The out right immaturity that I have to endure
Ok first of all let me say that despite me being only 23 I tend to think at a 30 to 40 year old level as far as maturity, which is why I don't even bother much with towns...anymore. Anyway I was walking from Subway and these punk@$$ kids were like "give me your food", swearing like it makes them big and I was like under my breath try it see what happens... and I don't know nor do I care what their ages are, but one thing is clear If they were to attack me they would be screwed, because when has the law be lenient towards minors who attacks an adult? I would guess never, so that being said I might not be able to sue them, however I would be able to sue their parent(s) or guardian and they would be going to Juvenal Hall for assault.