUNG male. In
America they just want to do it half assed and basically make Haku-kun a girl. I was Haku-kun for Sugoicon
2004, but that is okay. Because I kinda look like him. WHY CARTOON NETWORK, WHY??????? They have ******** it
up for everybody. I am sticking to my Manga and Subtitled versions.......except when I need a Kakashi-kun
fix I will have to listen to his voice. That is a good voice for my Kakashi-kun. *giggle giggle* It is
weird, I love Naruto, but I am LOVE his Sensei! Most people love the main character; for example,
INUYASHA, RANMA, YUSUKE, GOKU, GOHAN, and VASH; but I love the charatcer that teaches them to be ninjas,
to be the best that they can. I think that my life is so pathetic that I obsess with anime characters like
they are real people. What am I saying they are real, they are real to the creator and to me. I just can't
find men that can compare to them that is why I havn't had a boyfriend I think. I have a certain idea of
what my DREAM man is from all the anime I watch, I can't find one that has at least 5 traits even close to
my anime character list. I know that it is hopeless but I am going to keep look for a man like KAKASHI,
VASH, and INUYASHA, oh and CLOUD. I know that one day I will find someone like them. I can dream at least.
*looks away* I have found one that Looks like my ideal KAKASHI-KUN. You never get to see KAKASHI-KUN's
face, but in Doujinshi and Yaoi. But to me he is as close to the PERFECT KAKASHI-KUN as anyone can get to
in my book.
Well that is enough of this. I guess you are all like, STFU. *bows* Laters
Hatake Hinata · Thu Dec 01, 2005 @ 08:31pm · 1 Comments |