I managed to stay under 1600 calories yesterday. Snacking on pistachios in the afternoon and eating a tablespoon of peanut butter when I was craving food at 7 really helped. I think I will go by that path for a while - trying to stay at 1500 and if the food cravings get bad, eating peanut butter. I'm going on a bike ride today, though, so the extra calories should help.
My cream is starting to go bad so I'm going to make granola to eat it up. I'm also going to make bread today, too, and freeze it since I'm going to make two different types and I don't want s**t-tons of bread sitting around.
1500 + 280
Coffee - 20
Breakfast - 350 (toast-cottage cheese-tomatoes and pineapples.)
Snack - banana - 100
Lunch - 3/4 cup granola + 1 tbsp half and half - 380
Dinner 1 - Kal Pot 420 and orange - 60
Dinner 2 - 450 cals
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Daily journal of how much I exercise, eat, and how I feel physically