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::♥The End♥::
..::...Goodbyes Should Stay Short...::..

It wasn't their first kiss. But then again, their first kiss hadn't been exactly gentle either. Leax pulled away after a moment, running his fingers through his hair. What was he doing, kissing, touching, falling for an angel? Was there something wrong with him? Oh, there must have been. His blue, gold-rimmed eyes gazed at the slightly shorter, raven haired, green eyed angel boy. Leax was almost sure he wouldn't be much taller if it weren't for the black heels he was wearing. He just couldn't help it, they made him look good, "Damn.." He muttered, finally looking away, "I'm never going to get used to this."

He could feel those eyes, still on him, still boring into him. The angel was like flames, burning him with a touch- with a look, "Get used to what?" He was demanding, but gentle. it was almost as if he liked it when he pushed Leax, as if he liked the more forceful reactions he usually got. Loic's lips were parted oh-so-beautifully, his arms winding tighter around Leax's neck and his body pressing closer. God, what would it be like to make love to an angel? Leax felt a p***k in the back of his thoughts that told him he'd already done this before, but it was more of a possessive feeling. Like Loic was his. What an odd thought.

But... He could taste the angel's breath...

He pressed his lips roughly to Loic's, parting them with his tongue quickly as his pressed the boy against him tightly, his hands securely pressing against the angel's lower back. Oh, how he'd wanted to do this with a few others. But he'd been unable, there had always been this annoying feeling in the back of his mind whenever he got close... But not now. That gave fuel the the fire shooting throughout his body, under his skin. The angel did nothing if not respond positively as lips trailed the pale skin of his throat slowly, nipping here and there at the tender skin. Again, that possessive feeling. Leax pushed off the wall he'd so comfortably been leaned against so he could press Loic in his place. The boy took a second to look in the angels eyes only to be caught off guard by the grinding of Loic's hips to his. God, it was wonderful... Just where it had come from wasn't clear, really, but he wanted more.

They were still outside, on his front porch. They couldn't stay out here if this was going to go any farther... Leax pulled away for a second, long enough to pull Loic along with him as he reached for the doorknob. The door nearly rocketed open and it felt like eternity before they reached his bedroom. They didn't even make it through the door, let alone close the front door all the way before he and Loic were kissing again. It was so heated, every touch was so exhilarating and the look in the angel's eyes was smoldering. Leax hooked an arm around Loic's waist and picked him up, urging him to wrap his legs around his waist as he pulled them both through the bedroom door and toppled over on the bed. It was the perfect position, in between Loic's legs, able to see the angel's face and close enough to hear faint noises.

His hands wandered, touched places he knew were forbidden, brought forth sounds he knew he shouldn't hear... And one in particular he wished he hadn't.

"Axel," the angel beneath him whispered, unaware of the sudden feelings burning through Leax. He moved away slowly, climbing off of the angel, "What did you just say?"

He wasn't sure how it didn't escalate into a fight as he'd thought it might... But there was this calming from inside, like part of him understood, while the other pieces of him sat comfortably with not being good enough. Just where was this loving feeling coming from? He should hate the other for calling out someone else's name- But... he didn't. it was more of a glossy look now, in Loic's eyes as he looked at Leax. Did he see something the boy did not?


He saw his Axel.

Loic saw the Axel he'd lost so long ago, had felt him touching him, had tasted him on his lips, and oh, god, how he missed him, "Axel, my love..." He whispered, sitting straight up to touch the side of Leax's face gently. Who was this 'Axel' the angel was speaking of? Why, when he wanted to feel possessive over Loic, couldn't he? It felt like he were someone else, like- Then it hit him. Axel. That had been the name of the red haired man in his dreams. The red haired demon man who'd been in love with an angel named- he took in a sharp breath as these 'dreams' came back to him, though they were more like memories this time around. It felt like the voice that came out next wasn't his voice, but some how he knew it was, it was meant to be what fell from his lips some day, "How is Alessa...?"

"Oh, Axel!" There were tears burning at the corners of Loic's eyes though he was smiling as he hugged Leax around the neck tightly. His fingers clenched into raven hair he could only see as red, the color of his lover's, "Oh, how I've missed you, my love." They shared a sweet kiss before Axel buried 'his' face against the angel's neck, "Your hair has grown..."

Loic kissed him again, ceasing his talking as he pulled away to do a little of his own, "Do you have any idea what I've gone through, Axel? My heart, Axel, it-"

"I love you." Loic gazed at him, those blue eyes rimmed with gold all too familiar, he even forgot there had ever been a 'Leax'. It was always Axel. The angel let the tears fall now as he dug his nails fiercely into Axel's flesh, "But you left! God," He took a rigid breath, "How I've missed you." Loic relaxed his hands once he drew blood from his lovers chest. The taller of the two simply ignored the pain as he leaned away far enough to look the other in the face, "And I missed you." Another kiss, "I'll never leave you again."

"You've said that before, Axel..."

"But this time I'm not dying."

"You're right." Loic said against soft lips But I am...

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Leax had disappeared, giving way to the true nature of his soul, of Axel. Sure, he still held Leax's memories, but Leax had control no longer...

"When do I get to see my daughter?" Axel whispered, toying with raven strands of hair as they lay otherwise still, tangled together under white sheets. Loic pressed in closer to Axel, the bareness of himself flush against his lover as their intertwined legs showed out the bottom of the blanket, "Soon enough, my love." They sat in their passionate embrace for hours, just gazing into each other's eyes and running fingers along various parts of each other's bodies, as if to memorize as they held onto a moment they could call their own.

And it wasn't a lie, that he would soon see Alessa.

Three months and six days had passed before he saw the grown woman who made it seem- other than the eyes and otherwise feminine features- as if he were looking into a mirror. She was beautiful... It seemed like just yesterday he'd been holding her in his arms as a baby. So this was the second child he'd never gotten to kno- She was much more forgiving, only longing to be near him. Alessa opened her arms wide and embraced him tightly, as if she'd known him her life, "Papa's told me so much about you, father." She smiled warmly. Innocently. All Axel could do over her shoulder was look at an on-the-edge-of-tears Loic as his gut twisted with pain and a lump formed in his throat. They could be together now....

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"Axel, don't cry. You know I love you." Loic cooed, stroking the man's hair, "We knew this day was going to come."

"I've only been back for seven years, Loic! You can't leave me.. You can't..." His eyes were filled with pain. A pain that, if Loic could see it, would break the boys heart. The angel was already on the edge of tears. They'd finally become 'family'. Alessa loved Axel as if he'd never been gone and Loic... Oh, god, Loic couldn't live without him. Maybe that was why he was being called to be a star, "Axel, promise me you'll never stop loving me, okay?"

"No. Shut up, Loic! You're not leaving. Do you hear me? I.. I won't let you go."

It was a little funny how Axel sounded like a possessive child, but his heart was breaking, and it hurt Loic to hear that in his lovers voice, "Promise me you'll be happy. Promise to take care of Alessa-"

"She's a grown woman, she can take care of herself, Loic. You're the one I want to take care of. You're the one I can't live without, I-"

"Promise me you will do whatever it takes to be happy. Even if it means moving on to find someone who makes you as happy as I did.. Or happie-"

"No one could replace you, Loic." The tears were burning a trail down his pain strangled face, "You're my one, my only. I love you."

Loic touched the side of Axel's face as he felt himself beginning to disappear, "And I love you, dearest. Don't ever forget me.. Because I will always be thinking of you..."

"No! Loic, don't leave me!" He tried to hold on to what he could, but the body he held began to become a fine white powder in his hold, "I love you, Loic. I love you. I love you, don't leave me..." The angel pressed a last kiss to his lovers lips as his chest and arms became nothing, "My Axel..." And then there was nothing. Axel wasn't holding his lover anymore and was suddenly racked with painful tears. This was so unfair. How could they let them be together to rip them apart? Was this.. Was this how L-.. he couldn't even think the name... But he was sure it was how he had felt.

"Damn it!" He screamed as loud as his lungs would allow. How dare god? How dare she?! Damn it! Axel threw himself at the wall, pounding at it as hard as he could with his feeble human strength, "Loic! Come back! ... come back..."

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"Please..." He asked from one knee in front of Kara and Ieo, "I can't live with being lonely any longer.. I miss him..." Axel whispered the last bit quietly, more to himself than anyone. He'd lived a full life and was now standing at the golden gates. God and Death had been standing together and the end of his long walk through clouds he didn't recognize and now he was at their feet, asking to become an angel so that he may be killed and... God understood, and though Death was frowning, he knew she wouldn't say no.

So he would go through the worst pain he had ever gone through...

And Ieo leaned down to press a kiss to his lips- granting him eternal life in heaven as an angel. His wings flew from his back, red as the hair he once owned as a demon. They hurt when they emerged, felt like millions of needles stabbing him in the back at once, but before he could feel the pain come to a full end, Kara smiled, leaning closer, "Goodnight, Axel."

"Tell Loic that his mother says 'hello'."

And with that, Kara leaned in and kissed him, long enough to make it feel as if fire were surrounding him, burning the very life from him, and it was all he could do to keep from screaming out. Just as the pain became a soft, elegant, relaxing feeling, he could feel his body becoming the white dust he so vividly remembered Loic's body becoming in his arms. After al these decades he'd finally be beside the on he truly loved... And with that last thought, his entire body became white ash, swirling in the wind, or what he would ave assumed was the wind until he was in the sea of stars like the one his ashes formed.

"Loic?" He could hear himself calling? Was it his...

"Axel... Why are you here? How did you- I-" His Loic... The way he remembered him, oh, he was so beautiful, "You even have that same red hair... Axel, how did you get here!?" It was like the lunar outlining of his lover, but it was in lush color to him. Was this the death place for angels...? Axel thought they were silenced forever once they became nothing. Once they died...

"I became an angel after I died, then they let me die with you.."

Loic wrapped his arms around his red haired lover, "And did you move on, my love? Were you happy?"

"Never. Not for a day. I missed you too much."

"Then why did you stay alive for so long?"

"Because if I had killed myself, I would never have made it to the golden gates.. Thus... I wouldn't be here with you..."

There was a long moment where they just held each other and he knew what was going to happen. Once spirits of the dead were happy, they were silenced.. And Loic and Axel... They were happy together.. Saying last words again didn't make either want to cry this time, for they both knew they'd always be right next to each other, the brightest shining stars in the sky. Axel sucked in a breath, "Till death, Loic..."

"As long as we both shall live, Axel..."

'I love you', they both mouthed soundlessly, and in that instant, though neither of them actually felt or lived anymore, the stars that represented the souls that could bring life no longer, shined ten times brighter then any other stars in the crowded sky...

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Monsieur Rubie
Community Member

Tue Jun 16, 2009 @ 05:21pm

"And I missed you." Another kiss, "I'll never leave you again."

"You've said that before, Axel..."

"But this time I'm not dying."

"You're right." Loic said against soft lips But I am...

T-T That part right there absolutely killed me. I mean, seriously, it had me crying. But, oh God, this was so completely wonderful. And at the end of it all up there, the last thing that I could see was Ieo turning to Kara and saying, "Happily ever after isn't just a fairy tale after all."

One of these days, I'm going to take all of this with magic and write it out into a chapter story. It'll take some serious planning and I'm going to need your help, but I'll do it. -nods-

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