Because re-sizing the images omits much of the detail, I'm going to link to the original larger images below:
I didn't keep track of how much time I spent making these, but considering they are only cookies they didn't take too long. However, I chilled them for about fifty minutes before actually baking them.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to eat any of them! I made them specifically for a party at my mother's job training workplace. I did attend said party and watched people take interest in the cookies, though, so that was nice. Oh, which speaking of...

I took a picture of these while I was there! They're small cups of vanilla pudding made with cream cheese and Cool Whip®! The 'sand' was created with crushed vanilla Oreo® cookies and graham crackers. There are also two Teddy Grahams® in each of them along with a little candy ball which I can't remember the name of and mini oil-paper umbrellas! The pudding was good, but I only devoured about half of a cup because I found it to be very sweet!