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Da pineapple can
Yeah, these are just some wicked awsome thingy's that I either make up, or hear that I think are totally sweet. Your going to find alotta randomness, but it's kewl like that.

There has always been war, since the beginning of time there has been the bloodshed, and fear of what war will bring to thoes that are unaware. Year after year, decade after decade, humans fight for what they believe in, not mattering who is right, or who is wrong.
Now in the year 2080, a new war is raging. A revalution has begun, and a depression over the world has corupted the lives of everyone. C.A.R.A, the last group of order in the world, do what they can to bring the world they once knew back to it's origional state of peace, but peace can only be a state of mind, and what C.A.R.A wants is physically impossible. A league of rebels have made thier own army of people, believing that the state of sublime chaos, is the only way for the world to renew it's self in time. Almost all oil supplies, and other several natural resources are either severly scarce, or they no longer exist.
Though most don't know of it, there have been a pratice of experiments in the last remaining scientific labs in some of the more or less abandoned vaults. There are fifteen left around the world, and they are scattered, no longer known of.
Scientists, desperate and driven to madness, have pushed the limits of their experiments, and have begun the testing on human subjects. From a severe case of over exposure to radioactive materials. They have created monsters that now are encrypted with hatred and rage. All other emotion, and momory stripped from their existance.
The war now rages, with more obsticals than expected. There isn't much for the people to do, but fight it out. They will do what they will to survive, one way or another, one side will come out alive.


4-15-05 OPENING ^.^


1 ) No God-modding.
2 ) I don't care if you swear, just don't overdo it
3 ) This is a flawed world. Nothing is perfect. Including your character. Give him/her at least one flaw.
4 )Try and make the profiles as elaborate as possible, the more information, the more interesting the charecter, and the more I know how experienced you are.
5 ) PM me the application forms and I will post them. If you choose to add an image, try to make it small so that it doesn't scretch out the pages, or put it in a link
6 ) No Page-Scretching
7 ) Yaoi/Yuri Relationships are kewl, just make sure that if things get a little hot and heavy...take it to the PM
8 ) Try and post at least a 4-sentence paragraph.
9) Put the line 'Chaos is Peace' in the subject so I know you read da' rules
10 ) Be active! Be active! Be active!
11 ) If you were gone for a long time, then just presume your character was at a hotel or something. Basically, s/he left and went somewhere on his own and arrives later. So instead of constantly asking for an update, just read.
12) Talking in OCC please use (())
13) The only races to be is human, if you want to know any other possible race, you can just PM me, and I'll give you other options.
14) If you want one of the Pre-made charecters, just send me one of your previous posts ,so I know your literate.
15) Don't just put things
Failure to comply to these rules will result in a warning, followed by...

No one at the moment, keep it that way


exclaim The only races to be is human, if you want to know any other possible race, you can just PM me, and I'll give you other options.
exclaim If you want one of the Pre-made charecters, just send me one of your previous posts ,so I know your literate.
exclaim Don't just put your rank in with your name, if you want, PM me and I'll choose a rank for you to be otherwise, your just part of the militia. ^.^

Character name (First and Last Name):
Age (Above 15 please):
Sexuality (optional):
Biography (include occupation):
Preferred Weapon/Skill* (optional):


Vault 1-15: The labs where the mutants were created. Not many people know of the vaults locations. Only a few government officals know of their existance, and spoken word of their existance results in death. The vaults hold rotting bodies of scientists, and experiments alike that weren't as lucky as some that got away from the raging, and uncontrolable mutants that they had created.

Cannen: Busiest city in the most populated reigon. What once was the land of the free, America, is now a land for theivery, whores, and blood. What every human today loves. The land isn't known by the government, and is surrounded by the sandy, and deserty land that was once New Mexico.

Serio: A rebel land. Unknown by government, and safely gaurded by recruted soldiers fighting for chaos. Mostly a base, where voulenteers prepare, and learn what they will need to know during any fight.

The largest city in the world at the time. It is also the only city belonging to the government, ignoring other small cities that haven't taken a side to the plans of the war that is raging outside their very doors. C.A.R.A is a huge military base, and holds all the people belonging to the beliefs of peace, and order.

Other: There are many other small cities around the world that haven't taken a side to either wills of the war, but they also believe that if they don't take part in the war, it won't harm them. But many cities have already fallen from believing such things.


Character name: Captian Lilian Smith
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: She loves order. Her life is one large schedule, and if one thing goes wrong, and she is forced to change plans, she gets a little pissy. Lilian won't deal with thoes that question her athority. She has power, and likes it that way. Biography: Lilian was born into her rank. Her father before her, was the captian of several divisions of military. Though her heart seems cold, she just has never really been loved, nor felt what it is to love. Her father died in war, and she was raised by her god father. He had raped her, but she couldn't do much. He was part of the ranks as well, and no one believed a word she spoke. When she turned 15, she joined her fathers old military acadamy, and worked her way to the top.
Preferred Weapon/Skill*: She copes with the standerized weapons the government supplies
Appearance: Lilian

Username: Sargeant Victor McRay
Character name:
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Chooses not to disvlose that information
Personality: Victor is easy going, and generally a matter-of-fact guy, but there seems to be somthing missing when it comes to him in a whole. Theres somthing that he doesn't let off. Suspicious and curious, Victor seems a little carfeless at times.
Biography: He has never spoken about what went on before he decided to join the C.A.R.A milita. He worked his way to the top extrememly fast, skipping past people that had been on in the organization for years before him. He now is ranking near th etop, and is quite content with himself.
Preferred Weapon/Skill*: What ever is at hand
Appearance: Victor

Character name (First and Last Name): Col. Roy Kohl
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: He gets a little too involved in things, and when he gets wrapped up, he seems almost obsessive. He seems dark, but cares alot about certian things. He tries never to let thoes things distract him from the duties that he must carry.
Biography: Roy got involved with the war when it started a few years ago. When his little brother died in the battle feild, promised himself that he would avenge his death, and fight for the cause his brother had started. Secretly, Roy has an affection for Katherin, but won't let her know. He wont let his feelings for her distract him from his duties.
Preferred Weapon/Skill*: Roy likes smaller, easily to handle shotguns.
Appearance: Roy

Username: SakuraAnime
Character name: Katherin (Kate) Christian
Age (Above 15 please): 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality (optional): Bisexual
Personality: She can be very devoted to her work and sometimes gets a little caught up in it. She is a perfectionist that can't stand disorder and chaos. Cate is very apologelic, and very absent mionded at times.
Biography (include occupation): Her father stuck her in a secretary position at the C.A.R.A military headquarters. She wants to leave and help her cause in the front lines. Her mother died giving birth to her and her father has never been there for her.
Preferred Weapon/Skill*: She has been trained to skillfully use common and uncommon artilary but she can't help to love and practice swordsmanship.
Appearance: Kate

Character name: Rachael Conahay
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Personality: Shes straightforward, and always speaks her mind. She doesn't give a damn about what people think about her. She has her 'moments' adn can be considerably stubborn.
Biography: She attended the best and highly known prepratory high school after being expelled from her last school for continuously causing trouble. She then went to the military academy and learned the needed skills for being apart of C.A.R.A.
Preferred Weapon/Skill*: Tanks and other larger, miscellaneous weapons.
Appearance: Rachael

Character name: Thomas Renaveau
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: He believes hes straight
Personality: Thomas is really optimistic, but can seem to get depressed easily. He is usually happy, but can be serious when he has to be. He smiles alot, and makes others feels better in the bleak times.
Biography: When Thomas turned five, he and his brother were seperated, after their part of their city was attacked by (what he was told) rebel officals. They never saw eachother, and they are both mostly erased from eachothers memory. Thomas was taken in by a small C.A.R.A family. He simply grew up living his life hating the rebels after they destroyed his life.

Preferred Weapon/Skill*: Rapid fire guns
Appearance: Thomas

Character name: (Third parties captian) Jeffery Merrik
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: He is very commanding. His ego is boosted easily, and he seems to be a little full of himself. He cares alot about his position, and where he stands in partial meaning to how he really looks at himself.
Biography: He struggled his way to the top, and is extremely jealous of Constantine, who had no trouble reacing the top. Jeffery wanted to be general, but he is happy with his present state. He has always had deep feelings for Maria, and she doesn't know that, and he likes it that way.
Preferred Weapon/Skill*: He simply likes guns, whatever type they may be
Appearance: Jeffery

Character name: General Constantine Grimm
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight (I think..)
Personality: Constantine is generally quite, and ever so mysterious. There isn't much to be said about him. He keeps to himself most of the time, but when it comes to fighting, he wouldn't ever be considered shy.
Biography (include occupation): No one really knows much about his past. He has never talked about it. He is said to be the best thing for the rebels, and that he is the best general in the entire devision. After the first general was persecuted for telling secrets to C.A.R.A, for cocaineand other drugs. He simply stepped up the line, and now the rebels are doing better than ever. Though he hates to talk about it, he an Alice had a fling for a while there, but no one ever speaks of that.
Preferred Weapon/Skill*: Constantine likes swords, and usually keeps to that as long as it's not dealing with distance, then he uses the twin tommy guns he found two years ago.
Appearance: Constantine

Character name: Maria Telle
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: Maria is an extremely happy, and an optimistic person. She really brings a light to the dark times of the depression. She has that 'can-do' attitude that inspires people. She is outgoing, but can seem to be annoying, and she gets that, but they all love her anyways.
Biography: She decided that she agrees with the thoughts and the decisions of the rebels over C.A.R.A Though she doesn't really like killing, she does all that she can to help whoever she can. She nurses wounded fighters, but sometimes when push comes to shove, she is in the front lines, doing what hse can.
Preferred Weapon/Skill*: She doesn't really like severly harmfull weapons, so she goes with smaller armory
Appearance: Maria

Username: pumpk!nqueen
Character name: Alice Valentine
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Open minded
Personality: Alice is a spunky sarcastic smart a**, who can't help but be a curious, and fight her heart out with anyone who dismisses her state of mind. She has always been a loner, and despite her other sense of judgement, she doesn't trust many people. Alice doesn't take in anything that conflicts her thought, nor does she even attempt to hear out anyones opinion.
Biography: Alice lost both her father a year ago, during a house fire, and her mother, injured with severe burns and smoke inhalation, died three days later. She now pretends as though it had never happened. She has pushed the fact to the back of her mind. Though she never talks about it, nor has she ever let anyone known, but she used to have relations with Constantine a while back. Otherwise, she just fights for her cause, till death tells her elsewise.
Preferred Weapon/Skill*: Alice likes guns....BIG guns
Appearance: Alice

Character name: Angelica (Angie) Bendata
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: She doesn't really know quite yet
Personality: Angie is a real sweet heart, and would never do anything to ever hurt anyone. She is quite shy, and isn't much of a talker. She is easily flustered, and doesn't comply well when flirting. She is cute in many sences, and definitly adorable.
Biography: Angie hates war, and wanted to do everything she could to help out with people that ended up getting hurt from fighting in it. She nurses for the rebles, and wouldn't ever help C.A.R.A. They were the reason she had to live in an opphanage till she came of age. She was tought the needed knowledge about nursing from several ladies at the orphanage.
Preferred Weapon/Skill: She doen't use weapons, but has a dagger for protection
Appearance: Angie

Username: Gunner Renaveau
Character name: Gunner Renaveau
Age (Above 15 please): 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bicurious
Personality: Gunnter is a real drag at times. He is one of thoes my-way-or-the-highway kinda guys. He doesn't really talk, and when he does, it's usually negative. He can be sarcastic, actually realy sarcastic, but no one really minds. There used to it by now.
Biography: When Gunner turned five, he and his brother were seperated, after their part of their city was attacked by government officals. They never saw eachother, and they are both mostly erased from eachothers memory. Gunner was taken in by a small rebel family. He simply grew up living his life hating C.A.R.A after they destroyed his life.
Preferred Weapon/Skill* (optional): Shotguns
Appearance: Gunner

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