• Her hero

    Author's note: This idea has been floating around in my head for a few days. I was debating to have it in Nami's POV , Sanji's POV, or third person. Third person won the debate.

    Summary: NamixSanji story. Takes place during chapter 423.

    Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or the incredibly hot Sanji-kun!


    She thought she was going to die. In fact, she was almost sure of it. Darkness creeped around the edges of Nami's vision as she tumbled foreword though the water. She looked at Usopp who was freaking out. Nami was used to the sharpshooter freaking out, but, this time, it scared her.

    Can't breathe! Nami screamed inside her head. Air! Nami closed her eyes in pain. Suddenly, she felt someone pull her hands away from her mouth. Then air was blown into her.The navigator saw Sanji. He was kissing her! That idiot! Nami struggled, but, even weakened from lack of oxygen, Sanji was still stronger. After a few seconds, the chef's body went limp.

    "Hang on! Don't die on me!" Kokoro yelled to the almost unconcsious crew as she towed them along. The old mermaid got to the surface and onto the ship. "Everyone alright?"

    "I thought I was gonna die!" Usopp panted.

    Zolo coughed, "That was close..."

    Chopper replied, "I can't move!" Nami was breathing heavily. She looked at the cook. Sanji's mouth was slightly open, but no breath was coming from him.

    "Sanji!" Chopper and Usopp exclaimed, now aware of Sanji's predicament.

    Zolo looked a bit worried. "What happenend to Blondie?"

    "He kissed me." Nami answered while doing CPR.

    Chopper sniffled. "Sanji can't..."

    "He'll be ok, Chopper." Usopp weakly smiled. Zolo nodded.

    "Yea, he will." Nami had switched to mouth-to-mouth.

    Sanji gasped and coughed up a fair amount of water. "Nami-swan, you okay?"

    "Sanji, why the hell did you do that, you dolt?!" Nami screamed at the blond.

    Sanji smiled, "To save you,"

    "You...are...so...stupid!" Nami started crying. Sanji hugged her.

    "I'll always be there to protect my Nami-swan." Sanji whispered in her ear.

    Nami felt safe in his arms. She always felt safe when her hero was holding her.


    Author's note: Like it? Please review!