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My Shitty attempts at writing
This is where I'm posting my writing. I know it's shitty and needs lots of ******** help. So sue me. It's my first time writing something. The brat said I should write the story he and I came up with since I had most of the details. Thus, I'm trying,
MP Ch. 6
((Next chapter in my series of utter crack and insanity. ))

Chapter Six: Telephone Conversations and Little Sisters

Nnoitora and Szayel had already began to pack Grimmjow’s things by the time he got back. As he walked over to his old cubicle, Nnoitora looked up with a curious look. “So? What happened? Please tell me you told him off! I will laugh if you did.” A grin adorned his face as he spoke, wanting to hear something about Aizen’s misery and woe. Besides, since the blonde was going to get fired anyways, he should have done something to piss off the brunette even more.

Grimmjow shook his head in light confusion as he collapsed in his chair with an utterly confused look on his face. “I’ve been promoted.” As the words tumbled from his mouth, Grimmjow couldn’t help but get even more confused as he continued to try and understand what had just happened in the last thirty minutes. First he gets bold enough to flirt with Ichigo. Then, he stood up to his boss. Lastly, his boss just told him he’d liked him all along and promoted him up quite a few spots. What the ********]

“Promoted”, Szayel and Nnoitora echoed simultaneously giving the blonde incredulous looks. Szayel stared open mouthed and gaped at the blonde’s words for quite a few moments. Nnoitora did the same, however he recovered first and gave the blonde his typical, ‘Are you on crack?’ look. “What the ******** hell? A promotion?!” Hell, if standing up to their boss got the blonde a promotion, why hadn’t he done that already?

“I... still don’t fully get it.” Grimmjow rubbed the back of his head. “Today’s just been odd as ******** hell. First I wake up with no recollection of ANYTHING that happened last night. After that, I find that cat again and I take it back to its owner. And let me say, she is odd as hell and one of the most gifted woman I have ever seen.”

Nnoitora sent the blonde a blank look and Grimmjow gestured to his chest. “Oh.” Nnoitora nodded a few times before he stared at Grimmjow closely. “Oi, ain’t ya’ s’pposed t’ be gay? Ya’d think ya’ o’ all people wouldn’t stare at ‘er boobs. What gives?”

Grimmjow sent him an irritated glance. “It’s hard not to notice when you meet her”, he said dryly, “Anyways, I returned the cat, met her nephew, got a ride here, somehow managed to flirt my way into a date, stood up to my boss, and got promoted. Today is just one big gigantic mess.” He gave a groan and let his head fall forward and hit the desk with a loud ‘thud’.

“Sounds like it”, Szayel said leaning against the desk with an amused smile before he realized what the blonde had said. “Wait, you flirted your way into a date? You? Mr. ********? How the hell did you manage to get a date? And with whom, might I also ask?”

Grimmjow swore under his breath, forgetting about not telling the two about his date. “I honestly have no clue”, Grimmjow said as he laid his head on the desk, “And who is none of yer business. Besides, the moment I say it, you’ll start makin’ fun o’ me. An’ I ain’t listenin’ t’ it.” Grimmjow looked over at the phone on his desk as it began ringing. He frowned and picked it up, effectively silencing it and held it up to his ear. “Hello?”

“How in HELL did you ******** do it?!”

Grimmjow held the phone away from his ear as Renji’s unmistakable loud voice came through the speaker. Both Nnoitora and Szayel snickered in amusement at the annoyed look on the blonde’s face. Szayel tapped the button to put it on speakerphone so he and Nnoitora could hear the conversation as well. Grimmjow put the phone down and frowned down at it. “What the ******** are you talking about?”

“How in god’s name did you managed to talk Ichigo, Kurosaki Ichigo, into going on a date?!” Renji’s tone was absolutely incredulous as he spoke about said orange haired male that Grimmjow had speaking with not twenty minutes ago.

Szayel stared open mouthed at Grimmjow, not believing his ears. “Ichigo”, he asked in surprise, “THAT’S who you’re going on a date with?! The same Ichigo who everyone’s sure is asexual because he doesn’t take an interest in ANYONE?” How was that even possible? The orange haired man never showed interest in anyone, even having looks to die for. He always turned people down as he either wasn’t interested or he didn’t have the time. And for Ichigo to somehow get a date with Grimmjow, who was just as anti-social and hated practically everyone he met, was another miracle.

“I’m right here, Szayel. And it’s so nice to know everyone thinks so highly of me.” Ichigo’s dry, sarcastic voice came through the phone in a bored tone, not really sounding all that pleased. He probably wasn’t, considering he was the topic of discussion between them all.

“What are you doing there, Ichigo?” Szayel stared at the phone with a look of confusion. He worked the same shift as Uryu, so wasn’t he supposed to be at work by now?

“This is MY phone Renji’s using. He followed me into work today since he has the night shift tonight. He thought it a bright idea to bother me as I work today. Pestering me of why I was almost late has been the topic of the last ten minutes. And of course I was stupid enough to let it slip about what happened, thus he stole the paper Grimmjow gave me earlier and called. I apologize in advance for any grief you are about to get, Grimmjow.”

“It’s fine.” Grimmjow folded his arms on the desk in front of himself and laid his chin on his arms. “I was stupid enough a minute or two ago to tell Szayel and Nnoitora by accident, so I know how you feel.” He could hear Renji snickering in the background and frowned. “Shut up, Renji.”

“Ne, ne, still, how did you do it? Because Ichigo doesn’t like anyone and hasn’t in like... what, ever? So HOW in the WORLD did you convince him to go on a date?!”

“I didn’t.” Grimmjow’s response was dry as he stared at the phone. “He technically asked me.”


“Don’t encourage him to make fun of me even more.”

“What the hell, YOU asked HIM?! Who the hell are you and what have you done with Ichigo?!”

A loud crash was heard on the other side of the phone and the three at the company office all smirked in amusement as they listened to the scuffling happening in the background. “Well, while the two pugnacious quarrelling monkeys fight, I suppose I’ll speak through the phone in their stead. Grimmjow, I stand by Renji for a change as I say you are a miracle worker, simply being that Kurosaki actually showed semi-interest in you. Which in itself has never happened before now.” The cynical, haughty voice coming through the phone was one Grimmjow knew quite well and he noticed Szayel perk up once hearing the voice.

“Thank you, Uryu. I suppose. Also, which reminds me, what DO you say about me to your friends? Both Renji and Ichigo remarked that you call me ‘the menacing, temperamental blonde with an actual talent in art.’ So what ELSE do you say about me?” A smirk twitched idly at his lips as he thought through both conversations he had held with the doctor’s two friends.

“It is true. You have bad temperament, you are in fact blonde, and I don’t need to remind you of your countenance and how you hold yourself daily. You can probably understand that yourself.”

While Grimmjow snorted, Szayel leaned down to the phone. “Ah, but now it’s blonde with a hint of blue.” He grinned idly as Grimmjow punched him on the arm. “Grimm slept on one of his painting palates again and now patches of his hair are blue. So, it is blonde with a hint of blue until further notice.”

“You slept on them again? And how is it you always manage to sleep on either the blue or the purple?” Uryu sarcastic tone came through the phone, a haughty undertone along it which made Grimmjow only roll his eyes at the prideful young doctor. He was nothing short of a young genius and always had been, somewhat like Szayel. He’d made it through lots of training to be a doctor in a lot less time than it took for other people. Grimmjow supposed that both Szayel and Uryu being semi-geniuses is what brought them together in the first place, as they’d met in a college class they’d both taken.

“It ain’t my fault.” Grimmjow’s eye twitched in irritation. “I don’t purposely sleep on them. Besides, when they’re scattered around my house everywhere, it’s hard not to come across one.” The statement was in fact, more or less, true. His apartment was littered with painting palates everywhere, along with brushes and paintings themselves. The young blonde very well liked to spread out his work, placing it in the correct spot to work in when he got his creativity. Though, what the blonde failed to mention was the fact he didn’t leave any palates close to any place he slept.

“Well, if you wouldn’t keep your apartment in disarray, you wouldn’t have that many problems with it, Grimmjow. I would think you were smarter than that.”

“There is a method to go along with my uncleanly lifestyle. That happens to be: I know where to find everything when I need it or have inspiration at a sudden moment. So, my apartment will continue to STAY that way, thank you. Besides, I wouldn’t know what to do if the place was actually clean, anyhow.” Grimmjow snorted lightly and stared at the phone as Renji yelped in the background. “Are they STILL at it?’

“Yes, they are. They fight for as long as a half hour before they stop and finally grow up.” A derisive snort was heard on Uryu’s end of the phone. A yelp of pain came once more before quiet came from the other end. Grimmjow listened as he could pick out movement somehow in the background.

“Sorry about that. Just had to set something straight.” Ichigo’s voice came through the phone again with a pleased sound to it, signifying that he had obviously won the scuffle. “Now, where were we?”

“Where we were saying you’d been replaced by a very convincing look alike.” Szayel smiled in amusement as he spoke, wanting to make the orange haired man annoyed. He liked doing so a lot, as he’d spent fair amounts of time around him. It had become another of his odd hobbies.

“Szayel, if I were there at the moment, I would hit you.” Ichigo’s tone held irritation and Grimmjow surmised he was probably glaring at the phone at the moment. “Is it seriously THAT surprising for me to show interest in someone?”

“Yes,” was the unanimous reply from everyone else, except Grimmjow.

“You have never shown any type on interest in ANYONE so long as I’ve known you, which has been since, like, second grade.” Renji’s voice held a disbelieving tone to it. A yelp was heard from the other end, probably a punch to Renji for the comment.

“And you consistently deny any attempts people make to have any sort of romantic relations with you. Or you are too oblivious to notice said advances in the first place. Mainly the latter.” Uryu’s voice dryly rang through the phone and Grimmjow could make out Ichigo’s embarrassed spluttering in the background.

“And everyone has been convinced you were asexual because of aforementioned attributes,” Szayel chimed in with a wicked grin.

“And you are the biggest prude known to man.” Nnoitora added in his own take with a derisive snort.

“Thus, it concludes our reasons of gawking and guffawing like insolent imbeciles.” Szayel leaned back down to the phone with a playful smile. Grimmjow rolled his eyes at the four’s claims, but cracked a light smile at Ichigo’s next words.

“Grimmjow, don’t you dare tell them what happened in the car, or at Yoruichi’s for that matter. That’ll only encourage for more teasing.” Ichigo’s voice held a tired and exasperated sound to it. He was referring to the part in the car where he was actually smiling and kind. While known to most as the cold hearted, studious, callous a*****e with no social skills, there were rare occasions where Ichigo showed the softer, kinder side to him; that was a rarity in itself, though. He certainly would not hear the end of it from Renji if he found out that Ichigo had been smiling.

Grimmjow smiled in amusement down at the phone, picking up on the redhead’s distress through his voice. Considering Renji, he understood Ichigo would get a shitload of grief from the obnoxious redhead. Though, at the moment, he found he had the sudden urge to be playful with the orange haired man. “Oh, don’t worry ‘bout little ol’ me. My lips are completely sealed, I promise.” A grin tugged at his lips, his tone light and more playful than it had been in a very long time. He couldn’t remember the last time he had the intense urge to tease someone this much, but he didn’t question it.

“Szayel?” Szayel ‘hm’ed’ down at the phone when he heard Uryu come through saying his name. “Is it possible Grimmjow was also replaced with a convincing look alike?”

Grimmjow glared down at the phone in irritation. “Oh, shut up. I’m not that much out of character.” Both Szayel and Nnoitora looked at each other briefly before erupted in exploding laughter. “What?! I ain’t doin’ weird s**t.”

“Grimm, you stood up to our boss no less than twenty minutes ago, told him to ******** off and go to hell which you would NEVER normally do. Now you’re flirting openly through the phone, and being more playful than I’ve seen you when you’re drunk off your a**. Whatever you did last night and can’t remember has affected your brain, apparently.” Szayel rolled his eyes as he remarked snidely, arrogance laced in with his annoyance.

“Shut it,” Grimmjow hissed at the brunette in irritation. He thought for a moment before looking over at Nnoitora. “Hey Nnoi, I didn’t know that you knew Ichigo.”

“We met briefly”, Ichigo answered through the phone, “Szayel had to take me home once when my car was in the shop, and drove Nnoitora home as well that day for some reason... And every off occasion where we con Szayel into going drinking, he normally brings Nnoitora along as well.”

“I’m sorry”, Grimmjow said with a deadpan stare down at the phone, “Because I know how Nnoi gets when he’s drunk off his a** and it ain’t a pretty sight.”

“Oi, b*****d, I ain’t that bad!”

“Pft, like hell you aren’t. You get kicked out of most of the bars for starting fights when drunk off your a**.”


“WHOA whoa whoa whoa whoa. Back up and rewind. Szayel did you just say Grimmjow stood up to your guy’s boss and told him to ‘******** off and go to hell’?” Renji’s voice rang through the phone incredulously.

“He implied it through his choice of words, but yes, that was the basic gist of what was told to Aizen along with a whole speech how Aizen was a stuck up snob with a stick up his a**.”

“Grimmjow, how in the HELL are you not DEAD right now?!”

Grimmjow opened his mouth to comment before faltering. “I... have no earthly idea... But I wasn’t fired for screaming at him... Actually, I was promoted.”
There was silence across the other line. “So let me get this straight... You were promoted after screaming at your boss that you hated him?” Ichigo’s voice held confusion and the slightest hint of curiosity. Grimmjow couldn’t say he blamed him, anyhow, since he was still confused himself.

“Right. Apparently, though, he’s liked my artwork for a long time, but he was pushing me to see how much I would improve to prove to him I was a good artist. I apparently exceeded his expectations and he promoted me to a higher point in the Espada, to rank two actually.”

“WHAT?!” Grimmjow covered his ears as both Nnoitora and Szayel screeched in his ears, both standing up, causing most heads in the room to look at them for a moment before the owners back to work. Grimmjow hissed out as Nnoitora grabbed onto both of his shoulders and began shaking him back and forth. “You.didn’t.tell.us.he.promoted.you.to.number.two!” Each word was said each shake back and forth.

“I didn’t get the chance to, a*****e. Nnoi, let go of my shoulders! That hurts, you b*****d!” Grimmjow gripped Nnoitra’s wrists and removed his hands from their tight grip on the blonde’s shoulders. “Get a GRIP.”

“Number TWO?!”

“Ah, I’d heard Barragan was retiring and I was wondering who was going to take his place. Congrats, Grimm. Ohhh! This is a cause for celebration! We should go out tonight and celebrate!” Szayel grinned lightly, happy at the prospect of getting out for the evening.

“Pfffft. No.” Grimmjow snorted lightly in distaste. He was NOT going out drinking with everyone. Last time he had, Nnoitra had started a complete bar fight and got kicked out of the bar AND the two of them were in jail until Szayel bailed them out, so that was out.

“Oh come oooon, why nooot?” Renji’s voice was whining through the phone, obviously thinking that going out drinking was a good idea.

“Because I know this group and it is a really bad ******** idea... Besides, I’m getting the nagging feeling I’m actually supposed to do something tonight...” Grimmjow’s brows furrowed lightly in confusion as he thought about it. He was supposed to do something this evening... but what was it? He stared at the phone as someone beeped in on the other line. “Hold on for a minute guys. Someone’s beeping in. Stay quiet for just a minute.” He tapped a few buttons on the phone and connected the calls, shushing Szayel and Nnoitora. “Hello?”

Grimmy~!” The extremely loud voice on the other side, which happened to be Nel’s, yelled exuberantly through the phone.


“I know, I know, ‘no screaming through the phone’. Buuuut, I’m too excited to care~!” Nel’s voice was chipper and all around excited. “I called to tell you my flight info and when I’ll be in.” As Grimmjow smacked a hand to his forehead, she paused. “Did you already forget that I was coming?”

“Shut the ******** up, it’s been a long morning!”

There was a pause on the other line again. “Grimm, it isn’t even eleven yet. Has it really been that bad?”

“Yes, it has. Now, same airport as always. What time will the plane get in?” Grimmjow slipped out a piece of paper and a pen and started writing a few notes down.

“I’ll get there at about seven o’ clock. Flight 217. Got it?” After an affirmative from the blonde, the girl sounded like she clapped her hands together a few times in excitement. “Oh! And this time, can you FINALLY introduce me to those colleagues of yours I hear so much about? I want to meet them!”

Szayel and Nnoitora shot each other wry grins of amusement before looking down at the phone. Szayel spoke up first. “We would LOVE to join him and meet you Miss Neliel. It would be our pleasure.”

An excited gasp sounded from the other end. “Grimm! You didn’t tell me you had me on speakerphone! Hello everyone~! Now who spoke?”

“I did, Miss Neliel.” Szayel grinned lightly down at the phone.

“Hmm... Let me guuuueeeeess... Szayel?”

“Correct! A very good guess Miss Neliel!”

“Yeah, yeah, don’t get so damn happy, Szayel.” Nnoitora rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“Oh! So, that one must be Nnoitora!”

“Yep, that would be me.” Nnoitora gave a wry grin.

“Don’t EVEN think about it.”


“You flirt with my sister, I kick your a** across this room.”

“Oh, the defensive big brother does exist, ne?” Ichigo’s voice taunted through the phone.

“Shut up. I never said it didn’t.” Grimmjow glared down at the phone.

“Oh, that’s a new voice! There’s more people with you Grimm?” Neliel’s voice was curious and confused through the phone.

“Well, Szay and Nnoi are. The other three voices belong to the three we’ve been conversing with for the past fifteen to twenty minutes. The formal sounding one that sounds like a stuck up, haughty p***k is Uryu.”

“Szayel, while I don’t normal condone violence as a doctor, hit him for me, please.”

“Yeah, yeah. Right, Uryu. The one with the annoying, idiotic background voice is Renji.”


“YOU, obviously, Mr. Cop.”

Nnoitora leaned down by Grimmjow’s head and stared at him. “You realize you are insulting the person who saved you from falling from a three story ledge because you climbed out to save a cat. Now, who’s the dumb one here?” He gave out a barking laughter as Grimmjow reached back and swung at his head, getting up out of his chair.

“Grimm, you had to save another cat?” Nel’s voice almost sounded bored as if she were used to this revelation.

“Would YOU like to see a cat fall from a three story ledge and die the second it hits the ground?” Silence was his response. “Yeeeah. Thought so.”

There was a pause in the phone line. “... Three stories?” Ichigo’s voice was thick and low as he asked the question. When a grunt followed as a response, he went ballistic. “THREE STORIES?! GOD, I heard you say you rescued Shoushi from a high place, but not on a ledge three stories off the ground where you could easy fall to your death!” He paused for a second. “I suppose that’s what you meant when you said that a cop saved your a**.”

“Pretty much. Oh, and that voice would be Ichigo, Nel.”

“Thank you.” A sigh sounded through the line. “Typical Grimm. Has to save everything.”

“Neliel, don’t start.

“Well, you DO!”

Shut up.”

“Szayel-san, Nnoitora-san, if you didn’t already know, Grimm does have a cat fettish. He used to bring in strays all the times when we were little.” You could simply hear the grin in Nel’s voice as she spoke. When one knew her, she always chattered and went on and on about a multitude of different things, her favorite pastime to annoy her big brother. That mainly consisted of saying whatever random things he had done as a child that was very stupid and embarrassing.
Nnoitora looked over at Grimmjow, who had a deep scowl on his face. “Oh, really, now?”

“Yep~! He did. Never could keep them, though.”

“At least I brought sensible animals home!” Grimmjow snapped down at the phone. “You were the one that brought in random animals like rabbits and lizards! And you were much worse about it than I was, dammit!”

“Ne, ne, don’t get so picky, Grimm-kitty~!”

All ends of the lines went deathly silent. Szayel and Nnoitora took simultaneous steps backwards away from the blonde haired male. Oh good lord was he going to be pissed. Nnoitora grinned sheepishly and a bit scared like when the blonde twitched, heading hanging down, his hair falling into his eyes. Oh how the brunette and black haired man knew that sign well. That means the blonde was likely to explode at the next second.

Neliel Tu Odershvank.” His tone was dark and threatening.

A muffled background voice started shouting. “OH! There goes my boss! Gotta’ go, Grimmy! See you tonight!” Nel’s line clicked off.

Everyone else remained silent for a moment or two. “G-Grimm… kitty?” Renji’s voice was hesitant and you could tell he was attempting to keep from laughing.
Grimmjow’s teeth ground together in annoyance. “Shut th’ ******** up.” He snarled lowly. “If any o’ ya’ EVER call me tha’, Ah’ll kick yer ********’ asses from ‘ere t’ kingdom come.”

“Well, I do believe this would be the PERFECT opportunity to end this conversation before Grimmjow kills everyone. Therefore, good day to all of you.” The line the held the three at the hospital went dead after that.

Both Szayel and Nnoitora looked down at the still seething Grimmjow and both took another step back. “R-right... I’ll just... Go get back to work...” Szayel scurried off quickly. Nnoitora opened his mouth before thinking better of commenting and scurried off as well.


Later on the evening, Grimmjow stood in the waiting area by the gate Nel’s place would land at. He stood patiently against the wall as a multitude of passengers disembarked and scurried around, some going to catch another flight, others meeting people waiting for them outside. He looked through the crowds curiously, trying to spot his younger half sister. His lips curved upwards into a smile of pure amusement as he saw a head of bright green hair pop out of the crowd, looking around like a lost puppy. He stood up straight and lifted his right arm into the air. A left arm was held in the air ten seconds later. Grimmjow let his arm drop as Nel rushed forward with her bags, dropping them at her feet as she got within a few feet of her brother before hugging the life out of him in a death grip of a hug, pressing his face into her large bosom.

Nii-chan~! OH my gosh I missed you so much~! Oh my, you have to fill me in on everything that I’ve missed~! Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh! GRIMMY~!” All of the young woman’s words were jumbled together in a massive mess as she spoke at a mile per minute. She finally, after a moment of speaking, finally noticed her brother pushing her away from him with all of his might. She quickly let go and he coughed violently, trying to get air back into his lungs. “Oops! Sorry, Grimmy!”
Said blonde glared up at her in pure irritation as he coughed violently, his hands the only thing keeping him balanced on his knees. “Keep your weapons of mass destruction away from me, please. I’d rather not die from asphyxiation today, thanks.” His tone was irritated and slight biting.

Nel giggled behind her hand, a twinkle in her eyes. “Oh, come now big brother, you know I love you!”

Grimmjow shook his head, clicking his tongue in a vexed manner. He studied his younger sister for a moment before reaching out and tugging on her hair. “You have it green again?” He looked at her with a lightly curious, yet befuddled expression. “Why?”

Nel smiled softly and shrugged her shoulders. “I got tired of all the other colors I experimented with. Besides, green is my natural color right? I decided to go with it for a while. Besides, I like green a lot better.” He smile brightened before toning down as she reached out to touch her brother’s own hair. Her eyes widened slightly as the blonde dye came out in her hands. “Grimm... the dye-”

Grimmjow nodded lightly. “I know. I’ll re-dye it all tonight. I just haven’t had the chance to today.”

Nel nodded in understanding, before perking right back up. “Well, let’s go find my luggage. We’re off!” She pointed in a dramatic manner to the escalators leading to the downstairs portion of the airport. Grimmjow rolled his eyes as she picked up bits of her luggage that had been with her on the plane and bounded off, with him following close behind. Once they started down the escalators and started towards the bottom, Grimmjow’s eye began twitch violently at the sight that waited for the two at the bottom.

“Oi! What the hell are you ******** doin’ here?” Grimmjow’s voice was slightly loud as he called down in annoyance to the small group waiting at the bottom. “Do you morons seriously have nothing better to do than irritate me?”

Szayel and Nnoitora both grinned impishly up at him. “Of course not! We live to piss you off.” Szayel’s grin turned sickeningly sweet. “What would we do if we couldn’t come to annoy you? Besides, you’d be bored without us.”

Neliel scampered off the escalator with her bags in tow and bounded over to the group with Grimmjow following close behind. Nel’s eyes lit up at the all the people. “Now, I’m guessing this is the whole group on the phone this morning?”

Szayel nodded lightly, pushing his glasses up further on his face. “That is correct. Believe it or not, this is actually the first time we have all been assembled into one place.” As Nel sent them all a curious look, simultaneous nods broke out among them all. “And originally, we weren’t all coming, as it would have only been Nnoitora and myself, but I dragged along Uryu. In turn, Renji opted to follow, and dragged Ichigo along as well. Thus, we all ended up here.”

“So, you are Szayel, then.” Szayel nodded his affirmative at the young, green haired woman. She turned her gaze to the black haired man standing beside him, smiling crookedly over her shoulder at her brother. “So YOU must be Nnoitora.”

“That’s me.” The crooked grin was turned to her instead. “Nice t’ meet’cha.”

Nel smiled lightly as she could feel her older brother’s hard glare aimed at him. “Grimm’s told me about you two. He says Szayel’s a know-it-all with a superior I’m-better-than-you-so-bow-down-to-me genius mentality. He says your boyfriend is the same way. And I’m guessing you are Uryu, right?” She stared over at the young man with short, dark blue tinged hair with bangs that framed his face. He wore glasses on his face, behind of which were deep cobalt eyes. The young man nodded lightly before both he and Szayel turned to glare at Grimmjow who simply snorted and muttered something about it being the truth. “He also says Nnoitora’s an impulsive b*****d with a knack for starting fights.”

“OI!” A glare was aimed at Grimmjow.

“PPFFFT. Like that ain’t true!”

“Grimmjow does have a point.”

“Shaddup, Szayel, ya’ a*****e! No one asked ya’!”

“Doesn’t make it any less true.”

“Why I outta’-!”

Enough.” Both Szayel and Nnoitora quieted down and looked over at Ichigo as he placed his hands on his hips. “You’re making a scene, now stop it.”

Nel blinked a few times and tipped her head to the side. “You must be Ichigo.” She smiled brightly at the orange haired boy and rushed forward and hugged him in a tight grip pressing his face into her overly large bosom as she squealed in delight. “Oh, you’re so cute~!” She gushed happily, swinging him to and fro. Ichigo, in the meanwhile, couldn’t breathe due to lack of air and was flailing around trying to get away from the green haired girl’s tight grasp.

Grimmjow rolled his eyes in exasperation at his sister’s idiocy and lack of noticing how she was strangling the poor boy. “Oi. Nel, knock it off so he can breathe, you idiot!”

Nel blinked a few times in confusion before looking down at the orange haired man she had grasped on to and quickly released him. “Sorry, sorry!” She rubbed the back of her head with a sheepish grin at Ichigo coughed and spluttered, trying to get lost air back into his lungs. “Sometimes I don’t even realize my own strength.”

“Or the suffocating power of your boobs.” Grimmjow muttered lowly under his breath only to have Nel send him an irritated glance. “What? It’s true.” She rolled her eyes at her older brother in exasperation.

Nel’s attention turned back to the orange haired man and then the red haired man standing behind him, snickering at the orange haired man’s predicament. “Ah! So, the one with red hair must be Renji!” At the nod from Renji, she stepped forward and stuck out her hand with a smile. “Thank you for saving my idiot brother from dying.”

Renji grinned wryly at Nel and took her hand and shook it, noting she had an impressive grip. “Not a problem. Just doing my job; taking down the bad guys, saving people from falling out apartment windows three stories up, the usual.” He shrugged lightly as if her were used to it all and it was as natural as talking about the weather.

Ichigo coughed once more before looking up at Grimmjow from his place, hunched over, much like Grimmjow had been before, over his knees, regaining his breath. “I’ll kill my aunt for letting that damned furball out again. She’s lucky enough Shoushi had a frigging collar. Otherwise that cat would NEVER find its way home.”

A smirk curled at Grimmjow’s lips in amusement. “Yer aunt is just one of a kind.”

“Don’t I know that.” Ichigo shook his head, straightening up.

“Oh! My bags!” Nel scurried off to the conveyer belt spitting out the luggage that was on the plane for the passengers to pick up. Nnoitora followed after her, soon follow by Szayel, Uryu, Renji.

Ichigo looked after them, and then at Grimmjow with a look of amusement. Grimmjow smirked lightly before shaking his head. “Sorry about my little sister... She’s rather... eccentric at times.” He had paused for a moment, not quite knowing how to explain his younger half sister. She was truly one of a kind as well.

Ichigo shook his head with a smile. “It’s fine.” He waved one hand in front of himself. “I have a friend that does the same thing. Never even realizes she’s suffocating people.”

“Tch. Nel’s that way too. Never even pays attention to anything she does. Annoying as hell.” Grimmjow rolled his eyes.

Ichigo couldn’t help but laugh at the expression the blonde haired man had made while talking about his sister. That annoyed and peeved look that tried to cover up affection. It made Ichigo laugh as he had that same look all the time when trying to scold his sisters for something but never worked because he was such a sucker for his younger brunette sister’s big, doey eyes. Watching the orange haired man laugh made the blonde smile slightly himself, noting how beautiful Ichigo looked with that careful look on his face, laughter ringing melodiously in his ears. His musings were brought to a complete halt as a hand clapped down on his shoulder.

“Grimmjow, you really ARE a miracle worker, you know that?” Grimmjow turned to meet the grinning face of the bright red haired cop, Renji. “I haven’t seen Ichigo relax and laugh like this in years... Maybe you two are good to be around one another. Seems to be loosening you both up compared to what you were. Ichigo’s definitely a lot less of an a** today and has been in a wonderful mood since this morning when he came in.” Renji avoided the punch thrown his way by an irritated Ichigo.

“Shut up! No one asked you!” Ichigo’s face was beat red as he was flushed with embarrassment. He hoped to god Renji didn’t bring up his namesake. He was often teased by his friends when he got embarrassed or flustered about something because his face became a strawberry red color. So, everyone he knew nicknamed it his “Strawberry Blush” and he despised it with a burning passion.

Renji snickered in amusement. “Oh ho! Look, it’s back again! His famous Strawberry blush is back!” He ducked again and began to run in circle around Grimmjow and other random passerbys to avoid being caught by a fuming Ichigo, who was attempting to strangle him. “You b*****d! Renji! GET BACK HERE!”

Grimmjow laughed outright in amusement, quite loudly drawing attention from a lot of others nearby. Once the two finally chased their way back over to him, he stopped Ichigo by tugging on the back of the collar or the orange haired man’s white, doctor’s coat. The orange haired man spluttered out curses shaking his fist at Renji who was far enough away to know he was safe. Ichigo’s cheeks were still flushed a bright red color. Grimmjow smirked in amusement and leaned down slightly, poking Ichigo’s cheek with one finger. “It’s not a bad thing, ya’ know. It’s actually kinda’ cute.” Grimmjow laughed heartily as Ichigo slapped his hands away, spitting out curses at the blonde.

Szayel, Nnoitora, and Neliel all stood back by the baggage retrieval, watching in light amusement. As the last bag of Nel’s came through, Nnoitora hefted it up off the conveyer belt and set it beside her other luggage. Nel nodded lightly in thanks before looking back over at her smiling and laughing brother. She hadn’t seen her brother smile and laugh like that since the two were very young.

“Perhaps Zangetsu’s finally found his mate.” Nel turned her gaze to Szayel questioningly. “You missed the latest rebirth, Gamuza-chan. Zabimaru-kun, Santa Teresa-kun, Ginrei Kojaku-kun, and I were all present with Zangetsu-kun. We have a new panther hybrid among us.” His gaze flickered to Grimmjow briefly and Nel’s eyes widened in panic. “Calm down, Neliel-chan. As you can see, he’s just fine. He hasn’t transformed yet, however. The first transformation will begin this evening. The full moon is tonight... so I believe our newest addition will have a grand time tonight.”

“Does he know, yet?” Both Szayel and Nnoitora shook their heads. “I see.” Nel turned her gaze to the ground. “He’s met Yoruichi-san though... After the transformation, he’ll go back to her. Then, we can reveal ourselves once she’s explained the process and what he is.” She looked over at Szayel and Nnoitora. “Please... Watch over him for me... I’m not able to be around much... Aizen’s pulling something if he tried to turn Grimmjow.”

“I keep tellin’ ya guys, he’s got that damned Hogyouku in his office! I KNOW he does.” Nnoitora’s teeth grit. “An’ I know Gin’s ‘elpin’ ‘im, the sly git. They’re playin’ th’ whole company. I know tha’ emo b*****d, Ulquiorra, already turned inta’ ‘n Arrancar. I snuck ‘round th’ office one time an’ Aizen was doin’ experimentation on ‘im. ‘E ‘as a hollow hole like Szay and I do... I dunno know what type Grimm is yet since he hasn’t transformed, but probably an Arrancar.” He scowled lightly. “Tha’ smarmy git Aizen is getting’ braver an’ braver.”

“Because he knows he can get away with it.” Uryu closed his eyes with a sigh. “That’s why he’s doing this all now. The cops can’t do anything without real evidence. And we can’t get Renji inside close enough to get any without a warrant. It is a vexing situation.”

“That it is.” Szayel shook his head lightly with a sigh. “But, come now, Miss Neliel. Let’s get out of this place. Also, how would you be up for a round of drinking this weekend to celebrate your brother’s recent promotion to rank two in the Espada?” At Nel’s surprised look, Szayel smiled lightly. “Yes, he was promoted this morning... After screaming at Aizen how he hated him and thought he was a stuck up a*****e.”

Nel let out a barking laugh of delight. “Oh, leave it to Grimmy to do something like that!” She giggled lightly to herself. “Come on, let’s go save Grimmjow and Renji before Ichigo-kun rips their heads off for making fun of him.” Nnoitora grabbed up Nel’s two heavy bags and she picked up the other one and her small carry on and the small group made their way. “Come now, Grimmy~! Let’s head home! I’m exhausted.” She gave a tired smile.

Grimmjow looked over at his younger half sister and gave a light nod of his head. “Come on, then.” With that, the group dispersed.


“Wow, Grimm, when are you going to either clean this apartment or get a bigger one?” was Nel’s first comment upon entering her older brother’s apartment. “It gets even messier every time I see it.”

“I like this state of disarray. I’ll keep my apartment how I want it, thank you very kindly. Suits me just fine.” Grimmjow bopped his sister over the head as soon as he set down her suitcases. “But, I’ll probably get a bigger one soon anyways. Aizen promoted me today, out of the blue, and my salary is going to be triple what it was... So I’ll be able to afford a bigger apartment, that way I don’t get kicked out of my room every time you visit.”

Nel smiled cheekily at him. “I love you, big brother.” She giggled when he rolled his eyes. “Szayel-kun told me about your promotion after standing up to him and calling him a p***k.” She smirked lightly as Grimmjow looked away with a cough. “Nice going, by the way.”

“I don’t even know what came over me.” Grimmjow frowned lightly. “I normally am never that blunt to his face. I get peeved but I tone it down. It’s like I was a whole other person.” He didn’t catch the knowing smile cross over Nel’s face. “Ah well. Just stick yer s**t in my room like always. How long am I going to be without a bed this time?”

“A few weeks.” At her brother’s screeching ‘What?!’ she waved her hand. “I’m transferring colleges. The college near here is great for law and business. Plus, I’d like to be a little closer to family anyways. I don’t like not having much contact with you since we live on the opposite ends of Japan.” She frowned lightly. “I don’t know if they’ll take some of my credits, however. I’m waiting on the reply letter. If they don’t take my little electives, then I won’t care and just retake them. But, if they don’t count a lot of my big stuff, I’ll most likely go back and resume at my other college. It’s just a small waiting game for now.”

Grimmjow nodded with furrowed brows. “Alright, then. So, I get you for the next few weeks? Fun.” He snorted lightly and Nel patted him on the back. “Oh, by the way, Grimm, do you want me to help you re-dye your hair?” Grimmjow shook his head. “I’ll do it myself later. Thanks, though.”

Nel nodded and brought all her bags into Grimmjow’s room and dumped them. Grimmjow took a few things out of his closet before heading out into the living room, dumping the pile of clothes on the couch for a moment while he stretched. He walked over to the window and looked out at the lightly cloudy sky. He opened the window up and leaned against the frame, looking out at the night sky. Grimmjow shivered lightly for a moment before the moon came out in all its full glory. Sky blue eyes widened slightly, pupils dilated before turning to slits. A smirk slithered onto the blonde’s face, his inner being finally awakened at last.

Spinning on his heel, the blonde pushed away from the window and headed towards the small bathroom in the apartment. He opened numerous drawers and took out scissors among other things and spread it all out over the counter. He switched on the shower and stripped out of all his clothes. He stepped into the spray and began to wash out all of the fake coloring. A while later, he stepped out shaking all of the water off of himself before walking over to the skin and rubbing the steam from the mirror. He stared at his reflection, now looking at his long mane of light blue hair. He picked the scissors up off the counter and grabbed up his hair in one swoop and held it above his head like a ponytail. In one sweep he sliced away the long hair with the scissors. He laid the wad of hair on the counter before tying it off with a ribbon. He then lifted the scissors and proceeded to slice away at the remaining locks, shortening and evening everything out until he had a nice, short spikey style with three strands hanging in front of his face.

Grimmjow finally deemed the hair style worthy and nodded lightly. After a moment, he blinked and put his hand up to his face to feel something like a jawbone on his right cheek. His lips curled into a smirk and he looked down to see a hole going through his lower stomach area. He turned on his heel, heading into the main room, still without clothing. He picked up his clothes off the couch and surveyed them for a second before throwing them down again. He turned around and headed back to his room and opened the door, walking over to his closet, not even registering Neliel was no longer in there. He dug through his closet, trying to find something somewhat suitable. He pulled out a pair of white hakama he had been given as a joke by Szayel once and the white and black jacket Nnoitora had gotten him as the other half of the gift. He slipped both on, rolling his jacket sleeves to his elbows. He tied a black sash around the loose hakama and slipped on black socks and white, intricate sandals. He left his room and headed towards the open window, slipped out of it. He smirked lightly before jumping from the third story window, freefalling until he turned his body at the last second and landed on his own two feet. He stood up straight, looking at the full moon above his head with a cocky smirk once more before walking away from his apartment building and into the cool night.

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