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    You've already started reading this, so you better finish it. And I'm telling you, you're gonna regret it... <br />
    I live in a freakishly small town in Ohio, where it's cold in the summer, and warm in the winter. And you wanna know something else? My parents seem to know everyone in the city. That's how small it is. <br />
    I'm in Jr. High, last year, and, well, it's a smaller version of high school. Everyone's got their boyfriends and girlfriends, and of course their arch enemies. You know how there's different sections of the school? The popular crowd, the jocks, the nerds, and the gothics. Where exactly does that put me and my friends? We have tried figuring this out for years, but have come to the conclusion... Who the hell cares? We're best friends, sisters even. And, yes, I will make you read about my closest friends.<br />
    Teresa (XxBlack-Magic101xX)- I mentioned her on my profile. She's... difficult to understand. But she is my best friend in the ENTIRE world, and I wouldn't trade her for anything. We have a TON of things in common, and we basically think the same things. Though she tries to act gothic sometimes, and it never works, she's still my all time sister. Let’s just say you’re lucky I didn’t type eight more paragraphs for you to read about her. That’s how much I know about her.<br />
    Amanda ( JP_LioNessa )- The nicest, smartest, most talented person you will ever meet. I can count on her for countless advice, and almost anything else. She is extremely sarcastic, but she's funny, and my most caring, kind sister.<br />
    Sarah a.k.a Slecc ( Doesn't have a Gaia, unfortunately…)- She’s talented. Deserving. Amazing. She’s the odd sister. The one that’s comfortable saying anything at any given time, yet, makes it funny most times.<br />
    Let’s just set the record straight, here. I have a ton of more friends, but I only have so much space to fill, and if I ramble on any longer about all of them, you’ll get bored, kind of like you are now. So, lets get back to me. Again. Great.<br />
    Okay, so I love to write. Whether it’s poetry, music, or even songs. I try to experiment with different forms of writing when I can. I’ve been writing since I was, yep, in the 1st grade. Don’t believe me? Well, it’s true. I’m pretty good at it… or so I’m told. Another one of my passions? Music. Listening to it or performing it. I can sing, pretty well I guess. I can dance, sort of, but I still love to, even if I do suck. And I act. I’ve only recently discovered the art of theatre, so I’ve only been in a few plays. I’ve never landed a leading role before, but now’s a first time for everything. I play a few instruments. I play piano, though I stopped taking lesson when I was in the fifth grade. I played cello for a short time, though it’s not really my calling. And last, but certainly not least, I’m a natural born percussionist. I love playing drums. I own my own snare and play in the school band. Wait. Stop there. I already know what you’re thinking. You think I’m some bug- eyed nerd with braces, correct? No. I’m just a girl with glasses. That’s the only dorky thing about me. But, think what you may of me, it won’t matter anymore to me than Twilight or New Moon does. Oh, speaking of which…<br />
    If you’re a Twilight or Wicked fan, you may want to stop here. I don’t get the point of Twilight or Wicked. My friends have already tried to explain it all to me, but I just find it useless. It doesn’t interest me. But, to me, it’s just a fad that will flatten out in a few years. I hope. I know a little bit about Harry Potter, but I have yet to read any of the books. I’ve seen a few of the movies, but I’m no expert. I don’t hate Harry Potter. No, I actually like it. But not as much as I like Percy Jackson. I absolutely LOVE Greek mythology. I find it all very interesting, so I plan to study it further as I get older. That’s another similarity between me and Teresa. Moving on.<br />
    I play a few sports. Mostly volleyball. I play a little basketball, but I’m no pro. I played soccer a few years back. Wasn’t exactly my kind of sport, though. I’ve played volleyball since I was in second grade. See a pattern here? Everything I started when I was younger, I’m naturally good at. As far as school goes, I’m a good student. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten below a C on my report card, and the C is only in Social Studies, which I should mention now, I’m not good at. The whole, memorizing maps and dates and wars thing kills me. I have almost a horrible memory, but I can remember most things. Except anything that involves History…<br />
    One last thing about me. Well, there’s more to it than that, but I have no patience left to explain it all to you. When I grow up, I want to be a Corporate Attorney. If you’re thinking that there’s some long story behind my career choice, but there’s not. I just decided that I wanted to do something interesting in life. I also wish to travel the world some day with Teresa. We want to visit a lot of places, but it may take years before any of that happens.<br />
    Okay, well, that’s about it. If you want to know more (though if you do after reading all this, you’re insane. Seriously.), friend me, add me whatever. If you’re lucky I’ll send a PM your way when I’m having a bad day. Maybe then you’ll know why I am the way I am… Nah.<br />
    “Live the life you live, before it’s tainted by pessimistic thoughts and nonsense.”<br />
    Well, it’s too late for me, isn’t it? I rather like my pessimistic outlook on life.
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