• Aria stepped onto the sand as sunlight crept over the eastern horizon. A light breeze rustled her auburn hair and she pushed it behind her ear, whistling. Stealthily, she crept toward the beech wood shed behind her house, stepping over emerald grass. She gently wiggled the brass doorknob and entered the weapons shed. In front of her, on racks were all means of weaponry.
    Gun and ammo, sword and sheath
    Protect secrets that we keep
    Swiftly fighting, free your home
    Fierce and cunning pierce your foe
    Freed from the oppressors hand
    Setting free our father’s land’

    Aria sung under her breath as she examined her artillery. She fingered a silver revolver, small and compact. Her initials were carved skillfully into the barrel, A.L.B. and she fingered the indentation into the smooth, cold metal. She inserted the gun into the holster around her waist and sighed.
    She next reached for her sword, smiling faintly. Long and curved, the blade was perfect for her. Serrated to slice bone, yet the jagged edges were so fine they were all but invisible to the human eye. Golden jasmine laced the silver blade, yet the handle was clean, unchanged oak. Oakheart as she called it was soon sheathed and added to Aria’s belt.
    This was her final task, and her most difficult. Aria withdrew the letter to her family and reread it before pinning it to the wall with her dagger, a miniature copy of Oakheart.

    Dear Papa,
    I am leaving to join the Phoenisian army. Silverblade is coming with me and we plan to fight with the Royal Falconers. Even after the battle is won I will not return to be bound by matrimony. I will fight my hardest and send word as often as possible. I promise Oakheart will be bloodstained from the wolves, and Kairon will be avenged.
    Love, Aria

    A lone tear rolled down Aria’s cheek as she exited the shed and stepped onto the grass. The sun had begun to rise in earnest as she sprinted to Silverblade’s cage. Silverblade was a phoenix with the body of a peregrine and feathers of flame, named for her father’s sword. Silverblade cooed softly as Aria wiggled the lock on his cage until he was able to burst free and land on her wrist.
    “Go now little one, it’s time to fight. Fly overhead and stay in the clouds until we hit the river, okay?” Aria spoke gently to her companion, who was as much a friend as a battle partner and hunting companion. Silverblade simply nuzzled against Aria’s cheek, the warmth from his fiery feathers shooting through Aria’s skin, making her laugh. He then set off into the clouds.
    Startled, Aria heard sounds from the village. She gasped and started to run toward the shores, into the sunrise in a southeastern direction. She sprinted over the grass, knowing if she was caught she would have to fight her way out. Aria broke through the reeds at a run, into a marshy clearing. In the village behind her, she heard a man shout. Footsteps thundered behind her, and only one person stepped that heavily. Aria bolted over the hills away from her pursuer.
    She knew it was Bane, and ran all the faster for it. Bane was a suitor, and one of the many reasons she decided to flee Selia. Bane was incredibly angry and near intolerable. Many a times her father had nearly given Aria’s hand to the brutal young man, until last night when he caved, agreeing that Aria would marry Bane. She shivered from pure hatred. Bane was secretly in alliance with the silver wolves of the invading Caliban army. The wolves had killed Aria’s closest friend and only love, Kairon, during a battle. She had vowed to destroy them and all of their allies, including Bane, and swore she would die before wedding that monster.
    Immersed in her thoughts, Aria tripped, tumbling over the jagged rocks near the tumbling river. Behind her, the footsteps grew louder as Bane drew nearer. Struggling to her feet, Aria glanced around for the bridge across the river and swore loudly. The raging waters had annihilated the bridge, scattering planks across the riverbed. Hearing her curse, Bane lunged into the clearing and laughed arrogantly. His jet black hair rustled and his emerald eyes sparkled maliciously. He was tall, hulking and muscular with broad shoulders and defined ears.
    Aria whirled around to face her attacker and snarled, baring her teeth as she freed Oakheart from its sheath and whistled loudly, summoning Silverblade.
    “Come and fight, you scum of all scum. Face me as I stain the river with your blood and pierce whatever heart you posses.” Aria snarled her challenge as Bane barked with laughter.
    “Such fire, such fire, and it’s all mine. See Kairon had fire as well, but see where it got him.”
    “Hold your tongue or I’ll part you from it, filth!” Aria screamed as she swung her blade as his neck, blocked by his own sword. Steel clashed against silver as the battled. Aria whirled, chopping down as Bane blocked from below, and then thrust toward Aria’s stomach, causing her to jump back. She screamed in fury and sprung, appearing to be about to cut downward at his head. Bane blocked for the move, yet at the last minute, Aria pulled back and drew her pistol. Aria smiled as she aimed and pulled the trigger one-handed. She hit her mark and the bullet tore through skin and muscle and bone alike, exiting out of the tendon bridging his shoulder. Bane gasped for breath as he fell to his knees, dropping his blade. Aria grabbed her attacker’s sword and held it in one hand, Oakheart in the other, crossed over both of Bane’s shoulders. Smiling wickedly, she flicked her wrists, decapitating her fiancé.
    Right on time, Silverblade flew out of the clouds and circled Aria. She smiled and grabbed Silverblade’s feet as he lifted her over the river and away from the site of her first kill. Once she landed on the eastern shore of the river, she gazed back. The villagers had just discovered Bane’s body.
    “I won’t apologize, you know. He deserved so much worse,” she shouted over the water and took off, leaving her old life behind.