• As he started to walk down the snow covered streets of China, he looked from building to building watching for movement
    of any enemy's. The snow crunched beneath his feet, he started to feel something, something different.....
    He saw a slight glimpse of hair in the right corner of his eye. He kept walking, hoping that soon this enemy would try to attack. He held tight feeling the cold frozen hilt of his sword. The enemy then jumped from a high, Riouku tried to pull out his sword, it was stuck! He rolled on the ground, snow stuck in his hair. His enemy's sword hit the ground.
    He pulled a spike out of his armor and threw it into the enemy's arm. The enemy pulled out the spike but, was losing
    blood quickly. Riouku could see the red died snow. "You won't last much longer" he said as the enemy came closer to him.
    As his enemy was few seconds from his end he took his sword and swiped at Riouku,killing him. His enemy stood there,
    watching Riouku die. But the real enemy was Riouku.