Let Me Forget
I guess I'll speak my mind on this one. I want to be liked again. Not something too drastic like love or obsession, just simply liked. Believe it or not, my last relationship (which only lasted 2 weeks, which was pretty wimpy compared to the prior one that was practically 2 years) actually made me feel relieved to a certain extent. I felt pretty and like my personality was admired. But, Will did teach me something in that short amount of time: don't get attached. I guess my reason for wanting to have another relationship after W.C.C. (AKA 2 years) was for me to forget everything. To feel at ease with not only myself, but everything else around me. I liked the thought of this nonchalant attitude towards the judgements of this world, and that is what I need. I need to forget. I need to look upon every relationship like it was a lesson and just move ahead. But, despite the wonderful idea that "I should learn this myself," I feel like I need help.
This "lack-o-boyfriend syndrome" that is oppressing me is just me noticing what I need help on. Thinking that I can just learn how to like myself against the world by myself is not enough. If I was to be alone like this, still attempting to grasp the freedom that I could so easily get in a relationship, it would take me YEARS to gain that confidence. I don't know what to do, really. I'm just wanting to forget, but it just isn't that simple.
~*Whispers of a Dream*~