• The lungs tend to burn when they do not receive their desired amount of oxygen just as the heart begins to ache when it's doing the right thing or at least when it does what it thinks is right. If people truly wished to do what was right in the world, why did it hurt them so much? Does it really have to be such a big sacrifice?

    That's what Khang Sheng wondered as the strange and yet welcome feeling of cold darkness slithered over his mortal skin turning it an inky black. Right now both his hear and his lungs were burning with want and desire. As the darkness seeped into his skin, drizzled into his mouth, and poured into his eyes it became harder and harder to breath regularly. He often coughed, during this time and his breath was heavy and his intake of air quickening. And his heart....Slowly and painfully he tilted his head to the side, staring into the eyes of his two beloved friends...only two of them...his own eyes began to well with black tears.

    So many lives had been taken in what should have been an easy battle. Perhaps if he hadn't had been so care less, or so calm and laid back, if he hadn't have given in so easily to the same darkness that was killing him now....perhaps then he could be safe at home staring into the lovely eyes of his fiancee instead of having to stare teary-eyed at her tombstone.

    He was a fool for the mistakes he had made, and now would be the only time he would get to redeem himself. He didn't deserve to continue on with his last two friends, at least not in this form. He would always watch over them, whether they believed he was or not. He would always guide them in their hearts at this point it was the only thing he could do for them. It was shameful being the oldest, and having nothing to show for it other than regret and misfortune. He couldn't go back to the world he once lived in, the world he once took for granted. He'd seen to many things, done to many things, heard to many thing....the type of knowledge he gained was nothing that could benefit anyone. So along with this world between world, he would vanish. He knew the story would be told for generations to come by his friends, he could only hope they would shed a little light on him. Let him die with dignity and pride in those stories, though they know the truth.

    His body had long gone numb by now, so it was now time. As quick as he could he got to his feet. "Don't come near me." Khang stated in a soft weak yet demanding voice as his friends were, as quickly as they could, trying to come to his aide.

    Taking a deep shaky breath Khang flashed the two one of his signature smiles. The one he gave when wanted them to know everything was going to be okay, as if he was going to be okay....as if he was leaving this place with them both. As he smiled he lifted his hand. His skin was completely discolored, it was a pure black now. The darkness was spreading and the only thing that still looked a little like Khang was his one shining green eye. The other had already been swallowed by darkness. With his eye, shining with pureness and innocence, he watched his friends be sucked into the black hole he created, with the power of darkness. The portal would take them home safely, and knowing that he could rest in peace.

    Once soul was truly gone when his tan skin was turned black, and his normally healthy hair was turned old and ragged. His bright green eyes died, and turned black. If his friends were going to be the light, then he would be the darkness that pushes them forward. Light would always triumph over darkness, but without darkness could there still be light? Maybe, but finding out was taking a risk no one was willing to take.

    "I wish we could basked in the light together." Khang wheezed out as he fell so the floor, slowly disappearing into the darkness. "Maybe in the next life."

    ------The darkness was sucked into itself, and disappeared. Of course it never died, but thanks to Khang it's a lighter shade of darkness, as where the two other were transported safely back in there world gray snow begins to fall from the sky.