Being one who's harmonized himself with the spirit of a tiger, Tsushida's skills rely on his speed, agility, and ferocity. His skills are manifested through the manipulation of his ki, or chi -- the "life force" or "spiritual energy" found in the human body. Here is a list of his skills he uses in battle:
Cat Scratch: (Physical Point Use -- 5) Counterbalancing his knives (or his claws once harmonization reaches 25% or higher), Tsushida swipes his swords to emit fast-moving blades of energy. These blades are razor-sharp, as sharp as real blades, and will need either an energy wave or real blade to deflect/block them.
Metabolism: (Physical Point Use -- 15) In the heat of battle, Tsushida is able to administer a sort of "first aid" by increasing his metabolism for a short while. This causes the cellular activity in wounds to speed up, and cause them to heal faster. The downside is, at it's current level, this ability is only good enough for small cuts and is able to make mortal wounds less lethal. As a side-effect, Tsushida gets a little hungry. :p
Extra Hand: (Physical Point Use -- 1 [drainage point of 1 per post for duration]) Tsushida's tail attains the dexterity of a human hand and can grab and hold things as if it were an extra hand (hence the name).
Spines: (Physical Point Use -- 5 [drainage point of 1 per post for duration] requires a harmonization of 20% or more) Channeling his ki into his hair/fur, Tsushida hardens his hair/fur into sharp spikes capable of penetrating steel. Perfect for escaping close encounters and grappling.
Tiger Dance: (Physical Point Use -- 10 [requires a harmonization percentage of 30 or more]) Utilizing his speed prowress, Tsushida can create an after-image that mimics his every move. Since it is an illusion, it can't hurt Tsushida's opponent, but it is very disorienting to tell which is real and which is a fake. Note: An additional 5 points creates another after-image.
Tiger Dash: (Physical Point Use -- 5) Crouching low to the ground, Tsushida temporarily increases his speed to it's maximum (about 90 MPH), and dashes across the ground. The effect only lasts for 2 seconds for it causes strain on Tsushida's muscle cells. If used too much (6 uses), the strain on his leg muscles will be too great, and his speed and agility will decrease (20% decrease). Extremly useful for closing a gap between himself and his enemy.
Vorpal Claw: (Physical Point Use -- 20 [requires a harmonization percentage of 50 or more]) Driving his claws into the ground, and channeling a great ammount of his ki into his hand, and out his claws, curved blades rise from the ground around Tsushida in a complete circle near-instantaneously. Good for being surrounded by enemies. Since the technique is manifested through the manipulation of his own ki energy, the claws that appear are of spiritual origin.
More will be added later...
Ryujisama · Thu Jul 13, 2006 @ 06:49am · 0 Comments |