So today was my birthday party. Not my birthday, that's tomorrow. Anyways, the party was fine. Really, only two people showed up ( sweatdrop ), but that's alright because my friends are nice to me, so since they couldn't make it, I'm going to their house with Cody to see them on Wednesday. n__n
So we all ate pizza, then we played some videogames and went to see Jackass Number Two, which was also great. Blood and beatings and shopping carts... and naked midgets...
So then we came back and Cody got his new guitar, which is really nice. And shiny. And good-sounding.
So yeah that's pretty much it...
Enthusiasm Whore Community Member |
Community Member
Aren't we nice?
We are.
'Cause we invited you to our newly-painted house..
Which now looks like an indoor forest.
BUT thanks to you Mothman theory,
I can't go into the laundry room to get my clean clothes because I'm
too chicken s**t he's gonna come get me.
I need sleep.
I have class tomorrow with you.
Yay for birthday beats!!
Be prepared.