Lovely Donators Page!!!!!
Hey Everyone! This Page is a tribute to all the donators for my numerous quests since around Halloween time!
Picolitrosso's Urn
-Polgara sorceress
-Tink Mallery
-Jeimuzu Kuro
-Ailyra of the night
-Tink Mallery (again)
-Jeimuzu Kuro (again)
-Ashamedly Unashamed (I think)
-Danae Talentum
-And a few other people I can't really remember.
Also, although he didn't donate gold, Fenris29 did donate to me a January Thankyou letter, and In February, DTWilds donated two Thankyou letters, a red rose, lots of cashshop stuff and all of the furniture of of my wishlist!
Ummm...I got this one mostly by myself, though If I didn't PM me and I'll add you to the list!
Lusty Scoundrel
-Jeimuzu Kuro, for donating the whole thing for me!
Alruna's Rose
I'm not sure if I had any donators to this other than Tibby Chan, but If I did, yet again PM me...
Demonic Pendant
Now this is an interesting quest...I got about halfway there (260k) With help from a few donators (not many) And then I got hacked, so this is for the people whose donations got WASTED by Mister Hacker.
-Eindigo Rosuto
-Fenris29- This dude donated loads of different Gen Ei's, which I sold.
*Cue Mister hacker* STOLEDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back to Picolitrosso's Urn
So I had to quest my Picolitrosso's Urn back...Joy *rolls eyes*
-Elrom---- 200k! This dude is a SUPERSTARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
-Fenris29 and his mules!
-Jeimuzu Kuro
After that, Gaia Cash was made easily accessable in England, so therefore I was able to buy a Midsummer Swirl, which sell for about 30k on the Marketplace. All I had to do was wait for the price to go down from 315k....It went down to 288k! So I'm left with 10k to start getting my rose back!
Back to Alruna's Rose
-Wolfi Rayneboe
-Rin Cakes: Alruna's Rose 1st Gen for 91k...THANK YOU!!!!!!
Sibyl's Incantation
-Lucifers Ice...Thank you I love you!!!!
Demonic Pendant (Again...)
-Elrom-Yet again...I wanna frikkin MARRY this guy...
-Piratica Penguin
On August the 7th at 8:38pm, I received a PM from Gaia Admin Noraboo.
Thank you for taking the time to report this. ^^ We have taken appropriate action regarding the accounts responsible for hacking you, and we have also restored as many of the items that were taken as possible.
In short, I got my Picolitrosso's Urn, My Alruna's Rose and 250k back from Mister (Or maybe Missus) Hacker, and the account got banned. I sold my extra Urn and Rose, Bought The Deomnic Pendant, and had enought left over to buy Infernal Spirit!
And so concludes this chapter of Questing, Donations and Hackings. Thank you to everyone who donated to me. Thank you to Mister Hacker for taking my items and then getting caught out by the Gaia Staff, and thank you to the Gaia staff who discovered who hacked me and returning my items.
Other Quest Donators!
-Omega Terra Sonata (A lot!)
-A Leading Edge (A lot!)
-Onyx 2047 (...Lots. And Lots. And lots...I love her ^^)
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