In the movie, Alien vs. Predator, it becomes apparent that the predator is going to win, in the beginning of the movie. At least, that's what you would think, because they are smarter and have more advanced technology than the aliens do. After all, the aliens have no weapons- only their sharp teeth, acidic blood and sharpened tail...hmmm...they might have a chance after all. wink Then, at the end the predator befriends the sole surving human, a woman! Just like in the first Alien movie, but this time it's because of the predator. The predator is killed and the human survives and just as you think that everything is all over, the baby alien pops right out of the predator's corpse! Nice! blaugh
Katsura1031 · Wed Feb 02, 2005 @ 06:40am · 2 Comments |