• Imagine you just stepped outside. The ground is white and the roads have vanished. No sound is heard trough the thick air as giant flakes gently fall and touch your face. The sky is dark, but no stars can be seen. She gently begins to speak about how beautiful it is. You are slowly loosing yourself in the wonder of the scene and her beautiful voice.

    You are shoved back into reality, as she grabs your hand and smiles. She pulls you out into the deep snow. You aren't wearing coats and your feet are bare, but you don't care. You slowly fall back and land in the snow, leaving two awkwardly shaped figures pressed in the snow. After the laughing stops, you look at each other and stair, not realizing it at first. You are lost in her eyes. You can't help but think about how beautiful she is. What could she be thinking? Many things rush through your mind.

    The awkwardness overwhelms you, as you make an excuse about being cold. She smiles at you and makes fun of your inability to brave the cold, as she tries to shift your attention from what just happened. You help her up, offer her a blanket, and try to forget what just happened. Later, as you drive her home, you try to avoid the silence that might bring it up, however there is little success from either of you. The silence was awkward.

    It doesn't matter how well you avoided talking about it; you can't block out your own thoughts and feelings, the ones that keep you up for hours at night. You wonder if she is thinking of you, or if she forgot about you and is sleeping. However, she is sitting by the phone, hoping that you will call. You are both once again in the silence, this time alone.