• As the alarm ring, the Elf groaned
    For it's another day of work in Santa's Horrorland.
    You see in public Jolly Nick may seem all laugh and giggles
    But what you never see, behind the scene
    Is the real Santa, a grumpy old man with a mean streak.

    Every single year, Santa must meet the Toy quota each year
    To make the children of the world happy.

    To achieve this daunting task Santa implemented a routine of long hours
    This Elf even took only a moment rest of his aching arm, however,
    Santa was dismayed and smacked Elf on the back of his head
    Leaving him dizzy for the rest of the shift.

    When the Elf asked for a short lunch break,
    Santa simply said, " who have time to eat when there's million
    Of children to bring joy to."
    What's worse is Santa would yell, call Elf mean names,
    Make fun of his height, and he Would take all the credit
    For the toys that he made.

    But enough is enough! Elf is tired of the abuse and tired of being used.
    Elf is going to have his revenge on Santa.

    One night, Elf sneaked into the reindeer stable.
    Rudolph arouse, and he was alarmed, however,
    Elf didn't have any interest in harming Rudolph.
    No... Elf was after something more important.
    He looked on the floor and there it was.
    Making sure nobody is around, Elf then collected
    The rounded, brown poop into a bag.

    Everyone at the workshop knows Santa loves chocolate.
    And the reindeer poop looks like the chocolate.
    So Elf made sure to replace the bag of chocolate
    With the reindeer bag of poop.

    Delicious! 3nodding