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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
First they give me more work. Then I'm so busy that I can't write a journal entry last week. Finally I go and, obviously delirious from lack of sleep, promise an ultra awesome journal entry, forcing me to stay up late at night and type my little fingers into nubs.

Who says you have to be smart to work at Gaia?

Sure, I'll tell you guys something very cool, but later in the journal. This is the part where I create suspense and force you to read through several paragraphs before we get to the good part.

What's in a name?
Roughly 2 million users have asked me my opinions on the username restrictions, or asked me why we're doing it, or threatened to destroy everything and everyone I love unless I personally undo this horrible thing I did to Gaia users.

A few quickie responses:

1. I wasn't directly involved in this change. There are plenty of valid, justifiable reasons to destroy everything I love -- but this particular change is not one of them.

2. I agree with most of the changes, except for getting rid of users' spaces. When the first hints of this started coming about, the reason I heard that most interested me was that it was a security measure. There were too many users becoming things like:

  • MOD accountperson
  • `Ling
  • admin narutofan23981
  • sucky pants *
(* Okay, true story from today at the office. Another guy in the office was showing me his phone and said that something about it was "sucky pants". He went on for a couple minutes, and then it hit me. "Did you just say 'sucky pants'?". He responded, "... ... ... no." I said, "Really? I kinda like it." Then, "Oh. Then yeah, I said sucky pants.")

Some people like to say "if users r that stupid they dezerve to have there accounts hacked!" To you I say: get off your high horse and consider that currently we don't make it particularly clear who really runs this joint. We don't tell users upfront "Yo, these is the guys what you should be trusting" - many of you only know because you've been here so long.

So this change will go a long way towards preventing impostors.

3. Everyone's been jumping all over the "WE DIDN'T ASK FOR E-MAIL" bandwagon, and seriously, what Lanzer said about e-mail was more an example of what is impossible for us at this point. Gaia has basically shut its users accounts off from the Internet at large.

For example, if we ever wanted to make a Gaia instant messaging application similar to AIM -- but we wanted to focus more on Battle System than dedicating resources to another thing we have no experience doing before -- then it would make more sense for us to partner with someone who already makes a chat program. OH CRAP! OUR USERNAMES DON'T WORK ON THEIR NETWORK! NO CHAT FOR POOR GAIA!

Just an example of the kind of issues we could potentially have with our usernames.

I can't stress this enough:
The example I just gave and the examples Lanzer gave are just EXAMPLES. They are not in development. There are worms in my brain, get them out!

4. Things always work best in threes, but since this is a super deluxe edition, I'm adding a number four for that extra "wow" factor.

History of the World Part 3
So, when I was 11 years old and I first signed on to the Internet at my friend's house, my initial reaction was "HOLY CRAP, THERE'S SOMEONE ON THE OTHER SIDE!". The Web, in particular, fascinated me - regular people were putting information in a place where anybody could see it worldwide. Before the Web, how could you write something and make it available to ANYONE? You couldn't.

The youngest generation of Gaians will always take for granted how immensely mind-blowing the concept of the Internet is, just like how I've always taken for granted the television, the radio, or the George Foreman Grill.

The Internet age is a peculiar, exciting, and terrifying time in the history of humanity and sometime at the end of last week, Gaia contributed to the horrific dystopia that lies ahead of us by being the first forum on the Web to reach a billion posts.

As a bright-eyed kid who first experienced the Web all those years ago and knew he wanted to be a part of it, I'm proud to say that I coincidentally happened to work at a company that made Web history, even if I had nothing to do with it!

No, this isn't the part where I tell you the super deluxe double-secret. This is the part where I tell you ahead of time that I'm going to tell you something I think is cool, but that it's not a promise, and stuff does go wrong, and "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry".

But still, I'll tell you anyway, even though it will inevitably bite me in the a**.

Meeting the Folks
One nice little feature that we'd been hoping to do for a long a** time (I said "a**" twice now. Now that we've kicked off all the kids under 13, I can say a** all I want. a** a** a**!) was some sort of "meet the staff" kind of feature where we spotlit more Gaia staffers.

A lot of users tell me they like when I tell them what's going on in the Gaia office, and in a recent newsletter we gathered a bunch of responses from people around the office.

I'm hoping that this (like MC hints) becomes a regular tradition.

Gaia Life
In the vein of the previous section, I'm going to talk about some cool things that happen around the office from time to time, things you may not have known before, and things that will make you wish even more you were already done with college and could get a job here rofl

Laughter Aids Digestion: At lunchtime everyone in the company gets together to hang out, laugh, and most importantly for this developer: watch the Simpsons. It's not all we watch on our lunchroom television -- we've watched the Kids in the Hall, Cowboy Bebop, Dead Leaves, and more -- but we're progressively making our way now through the golden years of what was at one time the show to watch. Lunch time? Cartoon time.

Also, don't think we don't have a Wii there, too wink

Candy Spoiled: Snacktopia sounds like heaven, but one of the side effects is that there are so many candies and treats that you become desensitized to their awesomeness. We recently added Pop Tarts, Apple Jacks, AMP'd energy drinks, mini candy bars of all varieties, Pita chips, mint milanos, rich Hershey fudge cookies, and a gazillion other delights. You know the problem with making a wish? You just might get what you want.

A bloated, candy-filled dev is a happy dev!

I'M CHARGIN' MAH LASERS: Now it may sound like we just spend your MC money on frivolities, which is far from the case. One of our biggest costs is the great people who work at Gaia. We work hard. We love what we do. Most of us still have our souls in tact. It may sound like a dream job, but really, all that stuff is just to offset how much blood, sweat, and tears (gross!) goes into all the work we do.

So sometimes we just have to take breathers and have chats. One of the cool things about Gaia is that even though it's segmented between artists, devs, etc. everyone generally gets along. So earlier today, in my cube, we were having a rousing discussion about alien powers we wouldn't want to have to contend with. We generally agreed that aliens with laser eyes would be bad news. I personally was afraid of aliens with mantis arms, but everyone thought I was crazy.


I'm not crazy, I swear!

What Working at Gaia is REALLY Like, REALLY
I started this journal when I first started working here because I knew Gaia users really dug what was going on behind-the-scenes. In the older days of Gaia, the admins were just regular users, mixing it up with all you Gaians.

Times change and so do demands. Gaia grew bigger, the admins grew busier, and the cost to run the site skyrocketed forcing all kinds of changes that Gaians don't agree with.

The reality about working at Gaia is that it's very hard, very satisfying work. I would say that your average Gaia employee works significantly harder than your conventional employee. During crazier release schedules, I've put in long hours, stayed past midnight several days in a row, and gave up my weekends. I'm not the worst, either -- I still have time to get my work done AND chat with you guys -- many other devs don't have that luxury.

Gaian demands have gotten a lot higher - so while we're very gratified with what we do, generally, it can get very depressing when you slip up and suddenly you have several dozen thousand people screaming about how stupid you are to do what you did. It's never the majority of Gaians, but it can feel that way since the negative people often tend to be the most vocal.

Gaia is still very much a fledgling company, and we're learning from our missteps, and doing things for the first time. We may seem huge compared to what we were even a year ago, but we still have a lot of people who put a lot of heart into every feature they release, just like always.

Gaia's gotten a lot bigger, so there are a lot more meetings (because more people need to know what's going on), and with botters trying to profit from the popularity of Gaia and hackers trying to exploit this very large site, there's a lot more work that has to go into every feature going forward. On top of that, we have to go back and re-optimize older features. On top of that, users want us making new stuff AND not making new stuff just so we can fix old features. It's a very hectic work-life, and you have to be a particular kind of crazy to work here.

At the same time, you're surrounded by very cool people who want to create cool things for an audience they want to impress. Sometimes we have to do uncool things that are necessary, and we recognize that, but we try to make up for it with other cool. But working with people you like on projects you like sometimes makes up for all the stress, time, and browbeating-from-users that you have to put up with.

So yeah, all in all, best job I've ever had.

Okay, some very important notes, like before:




Buuuuuttt... I have deadlines to release 2 non-sponsorship, Gaia-specific quests in May.


P.S., "a**". heart

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:16am
Cool stuff! I'm glad you keep us in the loop. ^_^

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:19am
Hur hur, I'm one of the first. I'll read it after I steal this spot. >_>

Hur hur, conquered! This whiner is happy. XD

DJ Trouble
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Tai Naito
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:32am

DDD: -hands you ice for your wrists-

... teehee, a** X3

... I will see you in Gaia HQ, Fleep. Someday... ninja

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:32am
Fleep.... your awesome. This made me laugh lots.

AND QUESTS *____* I'm VERY excited.

Now I have to go pass out @_@;

devilish tenshi
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:38am
It sounds positivly fun. All your workmates sitting around watching tv and playing wii. I know it can be hard but we aprechiate what you do. :B I look forwad to the quests. :B

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:54am
Aw! A Fleep fish!

I think it's going really well for the relative age of the company, my Dad used to say you really couldn't know if a business was going to fly until after it made the five year mark. Granted, he was talking retail and this was back in the '70s, but I think it still holds true.

But WE didn't even get TV in the mechanics bay! We had to listen to the old guys rehash their racing days! I was robbed! xd

(Only get thrilled by that if you're a bicycle/triathalete enthusiast)

I hope everything goes smoothly for your upcoming very tiny texted project! ninja

Shine On Crazy Diamond
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:56am
i dont know why i read all of it....but i guess im glad i did...

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:58am
One of the things that bugs me about people who complain are that they, more often than not, have no idea who's really responsible they just blame anyone who works for Gaia. It's easy for them to blame you or Lanzer for something than to find out who actually did what they don't like, and even then it's not usually a constructive critisism. sweatdrop

I'm not too happy about the whole name issue myself, luckily my name is one word, no spaces etc but there are a lot of people who have all the things that aren't allowed anymore and I can understand them being attached to their names.
While I love that scammers won't be able to be "[MOD] Complete Jerk" anymore and appreciate that maybe not all features will be compatable with names with weird characters in them, if we don't have to change our existing names I think most people will be happy enough.

If a giant mantis attacked me I'd go for it's eyes, a blind giant mantis would be slightly less fearsome. Perhaps you could befriend it instead and it could get those worms out of your head?

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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 10:04am
a**! scream

Hey man, I know what it's like to get a beat down for a miss step, but my accidents were a lot dumber in nature, totally avoidable, and prosecutable by the Navy justice system. sweatdrop

That's a very large and clear grain of salt... I'd actually like to have one of those to show off to my friends. xd

Having a communal TV can be a blessing when relaxing and socializing are what you you really need. And watching people use a Wii is probably more fun than using one.
If I didn't want to be a bartender so bad it hurt, I'd want to work for Gaia. crying

Know any local places that are hiring? ninja

I can't speak for everyone on Gaia, but I can be honest when I say that yes, it does in fact give me the warm and fuzzies* to know that you guys care enough to listen, and to have you telling us that. You're a trust worthy fellow, and your attitude about your job makes it feel like everything is going to be great.

(warm and fuzzy feelings)

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 10:06am
a** a** a** a** *whine* a** xD

Fleep! I'm starting a petition for you to get a raise!
Unfortunately due to a bug, it's invisible. xDDD

Teasing~ teasing~ x) Thanks for keeping us up to date Fleep, we love your journals! And I can't wait for those things~ ;D

[ Person Man ]
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 10:20am
Word of the day: a**.

rofl P.S. I did read through the whole post, and I think I have increased my short-sightedness. xd Nah, not that serious. Thanks for the update. <3

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 10:24am
Dude fleep man, your like so cool, Your the man, YAY FOR THE WORLKD a**!

Chaos Rainbow
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Shiarka Jonless
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 10:52am
Hey... two Slave Labor comic references in one entry.
Also... Week 42 on 4/20. Nice. cool

So... what are you still watching The Simpsons for? You know it's all about the Family Guy these days.

******** is so much better than a**.

p.s. at least you don't have to shut something down because someone almost cracked his head open on the very hard stage.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 11:35am
Damn Fleep I love it when you talk dirty! but for Gawds sake dude Take a shower K? glad to see you getting outside the office. so two new quests eh? awesome. Is One of them the search for Lanzers Brain?

Scandi the Vampire
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 11:49am
Woo-hoo! Quests! Hopefully, this news will quiet those who asses been complaining constantly about the last one (but a lot of us do appreciate what you guys do for us though .)Oh, Slave Labor and Mel Brooks references FTW. domokun

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 12:56pm
possible quests in May? surprised that's my birthday month. any chance of getting one out by May 3rd? ninja

why do you have LaForge as a dev? xd not getting the joke there.

poor Fleep, lack of sleep making him say things and giving himself more work. xd keep up the good work and possibly get some sleep. (though if you're delirious from lack of sleep you may devulge more information ninja )

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 01:03pm
nice that at least it was something
so i'll shut my mouth now
get sleep man! I don't want a dead Fleep sad
but not for bad reasons xd

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 01:09pm
Woo-hoo some new quest. Yay!!
Yeah fleep you might want to think of getting some rest it helps the brain in some way I think ... ninja

chi honda
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 01:43pm
Sounds cool! Unfortunately, I have to leave and will update my post at school. 3nodding



Yay for quests!

But that's a large grain of salt!

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 02:10pm
And here I was in complete control of my laughter, until I read the happy-love-kittens, postscript " 4laugh heart " and then had to muffle a very undignified snort as not to wake up my housemates. Thank you for that. xd

New quests, squee! How awesome. I hope everything goes well with them for the next little while! The grain of salt has be taken, especially because it is a very shiny and wondefully crystalline grain of salt.

But seriously, thanks again for all the hard work you do for our Gaia!

The Lady of Moof
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Leena no Majo
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 02:26pm
[color=indigo]First off, the images were great. Absolutely freaking hilarious. I spit some of my coffee coolata on the screen when I saw the Squee image. That was seriously one of my favorite parts. You get 10 more points of cool 8) At first even I got pissy about the name thing, because I misunderstand Lanzer's work diary. I thought you WERE going to make e-mail and that bugged me @_@ Now, I don't think the name thing is so bad but I'm awfully reluctant to give up my underscore. I'm glad you can keep spaces so I guess if I have to I can just but a space instead of an underscore....but seriously an underscore > space. :3nod: But um...threaten to destroy anything you love? Does that include us Sheep? One of the most hated fan bases on the site :rofl: You take the George Foreman Grill grill for granted? Seriously? I'm younger then you I remember when the commercials first started playing! I remember when my mom brought on home and I was like HOLY CRAP THIS IS SO AWESOME BBQ 25-7! Silly >< a** is a good word. Personally I'm more partial to the 7 dirty works...except the seventh one...I dun like that one :sweat: But one with the topic! An admin/dev/artist spotlight thing would be completely awesome, the only bad thing I can see about is if something goes wrong, thanks to the spotlight there will be people freaking out at this person that really doesn't need to be freaked out on. But other wise...I love the idea! But seriously you guys should release some Golden Tickets [strike]and mail one to me[/strike] have use find them for a trip to HQ! Speaking of HQ, I would love to work there. I actually would sell the my firstborn to work there. But even when I graduate I probably wouldn't have a place there @_@ Seeing as I'm learning to be a director! :gonk: Now if only I can convince a certain someone to try and get a job as an artist there >< I was always just scared of aliens with big heads because of this episode of the Outer Limits that scarred me for life *shivers* While most of us all know you guys are just starting out, some people unfortunately can't seem to figure that out and want to be Nazis about everything. But don't worry, there are plenty of people here who love you! But actually with the whole "people want us to fix stuff but keep making new stuff thing" I was actually talking to two other Gaians I go to college with and wondering, Would people really get THAT pissed off if for like three months you guys put new projects aside and just worked on fixing old stuff? Myself and the other two were all for the idea but obviously doing something like that just might not work out. However, I think you guys should do a poll about something like that. Seriously. 8) That there's my lengthy comment to your journal! YAY! *waves flag* Keep up the good work! And tell everyone I said hi and thumbs up and all that fun stuff :3nod: :heart: [/color]

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 02:27pm
I'm not mad at the developers for the idea of adding a mailing system. I think it would make Gaia more efficient. 3nodding Either way, I'm still gonna love gaia.
By the way, did I see a little bit of Johnen Vasquez's work in there?

Well, anyways, I think you all are doing awesome! So, don't let angry people bug you.

Doctor Bonez
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Leena no Majo
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 02:28pm
stare Comment totally posted twice.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 02:45pm
Nope i want my quest now *throws tantrum*
ill live ^.^ ive been waiting years for quests, what would a couple of months matter
thought i doubt one of them is the quest i want anyways, since i was told it would be hard and i can't see you doing the hardest quest as one of the first ones

Goodluck with them, everyone will be sure to have the firewood stocked come release date blaugh

Lady Nanoha
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 02:58pm
Awesome journal entry. First thing I have read today and I'm sitting here all smiley. xD

I'm holding you to that deadline! mad heart ...Naw, kidding. lolz. ninja heart

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 03:02pm
Dare we imagine what happens in Fleep's Journal if Gaiaonline becomes an 18+ site? burning_eyes I think I'd honestly, just stop reading his journal. Completely. rofl

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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 04:03pm
Fleep > Senior Diablo
Any Day.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 04:04pm
I'll be looking forward to the "meet the staff" feature. It's great to hear about Gaia and all the people that work behind the scene that makes Gaia what it is today. You came out of the closet to talk to us (very brave of you) and many look forward to hearing what you have to say about the goings on every week. I hope the other staff that are featured can handle the nay sayers as well as you do. The whiners are a small majority on Gaia but you are correct that they are the loudest. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. It's a Love/Hate relationship with Gaia.

Now I'm excited about the new quest on the horizon.User Image

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 04:19pm
What a long journal entry..
The praying mantis got me xD
But, YAY, new quests are coming soon.

P.S. Assity a** a**.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 04:39pm
Geesh Fleep..3:02 am??? You sure do go thru a lot to keep our Gaian asses happy!! =D
I think spotlighting your co workers is a perty awesome idea.Some people need reminded that you guys are actual human beings and not some weird alien life thingies competing with each other to see who can peeve the most Gaians.(right?!?!)Seriously,ya'all deserve kudos for the hard work ya'all do,and a bit of limelight for everyone seems like a good idea.
Ok thats it,I am quitting my job and moving out that way to work for Gaia!! Simpsons and sweets for lunch..you all have it made!! I am so jealous!! (All the sugary goodness prolly explains why our Fleepster is awake at 3 am eh?!?!)
If you do run into a giant mantis,try some Raid on it and watch it squirm!!! I'd post what I would REALLY do,but I dont want to give anyone any ideas..LoL.For sure I would at least scream..bugs=bleh.
Yanno Fleep,you deserve a "Fleep Appreciation Day". I think its just sweet how you do take the time to touch base with us.You definitely deserve a raise for all the hard a** work you do.=D
Have a great weekend yer Fleepiness! xx

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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 04:57pm

That's only when I'm on vacay!


*cracks whip*

I order salt by the case, though.

Thanks for the super long mega awesome entry. Hee hee. Much better!

btw...0.o Are developers anything like Transformers?

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 05:03pm
a** a** ASSY McGEE!


You're the most interesting person on the Intarwebs, Fleep.

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Esdella Vie
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 05:35pm
*Happy squeal* Awesome, the best part is May is 2 weeks away! xD Do you get Lanzer to stand over your shoulder and look this over before you post it? surprised And. a**. ^^

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 06:00pm
In the vein of the previous section, I'm going to talk about some cool things that happen around the office from time to time, things you may not have known before, and things that will make you wish even more you were already done with college and could get a job here rofl

This is about me, isn't it? emo

Great entry. I loved the long-ness! :3

Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 06:36pm
I absolutely love love love the visual references you put into your journals. They must take you a lot of time, but the result is often hilarious.

I think mantis arms/legs are creepier than lazer beam eyes, too. The face huggers from alien reaaally creep me out the most, though.

I prefer the term 'badunkadunk' to a**, actually. xd

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 06:47pm
I like the praying mantis. 3nodding But I respect that you don't like them. Heh heh. The female praying mantis eats its mate. I just had to say that. sweatdrop Yay for new quests in May! My birthday is in May. xd I can't wait for the new quests. That's a big grain of salt. -steals- Mine! I don't complain. I know Gaia staff work hard. 3nodding I enjoy getting the new items when events and quests come out. I plan to work with Gaia in the future. I really want too. whee

Wooper to Quagsire
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 07:06pm
Thank you.............. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 07:32pm

Ho'mygawd, thank you. ;D

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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 07:54pm
I felt the exact same way when I first posted in a forum!


That's exactly what I felt.

On a side note:

I'm sure some users can live without symbols...but we can't live without spaces. crying

And I'm looking forward to those quests!

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 08:17pm
When I use the computer for the first time i was like "WOW"! domokun I can play games all day long..
O my god... New quest surprised heart
a** a** a** a** a**... xp domokun

LabTech David
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 08:26pm
Yay! Quests!
Now i'm excited. >w<
.......... >.> <.<
a** a** a** a**! blaugh

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 08:45pm
OMG! Quests... thanks Fleep... ^_^

Strawberry-Bunny Rose
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smile hostage refuge
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 08:48pm

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:01pm
Holy s**t, one of the workers ACTUALLY kept their promise. :cough::cough: TATTOOS:cough:Battle system:cough:

As for the new rules about the name changes, I like not being able to use the special characters in my Avi's name. But the space thing shall be missed.
And thank god Lanzer only used those as examples, other wise GAIA would ESPLODE like the GCD when something is released.

I loved the "meeting the Folks" section, and I hope it shall continue.
But l0cke's response disturbed me...

As for your Quests that are "DUE SOMETHING IN MAY", I hope things on your end goes smoothly.

PS: s**t.

Tidus Guado
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:34pm
Yay for asses!

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:39pm
GIANT MANTISES ARE A PROBLEM! They often result in your girlfriend running off with some other dude.

Great entry!

...a**! rofl

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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 09:40pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
That was funny, and you finally had the things I love the most.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 10:02pm
Yay quests!! surprised surprised surprised

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Angel Diary
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 10:07pm
**pats on the back** there there... and its true, the negative people are always more vocal xD

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 10:14pm
Yea! I'm so happy you could finaly do an update with lots of links! can't wait for the quests.


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