- Title: Lurking in the shadows...
- Artist: Bahamute
"The darkness haunted my mind. It was always man's fear to be stricken blind and forever cursed by shadowed sight, but to never escape it is something different entirely. The only light coming forth was being issued by an angry, cold set of eyes that were never inviting..."
Although it's not a part of my elemental style avatars, Im quite happy with this one. Tell me what you think ^.^ - Date: 09/04/2009
- Tags: lurking shadows dark black fear
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Ibis Devin Tamarisk - 09/10/2009
- Now thats just sexy!
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- JennyTehChibi - 09/08/2009
Wonder if he lurks in forums... xD
Nice job [:
4/5 - Report As Spam