They had reached the end. The edge of the universe. The end of all matter. Yet...instead of the void that was expected, there was what looked like a ring of land, spanning off to circle the entire universe. It seemed inpossible, but it was there...
The first scouting Atlantians found that the land was much like earth, with even the same gravity. A suitible place was soon found for a new home, and no time was spared in creating a new Atlantis, named for the previous, and the ocean that had claimed it. The new Atlantis quickly became prosperous, like the one before.
The natives of this new place (named "The Coast" by the feather-born) were nothing like the ones on Earth however, though some were human. The first alliance and trade partner that was forged, was with a people known as lightwood elves. Atlantian technology was not more advanced than the elves had seen, but it was finer, and lighter than other crafts, suiting the elves more.
Many years of peace passed, the feather-born of Earth faded into myth, and the feather-born of The Coast prospered. Dragons and a people known as Drakkons, a human-like race, formed trade aggreements and alliances. A tragedy like the one on Earth seemed like nothing more than a story.
A family-line of feather-born, cursed long before they had come to this dimention, known only as the Bloodfeathers, came forward with a prophecy: "Where Ice meets Steel, a power will be born. This power will be greater than any before, and will rise to the heavens." The Bloodfeathers, long known for their ability to see the future, were questioned of the meaning, and the prophecy reached ears far from the peaceful city.
Disaster. Whether it had been seen and not fortold, or not seen at all, would never be known. Phaeros, a demon and a dragon in one, had heard of the prophecy. He had ravaged the land before the Atlantians had come, and not taken intrest until now. He wanted that power for himself, and he would take it, with blackend claws and hellfire.
Atlantis was utterly destroyed, and cast to the sea's bottom, like many years before. The feather-born were scattered to the winds as they fled, most dying by the hand of the dragon Phaeros. But it would later be found that one particular Atlantian survived, and would grow up nearby, under the care of a silver dragon named Cysalarierender. The Atalantian named Yuki Steelfeather was the daughter of Ryoni Icewing and Ardent Steelfeather, both who had been healers, both who had died in the attack.
Yuki grew, and the Atlantians scattered, some leaving The Coast entirely. At the same time, the land that the Atlantians once ruled was reclaimed by a warrior-king, named Orrin Tsuyoi. The Atlantians faded away once more.
Sanguine Roku · Mon Oct 26, 2009 @ 03:23pm · 0 Comments |