I have a bad feeling. More like suspicious bad feeling. I think... I might be bland. In my head, there's a lot going on. So many funny thoughts, hell, I even make myself "lol". But what do I seem like through others' points of view? When I think about it, I feel like I seem... bland.
The question is, what does one do about that? Do I look up jokes? Buy "Personality for Dummies"? So far, the tactic of eating gummy bears and sip coffee while thinking really hard seems to do nothing for me. But damn these gummy bears are delicious. (fun fact: Alli just tried to spell delicious with an 'sh' instead of a 'c')
My kids find me exciting, provided that dance to Yo Gabba Gabba songs... or trip and fall over a toy. "*&$@#! WHY IS THERE A KATY PERRY TOY ON THE FLOOR?!" "That's Snow White, mom."
I love my kids. I have a problem with thinking they're the cutest on the planet compared to everyone else's kids. I think most mom's do that... Except my mom. True story, get a load of this:
My little brother was ugly when he was born. This is no joke, it was so bad, we couldn't even do that thing where we lie about how cute a baby is. He looked like an orangutan. Bright red hair and and old man face. My mom says that when he came out a nurse told her that her baby was so cute and she thought, "You are lying through your teeth, woman."
We can tell this story because he eventually grew into his features and was amazingly cute. He looks like Daniel Radcliffe now.
Anyway, here's a vid of my cute baby boy and me, talking in a funny baby voice. YOU decide if he's the cutest in the world (click the picture, it's a link): 
Comments? Subscribe? I'd love to hear what you have to say. Peace out. -Alli
Alli~Monae II · Tue Jun 21, 2011 @ 05:58pm · 1 Comments |