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The Armies.
Reworking of my original list. RPCs not commonly used were removed, and new ones have been added in! <Any and all pictures found are taken from a variety of DeviantArtists>
Future RPs
Current cast of Future-era RPCs

Name: Chiyu Way "Norn"

Gender: Female

Age: 34

Profession: Doctor, researcher and scientist for the Tanavar Pirate Gang.
Deals with wounds and injuries of all kinds, even able to do most types of surgery. Tinkers with weapons, Outrider, and any other mechanical object in an attempt to understand or improve.

"Weapon": Standard handgun so she can adequately protect herself or others if needed.

Bio-Warfare - Over the years, Chiyu has found a variety of diseases and illnesses. Mixing these together resulted in some very disturbing weaponry that Chiyu makes, from poisons to diseases. However, to allow a plentiful supply to always be available, Chiyu has injected them into herself after making a cure-all of sorts to make sure she lives.


Redemption fights off the weapons Chiyu made and planted inside herself, and also replenishes lost cells by copying DNA from healthy cells. It can effectively clone new ones to mend the damage that was done.

It should be noted that since Redemption is basically an organism inside her, it is possible to dislodge it from her. There have been times where an extremely potent blow to the chest or abdomen region has caused her to force it out from the impact, which results in serious pain and a very short lifespan as Defector runs to her lab to replace what was lost. Her crewmates are the only souls who know of Redemption and what else is in her.

Other - Makes a lot of sudden motions or twitches from all the damage being healed quickly.

Bio - Svaranar... a planet that was originally arid and uninhabitable, until biodomes were planted to allow life. It has served as a research center for many communities of science, and as a home to medical creations of many kinds. Chiyu was born into a prominent family.

Stealing the results of various societies, Chiyu combined the knowledge of their notes and research, creating her first object: A small organism that could live in a person, capable of curing all diseases and repairing most injuries sustained, though broken bones took longer than cuts or scratches. A rebellion brought its war to her homeworld, and those who invaded her particular home of study found a gruesome fate, and a large X was marked over the door to remind people to not enter. She continued working in new fields, surrounded by toxins that couldn't kill her due to the creation. Over the years, she learned much about robotics, medicine, and other similar fields. When the smoke cleared and the rebels left, a man named Defector showed up and offered to bring her aboard his crew. No one knows still exactly why Chiyu accepted his offer...

She has been known to show excruciating pain during moments of mental weakness, as she actually placed each of those toxins that filled her study into her body, so that research on how to perfect them could continue. Her lab on the ship still has the X marked over it, while jars of various fluids and colors fill the shelves within.

Appearance: Chiyu

"Don't call me something that I am not, or I will awaken you to what I have as MY reality."

They say music explains better than words. Let me try this theory...

Name: Defector.

Gender: Male

Age: 45

Profession: Diplomat, Part Assassin, Leader of the Tanavar Pirate Gang.

Weapon: A prototype pistol using a mix of laser and plasma technology. Hates using anything bigger than a pistol as "It just feels... very weird." He also carries a knife on him for sneaky attacks.

Other: Has an unusual accent that can't be placed or associated with any known planet, perhaps the only notable trait about him. Maintains an abnormally calm self, no matter what is going on around him. On another note, he seems to have a bit of affection towards Chiyu, having many nicknames for her. The most used ones being “Sweet Apple” and “Angel”.

Bio: Near the edge of known space exists a planet, with no nearby neighbors for many, many light years. It is so far out of reach from most society that it is its own ruler, and it never deals with problems, and even lacks a name. It was a very prosperous society of people, and Defector was born here. When some space raiders decided to ignore the long distance and invade, the teen snuck aboard their ship and hid. Over the course of a few weeks, he discovered how to turn them against each other. Stealing ones knife and implanting it into his crewmate, putting a bullet from the captain’s gun between the eyes of another… The list went on. After he cleaned out all the pirates, he returned the goods and took off on the ship for better bounties elsewhere, adopting the name Defector as he learned how to manipulate and trick people more.

He met Chiyu on the planet Svaranar and saw what she did on accident to a rebellion uprising. It was a disgusting sight, seeing the bodies of people turned inside out from poisons or chemicals, and the few who were killed by Judgment seemed to be the only ones at peace. Liking her style though, and feeling that there was more to her than he saw, he offered her a spot on the ship, something she accepted. The two worked together as a duo before constructing their third member, a recon and intel robot AI they named Outrider. On the planet Sosem, they discovered a high security prison turned weapons lab that was being used for experimental tests and broke out Paria Mirshann, their now prized explosives expert. They now operate under the name of Tanavar Pirates. However, they leave as little a trace as possible, which may be a big piece of their fame and recognition. The name Tanavar echoes far and wide, but no one ever figured out who they are…

Traits/'Abilities': Seems to have a silver tongue to get things to work to his way. Has a knack for knowing how to frame someone in order to get his way if all else fails. To further help his framing, he can effectively pick pockets and sneak things into them, allowing the easy theft of a man’s knife or the slipping of an illegal object into their pocket.

Appearance: Defector is about the most bland and generic looking man around, which is just what he wants. He's got a somewhat wiry frame with shaggy brown hair and brown eyes that stare, showing a relatively happy face. He stands about 5'5 and weighs 140 lbs. His common attire is a brown jacket with black pants and a pair of black worker shoes, finished with a white undershirt.

"You wish to know about the Paria? A mess, that-a one. You best keep a bullet ready, she could go off at any second. Oh, at least you can try... that energy she releases will just vaporize it anyway."

"I know nothing about the robot you call Outrider. And he knows nothing about me."

"How can something be real when it don't exist? That's right, I'm talking about the Tanavar."

"Chiyu is a sweet apple amongst people... we all look like a buncha cut throats compared to her. But that sweet apple does carry her own venom. Take it literally, if you wish."

"No better a fate for a man like me than to become a martyr of freedom."

Hehehe... Let me speak truths to you, child.

Name: Outrider

Gender: Male body frame.

Age: Has been operational for six years.

Profession: Decent Support-Fire unit for "Laevatein", main work as intelligence gathering.

Weapons: His right arm holds a machine-gun, and his left arm a shotgun.

Other: The program that should have given him the option of facial expressions was damaged, so his face is always blank; even though his voice program works right to voice them. Outrider doubts all claims made about anyone or anything and goes out of his way to prove or disprove them. Since Chiyu was the most involved in his construction, there are theories she linked her psyche somehow. This is because Outrider seems to share the same emotions as her... when he decides to show them.

It should be noted that he doesn't consider himself a machine though, and is likely to brutally injure those who call him otherwise.

Bio: A robotic AI in a humanoid model, constructed from a wide variety of parts that Chiyu and Defector have pirated or stolen from planets and war zones. He works as a constant scanner and informant, finding anything possible to assist the crew. He also seems to be a capable mechanic, fixing and improving their ship in ways he finds possible at the time. The frame came from Svaranar, and the key components came from a weapons lab they snuck into. They used the weapons from that lab and the wiring to make Outrider, and then used the mostly finished product to raid Sosem's weapons lab that led them to discover Paria. Outrider was improved upon with some top of the line info-scanners and a now hacked chip to allow access to most databases on most planets.

Appearance: Outrider

“For all the hundreds of solar systems and stars we've visited, crossed, and seen... we have yet to find your heaven. I thus believe this is a lie.”

“I will find you. And when I do, the others will be told. And you will run, only to be found again. There is no escape... But you will not be assimilated.”

“I am quite capable of finding information on every man, woman, or child, by knowing where to look. But even with my knowledge, I've not found a thing on the Tanavar.”

Name: Paria Mirshann “Laevatein”

Gender: Female

Age: 33

Profession: Ex-military, induced into an experimental program. Main guns of the Pirate Gang.

Weapons: Modified grenade launcher with two barrel chambers, the bottom chamber capable of firing traditional frag grenades or plasma bombs. The top chamber was added on recently, specifically to fire off bio bombs that Chiyu happens to make. Also carries several remote demo charges on her at all times.

Other: She is addicted to major events, feeling that it may be history changing. If there's one thing Paria wishes to do, it is to be remembered in history for something. However, if the pirate group she's a piece of gets any more well known, that may be accomplished...

Bio: The daughter of farmers, Paria enlisted into the military after the corruption of her homeworld's overlord government was revealed. The military was beginning to riot out of hatred of being used and she wanted to join this fight. When the battle was over and things were restored as the smoke cleared, the honorable warriors who were seen as the most vital to the victory were asked to participate in Project Snakehopper, an experimental project that would induce powers and special abilities into those who participated. Trace chemicals found on the bones of living and dead species of foreign aliens were mixed together and injected into them. Of the five hundred who participated, only twenty survived. Those who did were extremely unstable mentally. The Tanavar Pirates heard of the prison / weapons lab and wanted to bust out one of the people who were still alive, they just happened to get Paria out as she was the only one still standing. The rest were locked up or dead from mental illnesses. She now works as the clean up crew, covering their tracks with fire, plasma, and debris.

Abilities: The experimental program injected her with chemicals from alien races both alive and extinct. While she continues to take a mental toll from the effects, only staying sane because of a custom-tailored strand of Chiyu’s Redemption cell strain, she has developed a series of mental powers that make her a lethal foe even if caught unarmed. She has been known to create a shield of energy around her, as well as be able to overload an area with energy.

Appearance: Paria

“I have more problems than you do. Don’t even start to complain, wimp.”

“I owe her my life. I would have been dead a long time ago had Chiyu not of come like a guardian angel from heaven.”

“Race you guys to Nancy’s!”

“You don’t get it, do you? These guys and the girl broke me out of a high security prison. I think my loyalty is with them… not you.”

Well. I guess someone's gotta be tough around here.

Name: Vhalk Voliz "Maverick"

Gender: Male

Age: 46

Profession: Mechanic, Pilot of vehicles.

Weapons: A man and a half sized walker he steps into when he wants to be an "infantry". Otherwise, a custom-made vehicle called the Raptor is his weapon of choice. The Raptor is a transforming machinery packing more rockets than he cares to mention. When it is on the ground, it hovers two feet off the ground by means of low powered thrusters, with an arrow-like appearance and several missile launcher ports built into it. Increasing power to the thrusters sends it higher into the air, where he changes it into a more traditional fighter jet with the missiles in tow.

Other: Only the skin around his eyes is revealed because it is the only part unscarred. Though the metal helmet can slide back, it is rarely done because he is worried about how he looks, aware that some people are quite violent towards abnormalities.

Personality: Vhalk often takes on more than he should bear in order to remove the problems from others. He is stubborn and very determined, not even batting an eye at a decision he's made once he initiates that choice. The metal man is also known for his loyalty and protective streak. The crew he is with refers to him as the rock. Vhalk doesn't understand the term "Relax" and works constantly, even coming up with things needing to be done when he runs out of real tasks to do. Though he'll never admit it, he is very proud of what he's done with what he's been given.

It should be noted though that while he acts cold and careless, the "Machine-made man" seems to behave more human than anyone when he feels it is safe. For as many soldiers on the field that remember "That crazy son of a b***h who charged ahead regardless of what could happen to him", there are other soldiers either unable to participate or those who weren't on the front who remembered "The man who knew how to fix a problem, mechanical or not".

Some people have a hard time hearing what he says because of is a mechanical undertone in his speech, since he cannot speak completely clear without the help of an artificial voice box.

Bio: Born on Sitae, the child known as Vhalk grew up working mines and hauling heavy loads. It's a shame the miners never got the money made from their work, but such was the way it was, and Vhalk understood this. Sitae was a frozen wasteland where special equipment was needed just to allow people to work and live there, even if it wasn't the best type of living. Sitae was arguably one of the most valuable assets, and it is the power it holds that makes no single planetary empire or item hold control of it, since trying to control it would start a thousand wars. What was mined on Sitae was not the normal objects of normal metals. Rather, the gems and crystals of the upper class, and through a refinement process the stones could be turned into a crystal matrix that could produce incredibly powerful metal alloys.

Eventually, Vhalk got it into his head to leave... and did. Without a second thought, he walked onto a craft and asked for a way out, the ship he was on went to the planet of Iralan, where he ended up killing a man for a reason he doesn't even remembered. The twenty year old was stuck in prison for twenty five years, but was made an offer only eight years into his service. Work on Sitae for seven years and he was free, or he could rot. The man laughed and accepted, being returned to his homeworld. A partial collapse of a mine made him lose his left arm, an injury that could have been avoided if he didn't decide to play the knight in shining armor and get the other workers out first. Even with one hand, he kept working as hard as the others, a feat that earned their respect.

A few months later, an unannounced spacecraft landed, trading goods in exchange for some supplies and a few crates of the crystal matrix mined. Vhalk managed to persuade the captain, a man the others refered to as Defector, to let him on. He was greeted with a gift two months into his service as a mechanic and repairman on the ship... a metal arm, fused with the matrix mined on his homeworld.

With that gift, he has been the servant of the Tanavar and seems to work harder the longer that he's been there. There have been many times he took a hit to keep another alive, even a random stranger he never met. Vhalk may be weak, but the life support keeps him pushing forward, to hell with the consequences.

Appearance: Sorry you can't see the rest of my face, but it's not all that pretty anyway.

"I bet I could rip this whole goddamn liquor counter out of the ground. Whadya say, fifty bucks?"

"There is no thing such as pure evil or pure good. Even the Morning Star did noble deeds before he fell from the praise of his master."

"Stop looking for fame and glory. No one honors heroes. Think about wars and problems from ten years back. Now twenty. Now thirty. Do you honor those who died? Do you honor those who shed blood and sacrificed their spirits to keep you this way? No. You're not special, no one will remember you if you die. The only ones who will remember will be the ones you helped. And when they die? Poof... the ghost of the peace warrior vanishes. That's why I have no problem giving up to make sure you kids live. There's more life in you than this old shell."

"Straighten up, little soldier. Ain't got a reason to cry. Turn that emotion into a void to feed the flame. Void and flame will keep you alive."

Group Name: Tanavar Pirates

Meeting Ground: Nancy’s Harbor Café in the bustling space port, Dragoon III.

Ship: Stolen Pirate Ship, turned from a supply ship into a warship.

"You see, the problem I have is that they are consida'd pirates... but that ... heh... is not the case. They only do what they gunna do, and if that means fight off an oppressive government, fine. They gunna label 'em pirates to make 'em hated, when they might be freedom fighta's. That is the glory of wanderers. I've seen their efficiency. They have the iron fist to bring tyrants down. They have the brain that shows the plague of foolish pride, the muscle to bring everything down, and the tongue to keep themselves alive."
- Unattributed.


Name: Dr. Kobayashi.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Researcher.
Age: 57
Appearance: Slender build with pale skin and a thin frame. Hair color or length unknown due to hidden beneath a white hat similar in design to an old journalist's hat. Tends to wear a formal white suit everywhere he goes, hobbling on a plain, wooden cane after a surgery gone wrong to fix a problem in his left leg. Green eyes, innocent seeming appearance. Stands straight, remains humble.
Weaponry (if applicable): None carried on him. Usually has a hidden patch of security wherever he goes after the last murder attempt. Is believed to have at least one side arm though just in case.
Bio: Decided to pursue the art of medicine after a bio-attack destroyed his town. The virus in question did an unusual effect on Kobayashi by birthing an "alter-ego" from all his darker thoughts and less desirable attributes.

Name: Taravo Focalor
Gender: Male
Occupation: Criminal
Age: 57
Appearance: Slender build with a thin frame. Dark blonde hair, not balding yet. Tends to wear a formal black suit everywhere he goes. Carries a cane made from a mixture of bone, wood, and metal for his traps and tricks. Brown eyes, intimidating appearance. Very proudful and malevolent. Generally hunched over, accent heavy and sounds as if from somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Weaponry (if applicable): A knife equal in size and shape to an old age car key. Dozens of hand-made explosives that react to sound waves.
Bio: An unexpected result of a bio attack, Taravo is merely the personified 'other half' of Kobayashi's mental coin. Most of his attacks involve showing how powerful he is compared to the rest.

Crimes believed to be connected to Taravo, though lack solid proof:
Murder of at least 30 civilians, weapon of choice seemed to be a car key.
The forced derailment of a series of metro trains, sending several hundreds to their death. Survivors only report a man in black 'disappearing' beforehand.
Crashing of a passenger jet plane, no survivors. Left wing looked as if it was loosened before flight. The plane crashed into a building, taking out half of the people inside with the passengers as well.
Arson of several economic structures, as well as the demolition of a military base.

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