• Chapter 1:
    The Hint of Change

    It was an average morning in Wild Stone Village. Nickie had finished making pancakes for her girls who were both starting there day out each in there own speical way. Sam was drinking her orange juice while finishing up her unfinished homework. Dan was making sure she had the supplies for the prank she was pulling today.

    " Crazy Glue, yawn, tomato sauce....... poprocks.....hm" Dan look in her backpack, not finding what she was looking for started to panic. Where did I put it, Dan though jumping from her chair.
    "Where are they, where are my poprocks," Dan shouted.

    "Dan what's wrong with you," Sam asked looking at her sister like she had gone mad. Nickie looked at her child, who was searching the selves and the table for who knows what.
    "Katie sit down you crazy little girl," Nickie called to her child. She got no response, instead Dan move to the next self. Sam looked at her sister and growled under her breath, she hated when her sister got like this. Sam got up and grabbed her sister's ear.
    "Come on, Dan you need to finish your pancakes before we leave," Sam explained picking up her juice in her free hand. Sam took a quick sip and let her sister go to finish her unfinish work.
    "Sam you shouldn't act so adult all the time," Dan said taking a bite of her pancakes. Nickie smiled at Sam showing a thank you. Sam smiled back and got back to work.Dan lookd at her supplies and sigh. My poprocks, she thought sadly. She took another bite of her pancakes and dopped her fork. She growled stupid fork she thought to herself. She ducked down search the ground for her missing fork. She looked to her left an saw the fork, it had landed straight on a packet of poprocks.
    "My poprocks," Dan shouted bumping her head on the table. Nickie looked at her child, she walked over and put her hand on Dan's shoulder. Sam looked up from her work. Dan looked at her mom with a "not the talk" look.
    "Katie," she started. Dan growled in low voice. "Uh, Dan," she started again. Dan's growling died down. "Dan, you are such a smart child, you can do so much if you try, please be good today you never know when you could lose your great life here in Wild Stone," Nickie explained. Dan and Sam looked at there mother confused.
    "What are you talking about mom," they both asked. Nickie sighed. She got up and walked over to the staircase.Dan and Sam look at eachother, then back to there mother.
    "Just behave Kat... I mean Dan," Nickie said grabbing her purse. Sam finished her work and sipped her juice. Dan took the last bite of her pancakes, she looks at the supplies. '
    "Yea right,"she said throughing the poprocks into the bag. Sam got up and tugged on the hem of her black skirt.
    "Oh Dan your so childish," Sam looked at her watch then grabbed her bag. Dan looked at her sister who insistead she had to be the adult and this sister, sister relationship between them.
    "Mom we're ready," Sam called up the stair case. Dan got up and grabbed her bag. Oh Sam your such an....an.....an adult! Dan thought feeling betrade.
    Sam and Dan awaited there mother but she didn't come.
    "Mom," Dan called. Sam and Dan walked up the stairs slowly.Reaching the top Dan called out to her mother once again. "Mom," she called. No answer. Sam walk up to her mother's door she opened it slightly.
    "Mother," she called. Nickie was sitting on the bed spacing out. What How dare she make us worry like that, I thought somthing was wrong, Dan thought.
    Sam opened the door and walked up to her mother right in front of her face, followed by an angery Dan.
    "Mom," Sam and Dan called. Nickie jumped and blinked five times before she answer them.
    "What," she said surprised by the girls. Dan was about to shout, but Sam did it for her.
    "HOW DARE YOU MAKE US WORRIED ABOUT YOU LIKE THAT, WE THOUGHT YOU WERE HURT," Sam screamed. Dan looked at he sister, she had never screamed at their mother before. Dan had never felt so close to her siser than now.
    Sam cover her mouth suprised at her actions."I'm sorry mother," Sam said looking away.
    "Mom we're ready," Dan explained.
    "Right," Nickie got up with her purse and they went downstair to the car.
    It was silent on the way to school.Sam felt the silence slip around her neck and close in around her neck, choking her she couldn't breath.
    "Mother," Sam's voice pleaded. Dan looked at her sister and smiled.
    "Now who's childish Sam," Dan teased making Sam snap out of her struggle. Sam looked at her sister strangely.
    "What," Sam asked. Dan looked at her sister. Man she is out of it, Dan thought.
    Sam looked out the window up at the shy. The sky is so beautiful today, not like the day dad died, Sam thought.
    "Sam you ok," Dan whispered. Sam still looked out the window ignoring Dan completely. Dan was getting angry at her sister. How dare she ignore me, I was just trying to be nice and she does nothing but ignore me, Dan thought. Dan was about to scream.
    "Mabye, I don't know," Sam said. What's wrong with her Dan thought. It was raining that day.
    "Your so weird Sam," Dan said.
    "What's wrong with you,"Nickie asked speaking for the first time since there got in the car. It was storming, and he lost control of the car.
    Sam didn't answer.
    The car swirled into the river.
    The car stopped in front of the school. Dan looked at Sam waiting. Sam did nothing just sitting in her seat, looking at the sky in her own little world of wonders for her and olny her to know.
    He drowned trying to get out of the car.
    Dan stared at her.
    "Sam wake up we're here, we're at the school," Dan tried to snap her out of it.
    He never even said good bye.
    A tear rolled down her eye. Dan was shocked.
    "Sam," both Nickie and Dan screamed.
    "SAM," they called again. Sam looked over to them. They looked worried. Sam opened the door and jumped out with her bag.
    She stood up and was about to walk away. Dan got out.
    "I'm sorry," Sam said.
    Sam walked to the double doors.
    "Wait Sam,"