Most people would consider piercings and tattoos as inhuman and disgusting. However, as you might have noticed or soon shall, I'm not most people. Tattoos and piercings are a freedom of expression that everyone is entitled to have, but most people don't realize this until it's too late. You should break the mold that society has already cast for you in day one and branch out and bloom into your own unique being. Be yourself, despite what others think and define yourself as much on the outside as you'd liike to display to people how you are in the inside. You are a beautiful person and if you think a tatto or piercing will amplify that look, then I say , by all means...Go for it! whee But, on the same note if you're doing it to fit in, then your doing it for the reasons. One must understand the concept of something that is permanent and potentially life changing. In that respect, you must understand that with expressions come limitations unless one is willing to suffer the consequences that society has in store for us all! Be careful and be aware that the little butterfly that you put on your shoulder today, will look like a deformed birthmark tomorrow to your grandchildren. eek ^_^This was just a though that occured to me as my sis and a couple of her friends walked into a tattoo and piercing parlor late last night on our way to purchase some body jewelry to change out our existing piercings. Just do me a favor and please consider where you're going to get a tattoo or piercing and make sure that is exactly what u want, because you're the one going through the pain and wearing it like a badge of courage for years to come.
Katsura1031 · Mon Feb 07, 2005 @ 06:51am · 0 Comments |