Alambil hurried through hallways and up stairs, closely followed by the tw sphinxes. They moved out of the cellars and up to the main levels. This faery compund, like many, was beautifully and cleverly constructed. The main halls had arches detailed in silver that opened directly to the outside, to allow light and the warm spring breezes into the buildings. Ally ran across one of the tree-lined courtyards over to the Healing wing.
Geren was in one of the recovery rooms, reading what looked like one of the more ancient tomes on battle history. He was rather grumpy, for the elves in charge of healing him still wouldn't let him leave, and despite that an entire wall was open to the outside he felt cooped up.
He looked up surprisex when Alambil ran in.
"What brings you here in such a hurry?" he asked "It's not like there's a whole lot going on..." he mumbled under his breath.
Ally's sharp ears heard him anyway.
"There's plenty. The strange sphinx woke up, but..."
Geren looks at her inquisitivly"
"they were keeping her locked up down in one of the cellar hold, Ger. And furthermore, the messanger she so greiviously insulted and injured?"
"What about him?"
"It was Hambor, that's what" piped up Xiao.
Geren's eyes got big and a look of disgust came over his face, after which he groaned and buried his face in his hand.
"That would explain a lot...."
"Hambor was also for some reason put in charge of her imprisonment" Oniba said bluntly "With all the restraints that have been put on her, you can well imagine how angry she is. Although, " here she gave a narrow-eyed look at Alambil. "That was no excuse to lock us out, then release her from the restraining spells..."
"What??!" Geren sqwawked
"Oh, come on! You're all sphinxs, would you prefer if I left one of you guys locked up like that?"
"Ideally no. But your safetly is our first and foremost concern, and it doesn't help if you go around ALLOWING really-pissed off creatures to grab you by the throat, Alambil." Oniba was still agitated by the faery's total disregard for reasonable self-preservation.
"Well, it's over and done with, and I'm fine...stop looking at me like that, I have no intention of being killed anytime soon. Right now what I care about is she could easily die from Hambor's idiocy." She turned to Geren. "That's what I need you for..."
Geren looked at her. While he was sympathetic to being locked up in cramped spaces in general, he was certainly feeling no sympathy towards the female that had almost permanently torn his wing off (if she had torn through one more bit of ligament and cartilage and it would have had to have been removed, gone forever) and almost ripped the throat out of his neck.
"What are you asking me to do?"
"Tell the court that she wasn't attacking to kill."
Geren just stared at her incredulously.
"Are you nuts? How are you going to explain these injuries...??!!" he cried indignantly.
"She didn't know who you were, Ger!" she said as she cut him off "She was insulted, then responded as one would expect her to! She didn't know who you were, she just saw a strange male infringe on her territory, and responded appropriatly, at least to her...."
Geren was still not looking happy.
During the conversation, Xiao had crept around Alambil and slunk up next to the head of the wide, square bed Geren was resting in. She poked her head up, right next to Geren's, reached out a claw, and poked him in the side of the head.
"I think you're jealous, Ger Ger...."
Geren flinched then batted her paw away, looking quite mad now. "Why should I be jealous of her??!! THis is still all news to me, pardon me if I get upset about someone seemingly trying to rip my throat out for no reason!"
"You're jealous because she's an unheard of wild sphinx who, despite just appearing out of nowhere, managed to thoroughly kick your butt." Xiao said bluntly.
Geren roared and clawed at her, though as speed and agility were Xiao's speciality, she easily avoided him.
Ally's green eyes glinted angrliy.
"Will you two stop it?" she said. It was one of those angry voices that wasn't even loud, but made everyone in the room feel like they should stop what they're doing and listen.
Oniba nodded to Ally and led a protesting Xiao out of the room
Once they were out of the room Ally turned back to a still fuming Geren and sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Geren, please?" she asked seriously. "At least think about it? It depends how the testimonies go, but the fact is, no one else was close enough to see what happened aside from us and her. If you testified that she hadn't been trying to take you're life, it couls make things a lot easier..."
He turned his head back to her.
"Why do you care about her so much? She's an unalligned sphinx from the Unclaimed territories...she could even be from Viviane's land....and now you're trying to save her? Even though she almost KILLED one of your best friends!? I almost die, and all you can think about is how to save the poor, misunderstood Echidnean who could possilby even be from the Dark Lands??!! During this Geren had started out quiet and finally built up to a yell.
Alambil suddenly realized what he was getting at.
"Oh, Mother....Ger, you know I don't mean it that way..."
"You have a funny way of showing it! And don't tell me it's about one of your "feelings" again..."
"Her "feeling's" usually turn out to be right , ya know!" Xiao called from the other room, followed by a whacking sound as Oniba backhanded her on the side of the head.
Alambil got very quiet and serious, mentally reprimending herself. The group hadn't been this disconcordant in a long time, and she hated it when it was like this.
"Geren..." she said softly. "Of course I care about you. You know what I felt when I saw her coming at you....for a moment I thought I wouldn't be in time, and I would lose you...and if I had it would have been over a stupid misunderstanding." She laid her hand on his healing wing joint, transferring a light, warm flow of healing magic to it.
"I don't know, Geren...I just went down there to get her better treatment, but...there's something about her. I have the power to help her, and I don't want to let that oppertunity go if I have the ability to right what was wronged, or at least help mend it...but it doesn't mean I care about you any less" She met his gaze again. "It was a misunderstanding stupid enough that I don't want anyone to lose their life over it." she said with caring in her eyes.
Geren's anger and pride had cooled. Alambil often had that affect on him (though sometimes to his annoyance).
"I'll think about it, Ally."
She smiled. "Thank's Ger."
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