I wonder if fate actually exists; do things happen beyond my control, toward some mysterious goal I can neither forsee nor, in all likely hood, understand... Is existence definitive, and is fate just the result of what is our current state; if so, and if we knew our fate, would it remain our fate? Would the simple knowledge of the inevitable effective our actions in the future? Can we know fate, wether or not it exists? Is fate a moot point entirely; will the acquisition of such knowledge nullify its purpose?
I ponder my own existence, unsure of the future, reflective of the past, doing all I can to make the present pleasent. Do I float through time, as though it were a current, or do I have the oar? If the former, I refuse to sit idlely by... I paddle.
I guess this post is testament to my resistence...
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Inner thought, outward projection, and personal reflection...
Random thoughts whenever I get around to it... Wouldn't suggest reading it since I'm boring/weird anyway.