• It's funny what the hoildays can do to you...
    Can't believe that I'm here
    Fifteen Years
    Fifteen Decembers
    My family has been with me for Fifteen Years
    I've been alive for Fifteen Years

    I sit outside
    The snow softly falling in my hair
    My head pulls up
    Looking at the sky
    Something I hanvn't done since...
    A long time ago...

    The sky is full of gray clouds
    Just like the day I was born
    Just like the day I'll die.......

    I shut my eyes and squeeze them tight
    "This is not the day I die"

    I remember all my friends
    And the good times we've had
    Just being kids
    Just looking foward to the next day
    Living and loving in the moment

    My eyes pop back open and I drop the knife in the snow
    Not Today...
    I will not die today...

    It's funny what the holidays can do to you...
    Or what they can keep you from doing.