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  • Artist Info: hi who ever u r. my name is leilanie. lanbee was some name i made up. i like baseball,tenis, soccer,singing,watching tv, music,taking pictures playing with my friends . i like someone ........... okay ill tell u guys ....<br />
    no im kidding i dont like anyone<br />
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    ( december 4,2008 )<br />
    ugh im so bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <br />
    my friends are so great ......<br />
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    catherine .... always there 4 me when i need to talk to her bout my problems .....<br />
    i love her more than i love my own sister .... lolz... my awsome best friend<br />
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    matthew .... lolz calls me 4 no reason i love him like a brother lolz <br />
    i love him ( like a brother ) 4 always calling me lolz <br />
    he always lifts my spirit and hes also there 4 me when i cant talk to catherine or alina ...... my awsome best friend <br />
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    alina ...... always trying to make me happy whenever im down cause of someone and really ( too ) happy most of the time <br />
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    alina is like a sister to me.<br />
    i love her more than my own sister <br />
    my awsome best friend<br />
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