I made two pans full. The first set of pictures contains the enchiladas pre-baked and bare, the second set shows them pre-baked with sauce and cheese, and the last set shows them after they were baked.
I used both red and green enchilada sauce (from cans, though I wish I could've made my own sauces), two pounds (about 0.9 kilograms) of ground beef, one large yellow onion and half of a medium yellow onion, and four cloves of garlic. I don't keep track of the seasonings used since I believe you can season the meat however you like. In the end, you'll probably end up tasting more cheese and sauce anyway.
As for the time spent... I didn't keep track of it, hah. I started the tortillas and filling early and ended up stuffing and baking them hours later. I'd say it took somewhere around three hours total. I was quite happy with the yield, too. Two full pans--much more than last time!