• Freezing and barren was the world outside the window,
    The world was gray beyond the glass making everything seem darker and empty.
    Family stood together their hands held close to their hearts,
    Make shift love in the form of presents placed neatly under the light green pine in the den.
    Laughter and the scent of spearmint and chocolate was the most calming things in the house,
    The tension of empty faces and chairs which long to be filled by spirit and joy.
    Feeling replaced by missed emotions all reflected by clear wrapping paper.
    Out the window was smooth clouds opening their jaws to sing,
    Snowflakes easing down in a ballet as they tapped the grass with Christmas kisses.
    Santa laughed as the sled moved towards the roof and rested against it,
    The cheery man eased down the large chimney as lights flashed lightly on the tree.
    His face was lightened by the tree as the small girl sat limply on the couch her head lulled,
    Tears on her face as a warm smile eased her awake to a greeting of red and white.
    The flash of lights and the sound of the door opening as the image of someone lost entered,
    Heavy eyes and glowing skin as the image walked into the kitchen.
    Clicking of boots which had seen many dead and flames of lives.
    The sound of guns fresh in his ears as he pushed towards the couch.
    Running his fingers over her head her eyes turned upwards as she reached forwards,
    Her fingers brushed his, "I am home."