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Here's a story that Lilithia commishioned me to write. She told me to write about a soothsayer, dictator, sky pirates, and the fountain of truth. This is what I fabricated.

Title: Skies of Truth
Written by: Megan Gretton
Commissioned by: Lilithia
Page Length: 8.5 Pages
Word Count: 3949

The gentle breeze blew against my face as I glided through the air, staring in awe at the dreamy clouds which clung to the air as if by magic. A sea of green trees populated the world below me and for that brief moment I seemed to forget all of my duties which I had been chained to. My responsibilities seemed to lift from me and fly into the wind like a leaf swirling in the fall air.

"Ma'am, you're needed in the cabin." Rang a voice, instantly causing my reverie to disappear. I simply nodded my head politely and shuffled my feet in the direction of the cabin, leaving my moment of peace behind.

"Where the heck is that seer!" shouted an impatient man on the other side of the door, though his voice came as a mumble from my side of the wood. I knew I had to turn the knob, but I wished I hadn't needed to. The tyrant on the other side of the door was my boss for the time being, and I hated that fact. If I had not been so desperate I would never have taken the dictator's proposal, but harsh times had arrived in Cleoa and no one usually had the gold to pay for a soothsayer.

"Sir, the soothsayer has arrived." announced a member of the crew as he led me in. I bowed politely, and looked up at my employer awaiting any news he had for me.

"Seer, have you had any visions lately?" He interrogated, taking a puff from the cigar which he held between his fingers.

"No sir. I have minimal control over when I am able to glimpse into the future, as they either happen randomly or when I may experience trouble." I explained, my pupils fixed on the gold ring on his finger. During these times many families in Cleoa had sold their jewelery in order to pay for the essentials, but it seemed the dictator had plenty and thus had no need to sell any of his belongings.

"I don't care about any of your little requirements. I paid good gold and I want results!" he bellowed, raising his voice.

"Yes sir." I replied with a sigh. He never had understood the limits of a soothsayer and I doubted he ever would. I had already told him about my limit multiple times, but each time had turned out to be useless as he simply seemed to forget all I had said. It was as if I was teaching a baby advanced math formulas.

I turned on my heels and headed out of the door, making my way to my quarters. I entered my room and flipped the switch, which then filled my room with a dim glow from a lamp. My back hit against the backing of a wooden chair, which was located in front of a small desk covered with unorganized books and loose sheets of paper. My right hand grasped a book which had a red leather cover. The words "Discoveries" was written on the front in silver lettering. I quickly opened it and flipped to a blank page. My eyes automatically darted across the table top, quickly finding the pen I required. I used it to place pressure on a fresh line, awaiting to create a multitude of strokes.

Suddenly my mind flashed a mixture of colors and my eyes instantly shut. I entered a state of enchantment as my gift was quickly put to work. An image of a stunning man in rags and a small fight spun through my mind, quickly pursued by the picture of a sword being held against the dictator's throat. Finally came the last image showing an unusual fountain which seemed to twist upwards. Water flowed from an opening at the top and cascaded downward, where it was collected in a pool of white liquid.

My eyes shot open as my vision ended. I sat back in my chair and allowed my rapid breathing to return to normal. When I had collected all my thoughts I scribbled down my vision on the sheet of paper while the images were still clear in my mind, using words and diagrams to describe them to the best of my ability. When that task was completed I headed off to the main cabin to tell the Dictator of the news.

Suddenly, the ship shook, throwing my feet off balance. I fell to the ground, but my palms cushioned the impact. I quickly reassured myself that it was just turbulence because my visions usually didn't become a reality until hours, even days after they had appeared in my mind. I lifted myself up using a wooden wall as an aid and walked along the corridor.

Before I was able to reach the cabin the silence which had once calmed my nerves disappeared and was replaced by screams and shouts. I quickly left the task I was doing and ran towards the deck. I hid myself behind a crate and looked around for whatever had attacked. Then I spotted a man clothed in ripped fabric. He had baggy pants which were torn all over and did not match the large shirt which hung upon his body. Ripped shoes covered his feet and I could see his large toe peaking through. I then looked up to his face and was astonished and surprised. It was one of handsome quality as he had wondrous facial features. Cold blue eyes and a pale face adorned it, as well as rich brown hair which curled around and was shoved underneath the red bandanna which seemed glued to his scalp. He was the man from the vision. The vision was already becoming a reality!

The man's eyes moved toward my hiding place and I quickly averted my gaze, whilst trying to cover myself up as best as I could. I knew he was one of them. He was a sky pirate.

Sky pirates had been around for centuries, ever since air travel became possible with mass produced air ships. When air ships were new only the rich were able to afford them, but as more and more of them were made and prices dropped, sky pirates came into being. They quickly expanded into multiple groups and were said to begin to install fear to whomever crossed their path. They were described as ruthless, just like the sea pirates in the olden days.

However, it used to be rare for you to be raided by a sky pirates as they used to search for treasure and map out the skies. Though as times became desperate many bands of sky pirates began to search for wealthy ships and raid them, leaving nothing but the poor victims behind. I was on one of those wealthy ships.

When the man had turned his head I began to attempt to sneak away to my cabin in order to hide. My hope quickly crumbled as I felt a hand being place upon my shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going little miss?" Asked the man whom I had just admired.

"Let go of me." I replied sternly, not allowing myself to tell him the truth. I could not allow him to get his hands on my discoveries book which was filled with descriptions of my visions.

"Whatever." He spoke, flinging me onto the wall before walking of. Pain jolted through my spine but I had no time to think of it. I quickly got up and rushed down the corridor, not even taking a moment to brush myself off. A scream of pain tore through the air from behind me, but I had no time to turn. I knew a fight had broken out behind me, just as my vision predicted.

I quickly entered the dictator's cabin. My eyes widened at the scene which quickly filled my view.

There was the dictator, a bearded man holding his hands back and threatening the dictators life with a sword placed against his throat. The exact scene that appeared in my vision graced my eyesight as I stood in shock, my mind unable to figure out what to do.

"Soothsayer, get your a** over here and help me!" Ordered the tyrant, his voice cracking as he gasped for air. I stared at him, contemplating what I could do to help.

"Aye matie, I suggest ye not help. If you not, we may be able to strike a deal." Stated the bearded pirate with a heavy accent in his voice. It was obvious the accent was not truly authentic, just an imitation of the historical sea pirates.

"What deal?" I questioned, intrigued by his words.

"In exchange for his life you shall take us on a journey." He simply replied.

"I'm interested."

"Well, as ye may know, times in Cleo are rough and we pirates are forced to raiding. But this is not the life for us. We'd rather be traveling the skies in legal ways, instead of being labeled as criminals like we are now. We've also found away to leave the life of a criminal. We suspect our ways are not required. There may be a way to go back to the life we once knew, and you will be the ones to help us." He explained, unable to sustain his pirate accent throughout his words.

"And what if we don't agree?" I asked, testing my luck.

"Then you will perish, along with everyone else." Replied another voice. I swiveled on my heels and saw the handsome pirate from before standing at the door way. He then added, "but hopefully we won't be forced into doing that."

"Then it's a deal. Where will we be traveling to?" I questioned once again, my attention placed on the bearded man.

"Our journey shall take us to the fountain of truth under my rule as captain of this crew."

"Wait, the fountain doesn't really exist, does it? I thought it just to be a legend." I inquired, astonished.

"It's very real, and I have obtained the map." Replied the handsome man, his feet shuffling as he made his way beside the newly appointed captain. His hand dug into the pocket of the crumpled mess of a shirt he wore. He quickly pulled out a roll of paper, torn and aged by time. Fingers unrolled it in seconds as he placed it upon the table top, not even seeming to notice the pencil which rolled onto the floor.

I quickly studied the map's contents. "So it's true. Then lets head out. I figure it'll take a day or 2 to get there." I stated, eager to get on our way. The thought of getting to the legendary fountain seemed to intrigue me, as I knew the fountain could find any truth, even those hidden behind multiple layers of mystery.

The captain then left the cabin, leaving the dictator to catch his breath. Surprisingly, he had been silent until then and showed no sign of speaking any time soon. I figured he was still shaken up over his near death situation, but I had no intention of comforting the tyrant.

My feet began to move and I walked out of the room, deciding to check out the skies. I hoped they were clear as that may bring on another vision. The wind whipped through my hair as the ship turned. The skies were a bright blue and showed no sign of the weather changing. I stared around at the scenery, still thinking about all that had happened.

"Hello ma'am. What're you up to?" asked a voice, signaling me to snap out of my trance. I quickly realized that it was the handsome pirate who seemed to keep appearing.

"Just checking the skies. Nothing devious, so don't worry." my voice chimed.

"Good." fell from his mouth as he stood beside me, then he added, "So what's your name? I've grown tired of calling you ma'am."

His question caught me off guard. I hadn't thought he'd ask such a question, but maybe there was more to him then a dirty sky pirate. I immediately answered, "Oh! My name is Lani, so why don't you tell me your own name as well?"

"I go by the name of Samir. So what is your purpose on a ship such as this?"

"You have many questions. Before I answer that one may I ask why you wish to know?" I interrogated curiously.

"It is rare for me to find a lady such as you on a ship not of leisure. You have sparked my curiosity." He answered simply.

I was surprised at how sharp he was, as well I took into account the fact that he dared not hurt me now, nor did he attempt to use the fake pirate accent.

"Well, as to answer your earlier question, I am simply here to do my job, employed by the dictator. I am a soothsayer, and I guess you're a pirate?"

"A soothsayer? Wow! I haven't seen one of your kind in ages. However, I am not fully a pirate. I have only taken upon this role for the meantime, due to the times which have been cast upon us."

"So what were you before this?" I questioned, my curiosity sparked.

His glance diverted to his left, moving his head in the process. A sigh escaped his lips and he answered; "I have yet to tell anyone, why should that change." His voice had a somewhat cold tone to it, much different from before. I dared not to ask any farther, yet I still wished to know.

"Alright then. If you wish not to tell me, then do not." I replied.

He opened is mouth as if to reply, but was cut off by one of the dictator's servants running down the hall and grabbing onto my arm.

"My master wishes for your presence back in the cabin." He stated, dragging my arm. I nodded, exhausted. I had just been there, and the repetitive trips to the cabin were beginning to annoy me.

The meeting was brief and had little importance to it. The dictator simply told me to play along with the pirates and I was sent back to my quarters. The day had been long and I allowed my body to drift into a state of slumber.

The following day I found myself slowly crawling out of bed. I had already slept in, yet I found no pressure to hurry up my efforts. I already knew the whole day would simply be traveling as we escorted the pirates to the fountain of truth. My enthusiasm had been drained as I was sick of being ordered around by the dictator.

I completed the daunting task of dressing and slipped on my shoes. Hunger roared in my stomach as I made my way toward to kitchen, well aware that breakfast had long been over.

"Lani, what are you doing here so late in the mourning?" asked a voice from behind. I swiveled my heels and came face to face with Samir.

"Oh! Hello there. I'm simply here to get something to eat." I replied, a smile crawling on to my face.

"Well then, may I join you? I'm not needed as crew to fly such a ship, so I have much free time on my hands."

I nodded as to say yes and led him into the kitchen. The chef was in the corner, peeling a batch of potatoes. He simply stated where the left overs were and got back to work, already used to me being late for breakfast. I quickly heated enough leftovers up for the two of us and followed him to the diner. He seemed to have already found his way around the ship, and I was glad I wasn't required to provide a tour.

As we were seated we began to chatter about whatever came to mind. Before we knew it, out breakfast was already being digested and 11 o'clock had long since past.

A servant then called me to the Dictator's cabin and I bid farewell to Samir. When I arrived at the cabin I was bombarded by mountains of work that had to be done. I quickly got to it, and worked through the day studying maps and explaining my vision.

When I had finally finished all the work that had been put before me, the stars were already glimmering in the darkened sky. I leaned against the railing and stared at a passing star, reaching my arm out as if to touch it. The peaceful scene caused me to slowly grow drowsy.

Suddenly I felt a tremor, causing me to go off balance. I flipped over the guard rail and fell, managing to grab hold of the railing at the last moment. I was dangling off the edge with only my one arm keeping me from free falling to my end. I screamed for help as my grip began to loosen up. My screams were answered as a hand wrapped around mine, pulling me up to safety.

My breathing was heavy, due to both exhaustion and relief. I looked up at my savior and found Samir in my view. I smiled at him and thanked him deeply, hugging him in appreciation. After a few moments of feeling his warmth, I pulled away, smiling. When I looked up to his face I found his cheeks tinted red, but I assumed it was just because he was exhausted due to supporting my body weight.

"I'm not too heavy, am I?" I joked.

A laugh tumbled out from his lips as I thanked him once again and stumbled off to bed.

I awoke early the next day to the sound of feet shuffling outside my cabin door. I was soon dressed and headed out the door. Suddenly, I bumped into Samir.

"Hey! Thanks again for saving my life last night." I chimed.

"Oh, it was no problem. It was all I could do after hurting you..."

"Hurting me? When?" I questioned, not recalling when he had.

"When I threw you against the wall when we first met. It was an accident, but hopefully I made it up to you."

"Of 'course you did." I chimed.

Our conversation was interrupted by one of the tyrant's servants. They seemed to enjoy dragging me off to the dictator's cabin, giving me no chance to eat.

When I entered the cabin I was told to find our location and map the safest way to the fountain. I stared at the map and studied it, glancing over to a compass every few moments. I then extended my hand so it would hover an inch from the map, gliding it across the contents of the sheet. My eyes shut and I focused my power to my hand. I could feel my hand glow and soon acquired the knowledge that I needed to know. Taking out a pencil I scribbled down where we were and the safest route there. When that was completed I excused myself and left to eat alone.

As the day trudged on I knew we'd be arriving at the fountain soon enough. I busied myself with checking out the crew and staring into the sky. I chatted with Samir & the bearded captain at points of the day, but attempted to stay clear of the dictator as I didn't want to have to go through more work. I had already done more then I had originally thought I'd be, though this was also an adventure unlike any other.

When afternoon approached I began seeing a floating island in the distance taking shape. In minutes we arrived and I studied the scenery.

A forest mainly took up the island, the trees covering almost all of the ground. No path was to be found nor any sign of civilization. A stream ran into the cluster of plants, and I quickly remembered that it was the stream in the map, the one which led to the fountain. Without waiting for the others a dashed into the forest, using the stream as my guide.

As I ran on I found the trees to become thicker, meaning that they were indeed older then the ones at the outer edge. They also grew closer together and not as much sunlight was able to bypass the leaf covered branches. I continued to follow the stream and soon arrived in a clearing.

Looking forward I saw the same fountain as the one in my vision. Stone steps led up to the marble fountain. I quickly climbed them and stared into the fountain's contents. Light reflected off the surface of the white liquid.

"LANI, WAIT UP!" Cried Samir, who had seemed to of followed me. He quickly dashed up the steps and stood beside me. I smiled at him as he became mesmerized by the pure white liquid.

"What do we do with it?" I asked, but no answer was replied back. He simply stared down.

Suddenly, he cupped his hands together and dipped them into the fountain, bringing up a handful of white substance. He then drank it, and his eyes shut as he collapsed against the steps.

"SAMIR! SAMIR! Are you okay? What happened!" I cried, but silence only answered my calls. I then heard a weak voice coming from his lips. I bent down and placed my ear near his lips as to hear clearer.

"My name is Samir Valatado," He stated in a raspy voice; "I was born a toy maker and lived a life as one, until the scandal happened in Cleoa's government and we were all forced into times where gold was hard to come buy."

"What scandal?" I whispered.

"The dictator, along with the rest of the government, took the gold and spent it on themselves. They cared not for the people of Cleoa and forced everyone to find a different lifestyle. With their greed they were able to live in luxury along with their friends, whilst the rest lived in poverty. However, times will soon change, and you must make this happen." He whispered into my ear.

"But how?" I pondered aloud.

"Spread the truth, like I am now. However, the fountain of truth has a terrible truth. Those who find the truth must perish, and thus I have reached my end..." He gasped.

"WHAT! NO SAMIR! You can't die! You have to spread the truth with me, you can't die!" I screamed, caught off guard. My emotions tore at my heart as I strained to listed.

"This is my end, I am sorry. But I just want to let you know, my feelings for you are more then just a temporary friendship. I have come to love you, but these feelings will bring me no where." He confessed, his voice cracking.

"Wh-what! You love me? But I-" I exclaimed, but was soon cut off.

"Good bye..." he whispered as he shut his eyes. I stared down at him and allowed a tear to roll down my cheek. I pressed my lips against his, feeling his warmth for the final time. After a moment I ended my kiss, my tears now a steady stream.

"Good bye." I whispered, and turned and walked down the stairs, my heart pounding. My feelings for him were uncertain but I had to fulfill his dying wish. I had to spread the word.

I did exactly that. When I told the gang of sky pirates the truth they rioted, and took the dictator hostage. I left the island with them, leaving Samir's body behind.

We ended up becoming known as terrorists by the government, but heroes by the people of Cleoa. We flew around spreading the word, and soon after there was an uprising. The members of the corrupted government were punished and Cleoa left it's harsh times behind as it began to reshape into a better land for the future.

However, no matter what, Samir would not be able to live in the new world of Cleoa that he helped to free. He was gone, but somewhere in me I truly believed that part of him was still alive. Both in my heart, and in the freedom of Cleoa.


Hope you liked it & comments are loved. <3

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