• A Decorated Tree

    Everygreen and Everspread are you
    At least for a week or two
    Sitting in the living room
    Where we placed you in bloom
    Water in your little stand
    To be filled daily by hand

    With only your needles to wear
    You won't long be bare
    For we will decorate you tree
    Gathered together the family
    From the attic we gather decorations
    In our holiday preparations

    No one's fighting, no one screaming
    As the ornaments are passed with feeling
    No two ornaments the same
    Childish some are and others lame
    Each has it's own story or tale
    Which everyone knows without fail

    A smile spreads on every face
    As the Tree Top Angel is put in place
    A Tree so decorated and full
    At heartstrings the sight does pull
    When I look around my family and see
    That just like our Decorated Tree

    We are each different and yet the same
    All of us Childish and a little lame,
    But we all know each other's stories well
    And it makes my heart with pride swell.