• A chill hangs in the air
    As I sigh my breath turns to a fog
    Holding a jacket up close against my body
    As the snowflakes twirl gracefully like tiny ballerinas to the ground
    The trees and bushes wear a fresh coat of icy snow
    And sigh as the wind blows through them.
    The wind blows quickly as if it has somewhere to be
    But the snow just falls slowly down as if it could stay held up in the sky all day long.
    Everyone bustles and hustles around through the snow waiting to get home.
    And as I pass by I hear children giggle and play.
    As soon as I walk through the door I sit down on a chair by the window,
    I just watch the snow fall down just as slow and as calm as before.
    Keeping in mind to remember them and every other little thing in life.
    For those are the simple things we seem to miss.