• Winter is cold,
    Winter is wet,
    I like summer,
    My friends say it's crazy,
    That I don't like the season,
    But i'm me,
    And they are them,
    I can like what I like,
    And hate what I hate,
    Just there's so much pressure,
    To like the Christmas season,
    But the only thing is,
    My family doesn't celebrate it.
    I think I've never seen,
    A real Christmas tree,
    My mom and my dad,
    Just say that can't be,
    With so many friends,
    And so many houses,
    But I swear it's true.
    My only thought is
    Maybe i'll hide it,
    And celebrate alone,
    For only me can know,
    That I want to celebrate it,
    Without my mom's know.