One week of exams left to go. UGH. xp
We had Spring Fling at my high school yesterday as a last day of school thing; they had inflatables! It was awesome! Me and a bunch of my friends went down the huge slide and I raced my friend Courtney through the huge obstacle course 3nodding . It was great.
My Sergeant for JROTC grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and stuff (He's a really good cook btw...) and all the cadets got to eat for free. Woo! Just one of the perks of that program. xDD
Then it started storming (it was awesome for about 5 minutes) and we ALL had to go inside. They let us chill til about 2, then sent us off to 7th period. Except a few of us ROTC people. Our Colonel had us run around and pick up trash from around the football stadium and the area where Sergeant had been grilling after the rain stopped. Afterwards, we all went in again and got sodas out of the supply closet (I had Pepsi, hehe) and just chilled til school let out, the headed over to the wrestling gym for rifle practice, where it started downpouring again. Me and a few other people went out and got soaked xD
So, that was my last day of actual school. Next week I have exams and then we're all free for the summer! I can't believe I'm gonna be a Junior next year...yikes!
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-dead- We finished CATS testing last week and I haaaaated it. We couldn't sleep after we were done. crying
We have finals for two days (5/28 and 5/29). -_- Stupid administrators put the finals day on the day of our EIGHTH GRADE DANCE. scream
:'] But I'm goin' to Manual as a Freshie and can't be more excited.