What the ******** tired of this s**t!...People are so rude. They'll be all nice on second and then three seconds later they'll say something mean and walk away. It happens every time I try to make a friend. It wouldn't even be my fault. ok so i just started a new school and i tried to make a friend because its a really big school and i didn't know anyone. So i tried making a friend with the kid that sits next to me in math class. And he's all nice and s**t and by the end of class he goes. "oh...i don't wanna talk to you anymore because your emo..." and he walked away. Now how do you think that makes me was my first day of school too. so i was already having a really hard time. And then yea on gaia there was this girl who was all nice and s**t and then she goes. "wait your a guy?" and i said yea and she yelled ew and like poofed away... i mean yea i know people don't like gays but you don't do makes me so mad and depressed at the same time. and someone today just did it again! wtf! its not my fault...v.v why? does everyone hate me or something?...theirs like only one person that cares and i can't even see her in real life. So there is know one that can make me feel better or anything...when will people understand. They would make fun of a person there whole lives and when they go and kill themselves then they feel bad. feel bad before they kill themselves...v.v before its too late for me... People are a big problem in my life. I try to be as nice and happy as i can be but know one shows me that same kindness i give. There never there i'll just have to cry alone...
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