• Street Goddess Iokia appears in a flash of blinding light in the front of a hostel, where a group of urban punks are loitering. Tyrone, the leader of this group of societal outcasts, says hastily with a laughable smile, “Yo what up G!?”. “Where’s my money Tyrone?”, says Street Goddess Iokia with a blatant straightforward tone that sends shivers through the spines of the ghetto-ites, because it’s the kind of straightforward tone that has clear displeasure in the underlining of it, which usually produces twice the emphasis on the speaker’s hidden hostility. Tyrone and his associates now wear awkward smiles on their faces, possibly hoping for leeway. However, such a notion is wasted upon the pure wrath of Iokia the deity of the Street. Her eyes glowing a flaming yellow, she bellows, “Tyrone, you best not be dogging! We do not like that which follows the path of canine shadowing”, because of course, a street goddess must speak of herself in the plural for due self importance. One of Tyrone’s lackeys by the name of Hank Smolder speaks up with admirable resolve. “Come on Iokia, cutim’ some slack yo! Tyrone don’t got nuff’ green cuz-”, but before he can finish his words, our beloved heroine annihilates him in an explosion of heat with the flick of an eye. “A fitting end for a man of the house of Smolder”, says She. “Yo girl, I pay you in two days! Gimme two days home girl! Two days! I’m GOOD for it!”, pleads Tyrone, pretending he did not just witness his house friend being completely removed from existence. You know, for personal sanity. “I will grant you a day and a half Tyrone. If you dare not pay your debt in a day and a half, you will meet a worse fate than your vassal Hank!”, thunders the almighty woman before vanishing in the same manner as she had come. Iokia, Goddess of the Street; she got rep. Word.