• I sit here thinking where did I go wrong. Why can’t someone just listen and help me solve my problems. But no I’m there for them. How much I would appreciate for someone to be there for me . To make me forget about my worries, mistakes, and hate all around me. But no ones here. I am here alone a unheard voice who screams trying to tell no one listens what I have to say. I am the person who looks at you with smile and acts likes there nothing wrong but makes you smile and forget. The to answer your question. But while you sit there do you dare to ask about me know. But then again why I should I blame them. The ones who can careless about me. I should blame myself for not trying just bottling up my feeling. But know its to late for that. I sit here wondering if I should take my life. Then I think of my name Hope. Of all things my parent had to name me hope. I have no hope . It’s gone vanished and disappeared.